I don't think you can use the inclusion of the BIEM and NCB logos on Decca labels as dating evidence.
This one, by Screaming Lord Sutch issued in September 1963, has the NCB logo and the catalogue number is five digits after the one allocated to Poison Ivy (F 11747 - F 11742) [
This one, by ALO's protege, George Bean (featuring Keef on claves, fact fans!) was issued in October 1963, has both logos on the label and is only two digits different from "I Wanna Be Your Man" (F 11762 - F 11764) [
The earliest Decca single that I can find with both logos on the label is by Karl Denver and was issued in March, 1963: [
'Poison Ivy' on show poster is not strange. First, it was a live warhorse at the time, second it's on TRS EP scheduled for Christmas 1963.A "warhorse" maybe but hardly a hit parade tune!
"As we say in England, it can get a bit trainspottery"
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-19 17:40 by Deltics.