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Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: June 1, 2023 10:17

.... OH!!! in that case open the flood gates

Haha, didn't this happen when this thread was opened.... The gates were dead and gone...

- Doxa

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Date: June 1, 2023 10:40

is there any reason to keep on recording songs that may not be up to the level that their heritage/musical patrimony deserves?

Have you heard the new songs? smiling smiley

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: June 1, 2023 11:00

They need to do a couple of things going forward, quit carrying on as if this one album is the end all and be all.
It’s not a secret what’s happening, Keith wants a more traditional album and Mick wants something more contemporary.

Just release two records six months a couple of showcase gigs near the end of the year to get some attention and release one for the holidays.
Then if all is well drop the next one and go on tour next year.
It seems they’re wound so tight they think they have to put out Let It Bleed part 2 or nothing.
Nobody gives a shit at this point,what is gonna happen? The Stones aren’t gonna be considered great anymore because of a couple records they put out when they were 80?
They need to relax, Willie Nelson isn’t agonizing over what to do next.he puts out a record and gets on the bus.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: powerage78 ()
Date: June 1, 2023 14:01

The Stones are a nostalgic act, their last album dating from 2005 and their last worldwide hit from 1981. A new album won't change that.

They know it and I'm not worried about them, no pressure on them.

cool smiley

I'm just a Bad Boy Boogie

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: June 1, 2023 16:20

Wasn’t impressed with Jaggers last snippet and it was bugging me because it sounded familiar and I couldn’t find it on the fully finished outtakes. Then I found a Prmitive Cool outtake DANGER UP AHEAD on YouTube. Hope not but it sounds like it

Yeah, DUA but also LW or just generally speaking Mick's material from that period with basic chord changes without Keith's "magic" (as seen when they're working on ME on 89).

@georgelicks - how can we know the album will drop in "5 months" when they still seem to be working on it? Unless they've committed to delivering it to UMG by date xyz and will just have to let it go. This all sounds very amateurish and doesn't point to "greatness".

Also good point about them apparently thinking they have to deliver LIB part 2? How is that going to happen when they've failed ever since even when they tried specifically, like for VL (at least Keith and Was).

There've been a couple of very promising snippets like that devilish groove from 4/5 years ago with Mick on harp in his living room or even "Pride" but the latest one is useless.

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: frankotero ()
Date: June 1, 2023 19:53

After watching that clip of Keith playing I feel thankful he shared it. Don't think it's anything more than something he wanted to share with us while we're waiting on The Stones. And it's quite good too in my opinion.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: big4 ()
Date: June 1, 2023 19:56

Wasn’t impressed with Jaggers last snippet and it was bugging me because it sounded familiar and I couldn’t find it on the fully finished outtakes. Then I found a Prmitive Cool outtake DANGER UP AHEAD on YouTube. Hope not but it sounds like it

Yeah, DUA but also LW or just generally speaking Mick's material from that period with basic chord changes without Keith's "magic" (as seen when they're working on ME on 89).

@georgelicks - how can we know the album will drop in "5 months" when they still seem to be working on it? Unless they've committed to delivering it to UMG by date xyz and will just have to let it go. This all sounds very amateurish and doesn't point to "greatness".

Also good point about them apparently thinking they have to deliver LIB part 2? How is that going to happen when they've failed ever since even when they tried specifically, like for VL (at least Keith and Was).

There've been a couple of very promising snippets like that devilish groove from 4/5 years ago with Mick on harp in his living room or even "Pride" but the latest one is useless.

Maybe they are demoing for the follow up!

Mick was playing along to what sounds like a finished track with Keith's guitar and as the clip cuts Keith's vox. Mel Belli picked up on that but few others for whatever reason.

There was supposed to be a tour and an album released to be promoted by the tour. Now there is no tour but you still have an album but no tour to promote it. What to do? You are looking at most likely is the last album by a legendary band. The last Rolling Stones studio album. Do you sit on it nearly a year till they most-likely tour in 2024? What if god forbid another tragedy strikes and there is no tour in 2024 or ever.

Now you have an over year old album with no tour to promote just like in 2023. So as a label you capitalize on the Q4 holiday market and target a release for then hoping people want a new Rolling Stones album under their Xmas tree.

Maybe Mick and Keith are working on the follow-up. They have seemingly recorded enough for multiple albums so they may not need many more tracks to complete that. Unlikely, yes but is the first year without a tour in over a decade so maybe, maybe they are choosing to work on material.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Bjorn ()
Date: June 1, 2023 20:23

Follow up? cool smiley

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: June 1, 2023 20:26

While there's certainly a precedent for Keith and Mick reaching a stalemate over which mix, which arrangement, which take, or even song selection; there really is only one article where the journalist presumably was speculating on Keith's reaction to Andrew Watt.

While a Keith/Andrew Watt clash is certainly plausible, there is no reason to think that the issue for the delay (this year) isn't simply Universal waiting for the holidays and/or the band waiting to schedule the release closer to a tour (if planned for 2024).

Keith's clip just looked to me like a guitar player picking up a vintage guitar he loved and playing the blues. I doubt he was playing anything other than standard Chicago blues riffs segueing into a bit of Jimmy Reed. In Mick's clip, he was playing along or miming to a track. He's not going to play a master just like the blues harp promo wouldn't let us hear his vocal clearly. The new album is likely locked. It's under wraps until the release and promotion machine is underway.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: June 1, 2023 20:45

Follow up? cool smiley

Might be time for a separate thread:

Long awaited follow up to the long awaited "new" album that hasn't even been finished yet.

These never ending threads providing years of discussion without any new Stones material whatsoever to actually discuss...just all BS and speculation.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Bjorn ()
Date: June 1, 2023 21:07

cool smiley

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Nikkei ()
Date: June 1, 2023 22:02

Rocky Dijon

Keith's clip just looked to me like a guitar player picking up a vintage guitar he loved and playing the blues. I doubt he was playing anything other than standard Chicago blues riffs segueing into a bit of Jimmy Reed. In Mick's clip, he was playing along or miming to a track. He's not going to play a master just like the blues harp promo wouldn't let us hear his vocal clearly. The new album is likely locked. It's under wraps until the release and promotion machine is underway.


I am still convinced that this clip is the closest we've come to hearing one of the new tunes. I'm also convinced most of the tracks will have Charlie on it, which is so obviously a main ingredient here that I've been eagerly listening to a 3 minute loop of this for the last two years already

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Bjorn ()
Date: June 1, 2023 22:43

Ok, Nik. cool smiley

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: June 2, 2023 01:09



I am still convinced that this clip is the closest we've come to hearing one of the new tunes. I'm also convinced most of the tracks will have Charlie on it, which is so obviously a main ingredient here that I've been eagerly listening to a 3 minute loop of this for the last two years already

That is (or is alleged to be) a track intended for the album. I meant the Lee Oskar promo when I said they edited the track to prevent us from hearing too much of the vocal.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: June 2, 2023 01:11


These never ending threads providing years of discussion without any new Stones material whatsoever to actually discuss...just all BS and speculation.

And hitting the wall.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: June 2, 2023 12:00

Rocky Dijon

Keith's clip just looked to me like a guitar player picking up a vintage guitar he loved and playing the blues. I doubt he was playing anything other than standard Chicago blues riffs segueing into a bit of Jimmy Reed. In Mick's clip, he was playing along or miming to a track. He's not going to play a master just like the blues harp promo wouldn't let us hear his vocal clearly. The new album is likely locked. It's under wraps until the release and promotion machine is underway.


I am still convinced that this clip is the closest we've come to hearing one of the new tunes. I'm also convinced most of the tracks will have Charlie on it, which is so obviously a main ingredient here that I've been eagerly listening to a 3 minute loop of this for the last two years already

Yes, that's the "devilish groove with Mick on harp" I was referring to. Too short to know for sure but it sounds good, inspired and "different" from most anything they've produced in a long long time...dare I say "great" ? In very sharp contrast with the latest snippet...

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-06-02 19:40 by gotdablouse.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: doitywoik ()
Date: June 2, 2023 16:20

Ok, well like someone wrote I suppose it's good to see Keith playing a guitar...clearly not a "dynamite riff" though but I'm not sure who believed that "story".

The killer riffs will be on the album smoking smiley

Yeah, only question is, how many times ... smoking smiley

We are assured of three killer riffs minimum as legend has it winking smiley

Yeah, you're right! One killer riff times three makes three killer riffs, hehe ...winking smiley

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: doitywoik ()
Date: June 2, 2023 16:30

Follow up? cool smiley

Of course! They are helping us to make this the never-ending thread! spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Bjorn ()
Date: June 2, 2023 17:09

In 1981 I was waiting for the follow up. Got Start Me Up! The only Up I am familiar with now is "giving". cool smiley

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: June 3, 2023 04:22

is there any reason to keep on recording songs that may not be up to the level that their heritage/musical patrimony deserves?

Hmm.. Could it be that the reason making this album has taken so long has been exactly that: to try to make music that is somehow in the level of "their heritage/patrimony deserves", or to put it in Mick's simple words, that of being "not just good, but great".

But, to play Devil's advocate here, it is entirely possible that no matter how much they try they never achieve that aim, to have a product that they think is artistically good enough for them to release. In that case, it is totally their own artistic decision we should respect. They don't own us anything. They can just say 'sorry guys, we tried but we failed. We couldn't come up with stuff that meets our standards. We know that for some of you Keith noodling blues scale or us just jamming for a half an hour is all you need, but that's not good enough for us. Surely you will here all this stuff someday in some archive releases and bootlegs, but it is not something we feel like we could stand behind right now'.

- Doxa

I think the word "context" is what's missing with what I highlighted, in regard to the new album in general. Saying titles to comparing the quality of LPs like EXILE and SOME GIRLS and TATTOO YOU and STICKY FINGERS is ridiculous.

What was it Mick said? Something like this new album has to be great, and didn't he nod back a few albums as a comparison as to why? I can't find anything. Of course, he says he never listens to Stones albums, just songs as songs. He can't remember ABC but he can remember %^&.

On one level I believe him but given his interest in music trends certainly he remembers what and when so sometimes maybe he feigns a lack of interest in the past on purpose to move away sooner than later about it.

If someone asked him, Will this new Stones album be better than A BIGGER BANG?

Oh of course it will.

He probably can't remember what's on ABB other than Back Of My Hand and Rain Fall Down.

That aside, the context has been stated simply - they want to make a great record. For BRIDGES Mick talked "different". For BANG they thought there were "really good things on it".

He could be alluding to that - and that it's (extremely likely) the last new Stones LP, at least as an active band (perhaps a bit of a strange way to use that since they haven't been "active" in regards to new LP releases since, oh, 4 months shy of 18 years ago, basically a generation), so there might be a bit more oomph behind what he says rather than "Of course this is better than..." and it being the last time.

I doubt their age has anything to do with whatever greatness could or can be achieved - because he's not going on about Keith playing guitar like Phil Collen or Billy Duffy, he's talking about the entire thing, which is based around their songwriting. Living In A Ghost Town, at least for me, proved that.

All one has to do is listen to the 4 Johnny Cash Rick Rubin produced albums to understand the idea of making the album(s) great.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: June 3, 2023 15:57

no one can make a "great record" because he/she/it wants to
it happens
how and why? billions of variables (one of them are the "antennas" be them the kind of Keith's or the kind of, let's say, Bowie's, Mick's antenna are very biased by what's already on the cusp, imo, and at 80 is hard to be great at that)
let's see what happens
no expectations
much love

ps: viva rick rubin, I'm going to spin license to ill now

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2023-06-03 17:46 by maumau.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: doitywoik ()
Date: June 4, 2023 03:07

Maybe no expectations, but hope.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: June 4, 2023 11:48

"Hoping", "hope", "hopefully" - very familiar expressions in this thread. Along with the "thumbs up" sign.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-06-04 11:54 by Topi.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Whale ()
Date: June 4, 2023 12:35

Follow up? cool smiley

Might be time for a separate thread:

Long awaited follow up to the long awaited "new" album that hasn't even been finished yet.

These never ending threads providing years of discussion without any new Stones material whatsoever to actually discuss...just all BS and speculation.

hey, we've been waiting for many years now
we gotta express ourselves to deal with the wait

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Nikkei ()
Date: June 4, 2023 13:51

Follow up? cool smiley

Might be time for a separate thread:

Long awaited follow up to the long awaited "new" album that hasn't even been finished yet.

These never ending threads providing years of discussion without any new Stones material whatsoever to actually discuss...just all BS and speculation.

There's discussion, BS and speculation but then there's also the type of post that says nothing but "it's been a long wait" in thousands of variations

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: WorriedAboutYou ()
Date: June 4, 2023 14:55

The time since A Bigger Bang was released is the same amount of time as between their debut album and Tattoo You.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-06-04 19:05 by WorriedAboutYou.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: June 4, 2023 16:21

Follow up? cool smiley

Might be time for a separate thread:

Long awaited follow up to the long awaited "new" album that hasn't even been finished yet.

These never ending threads providing years of discussion without any new Stones material whatsoever to actually discuss...just all BS and speculation.

There's discussion, BS and speculation but then there's also the type of post that says nothing but "it's been a long wait" in thousands of variations

There's also the posts that analyze all those points.

And the posts that point those analysis posts out!

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Nikkei ()
Date: June 4, 2023 16:28

Follow up? cool smiley

Might be time for a separate thread:

Long awaited follow up to the long awaited "new" album that hasn't even been finished yet.

These never ending threads providing years of discussion without any new Stones material whatsoever to actually discuss...just all BS and speculation.

There's discussion, BS and speculation but then there's also the type of post that says nothing but "it's been a long wait" in thousands of variations

There's also the posts that analyze all those points.

And the posts that point those analysis posts out!

All of those are obviously equally valid efforts to push the topic a page further and should be honoured as such

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: June 4, 2023 16:46

Yeah. How many pages "and counting" are we now?

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Testify ()
Date: June 4, 2023 17:03

Every time I see new messages I look because I imagine there's news, instead it's the usual useless post. That is the question !

This Thread has been closed

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