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Only attacks to Europeans/Americans matter to Europeans/Americans. It's not about life, it's about "people like me." Anyone here care about this attack? Anyone even know? Does it matter to you if Pakistani children are blown up, or only white people?
Think about why Brussels or Paris or NYC is so important to you and Islamabad is not. More dead & more injured...but nobody cares, including most of the media. My belief is b/c they are not white, and white people do not care about non-white people. Where are the Europeans here now telling people like me that we don't get it b/c we are not close to it? Where are those people who talk as if they want a genocide against Muslims following up with their anger about this attack? Don't tell me you care about care about white is clear from your lack of outrage about brown death. Face your own evil and stop projecting.
You are right...people aren't always callous...sometimes they just allow themselves to be duped. Either way, they just do not care about non-white genocide.