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Re: OT : Brussels Attacks
Posted by: sdstonesguy ()
Date: March 27, 2016 20:59

BV - I am sorry to even post about this stuff on iorr...but I am not sorry for being a lonely voice against white supremacy. If nobody can even voice opposition to it, it will only grow stronger.

Re: OT : Brussels Attacks
Posted by: EddieByword ()
Date: March 27, 2016 21:20

Only attacks to Europeans/Americans matter to Europeans/Americans. It's not about life, it's about "people like me." Anyone here care about this attack? Anyone even know? Does it matter to you if Pakistani children are blown up, or only white people?


Think about why Brussels or Paris or NYC is so important to you and Islamabad is not. More dead & more injured...but nobody cares, including most of the media. My belief is b/c they are not white, and white people do not care about non-white people. Where are the Europeans here now telling people like me that we don't get it b/c we are not close to it? Where are those people who talk as if they want a genocide against Muslims following up with their anger about this attack? Don't tell me you care about care about white is clear from your lack of outrage about brown death. Face your own evil and stop projecting.

I don't think most ordainary people are as callous as you think (some are obviously) but you have a point about imbalance - but I think this more a crime of the press and TV............earlier this week, half an hour on the news about Brussels and then tagged on the end as an afterthought....."oh, by the way Islamic State blew up a football match in Iraq killing dozens and maining hundreds..................confused smiley

It was the same in the 1990's though (and probably always has been)......A Boeing 747 blew up over the sea just after leaving JFK in New the time those reports had finished I was qualified flight engineer..........and then at the end........"oh, and by the way......thousands of people got hacked to death with machetes in Rwanda this afternoon".........again,.....confused smiley

Re: OT : Brussels Attacks
Posted by: sdstonesguy ()
Date: March 27, 2016 21:34

I think you are 100% correct...and that is the terrifying. The "beauty" of modern White Supremacy is that you do not even have to know you are a White Supremacist to be one. You can just be angry about Brussels or NYC or Islam or whatever. You can vote for any number of 1st world politicians who will go out & kill millions of Muslims and wash your hands of responsibility.

Just look at this message board...the people who want something to be done...who are angry as heck about Brussels...and don't even take a moment to find out about the attack mentioned above (b/c...they really do not care...they only think they care). White people/Western powers want SOMETHING to be done (generally meaning endless murder of Muslim citizens). When Norway had the horrible attack by Anders Breivik, where were/are these people demanding something must be done to stop White Supremacy? They are not there...b/c they do not really care.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing people he did not exist. The greatest trick White Supremacy ever pulled was convincing people to hate OTHERS, without admitting they are White Supremacists. What will the foreign policy difference be between a Trump/Cruz/Clinton/Sanders Presidency? None...they will all kill as many Muslims as they can in the name of freedom.

We are inches from WWIII...look how many just on this board want it. Western powers (which support the supremacy of white people & culture) are salivating for another genocidal war...and just watch how many people will go along for the ride. The only difference between most liberals & most conservatives is that the liberals will say they want genocide b/c they are scared of being attacked and the conservatives will say they want genocide b/c they are scared THOSE PEOPLE will take their jobs.

Funny how the Western world is in such a twist about wasn't so long ago there were so many European refugees. You are right...people aren't always callous...sometimes they just allow themselves to be duped. Either way, they just do not care about non-white genocide.

Remember the sanctions B. Clinton put on Iraq? That killed about a million people...without a shot fired. How many did the sanctions on Iran kill? We know the latest war on the Mideast has killed about another million...but we weep for the 31 in Brussels. THAT is what I mean about White isn't white hoods and swastikas's cancer.

Re: OT : Brussels Attacks
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: March 27, 2016 21:40

Rest in peace to all those who sadly passed as a result of this ungodly, horrific act. However, let us not pretend that many - not all - of those in the west would be so caring and thoughtful to the many innocents who have, and continue to, perish in the middle-east and continent of Africa. Just because such attacks are not on your 'doorstep', doesn't mean they matter any less. Every innocent matters.

Re: OT : Brussels Attacks
Posted by: sdstonesguy ()
Date: March 27, 2016 21:58

A lunatic here in the U.S. (republican talking head disguised as a journalist) made the most obvious statement 2 days ago.

Islam does not create terrorists. Disillusionment and the fear of genocide does.

When a French/British/United States bomb kills your wife and children, it is not insane to want to fight those responsible. When drones blow up your village and those of your friends, it is not insane to decide you are not going to sit tight and wait for one to kill you.

Remember when we were all afraid of Al-Qaeda? Boko Haram? So now it is IS. Tomorrow we will forget who they are and instead fear XXXX. There was a book written once called A Nation of Sheep. You better believe it...but that does not absolve just makes us all Pontius Pilate.

Re: OT : Brussels Attacks
Posted by: EddieByword ()
Date: March 27, 2016 22:50


You are right...people aren't always callous...sometimes they just allow themselves to be duped. Either way, they just do not care about non-white genocide.

I do sympathise with your frustration but some of the things you're saying are just not right............a lot of westerners are simply impotent....for example....

Wikipedia....... On February 15, 2003, there was a coordinated day of protests across the world in which people in more than 600 cities expressed opposition to the imminent Iraq War. It was part of a series of protests and political events that had begun in 2002 and continued as the war took place.
Social movement researchers have described the 15 February protest as "the largest protest event in human history".

Sources vary in their estimations of the number of participants involved. According to BBC News, between six and eleven million people took part in protests in up to sixty countries over the weekend of February 15 and 16; other estimates range from eight million to thirty million.

Some of the largest protests took place in Europe. The protest in Rome involved around three million people, and is listed in the 2004 Guinness Book of World Records as the largest anti-war rally in history. Madrid hosted the second largest rally with more than 1.5 million people protesting the invasion of Iraq; Mainland China was the only major region not to see any protests on that day, but small demonstrations, attended mainly by foreign students, were seen later..........

But our "esteemed" politicians did it anyway................

I don't want to say anymore about this becasue this forum has rules against this type of chat.......

Suffice to say I believe that all the religious stuff, political stuff, racial stuff is all froth............

The bottom line for me is this.

Example: One man with a million $ yacht + one man who dies of malaria for the sake of a one $ mosquito net = unrest.
Unrest = aggitation = mental instability = violence.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2016-03-27 22:53 by EddieByword.

Re: OT : Brussels Attacks
Posted by: bv ()
Date: March 27, 2016 22:58

This thread was supposed to be in memory of those who suffered a terror attack. However, it has been abused by individuals to express personal political opinions. If this was easy then there would have been peace on earth long time ago. Please DO RESPECT the NO POLITICAL POSTS policy on IORR.


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