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Re: LIVE ALBUM TALK: Shine A Light
Posted by: GJV ()
Date: January 7, 2025 03:15

I never listened and watched anymore to the dvd I bought when it was released, because it realy was a let down, but the blu ray is excellent with great picture and sound.

I watched it the first of januari and it surprised me that I liked it that much after all those years I never wanted to visited it again.

It's a huge difference if you watch the dvd, or the blu ray. It realy is.
And you have to watch it on a big tv screan, that realy helps.smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2025-01-07 03:16 by GJV.

Re: LIVE ALBUM TALK: Shine A Light
Posted by: MadMax ()
Date: January 7, 2025 13:33

Mick Jagger (2008):
It's a film to watch in a movie house or on DVD. So it's got its own aesthetic.

So in other words, Mick is saying this is the same as any other film? lol. How else would you watch a movie? I get that you say whatever when you're trying to do promo, but that's one of the more hilarious things I've seen. If he had just said movie house I understand what he means, but when you throw in DVD its like "right, so its a movie you watch at home or a theater, like any other movie in history cause those are the two ways to watch films."

He obviously was aware of folks like me who still used VHS all the way up until around 2015 when my last piece of machinery broke down smileys with beer

Re: LIVE ALBUM TALK: Shine A Light
Posted by: MadMax ()
Date: January 16, 2025 11:40

Finally managed to sort out a bluray player and bought the bluray version of SAL for 3 bucks the same day. Very interesting to get the proper speed on a screen finally. Much more enjoyable overall than the semi tone higher version and more enjoyable than the new Shepherd's Bush film (that split screen destroys the whole experience me thinks)

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