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Tours w/out Bobby
Posted by: schwonek ()
Date: March 18, 2016 03:02


I wonder why the Stones decided not to tour with Bobby in certain years. For example Bobby didnt go in 75/76 and 78. So after 73 the 81 tour was the first tour with him back on stage. He played saxophone on their records and heavily toured with them.

Re: Tours w/out Bobby
Posted by: erad ()
Date: March 18, 2016 03:18

Mick was sick of his antics during tours (the legendary bath tub of champagne etc) from what I've read.

Re: Tours w/out Bobby
Posted by: Pecman ()
Date: March 18, 2016 05:17

Bobby plays on the LA forum shows in 1975...

Did they just invite him for those shows because they knew they were filming them for a possible DVD release in 2014/2015? (Lol!)


Re: Tours w/out Bobby
Posted by: Mathijs ()
Date: March 18, 2016 10:56

He did play in 75 and 78, only tour he realy missed was 1976. It was a combination of his substance abuse and touring obligations.


Re: Tours w/out Bobby
Posted by: Doc ()
Date: March 18, 2016 12:12

He did play in 75 and 78, only tour he realy missed was 1976. It was a combination of his substance abuse and touring obligations.


As far as I know Bobby Keys only guested in LA in 1975 but was not part of the touring band. Same in 1978 : only a couple of guest spots

Re: Tours w/out Bobby
Date: March 18, 2016 12:36

He only did selected shows in 1981 as well. He wasn't fully hired again (after leaving the 1973 tour) until the 1982 euro tour.

Re: Tours w/out Bobby
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: March 18, 2016 13:01

Mick was sick of his antics during tours (the legendary bath tub of champagne etc) from what I've read.

H was the main culprit imo. By the Law of Jagger if you're not functional onstage you're out of the tour.

By the Law of Richards (aka "who the f&ck is Mick Jagger?") Bobby's a bro and a friend of the band so ha can come back anytime. My guess is Keiht sneaked him onstage for a few numbers every time (75 78 81) the band hit Coalfornia just to piss Mick off a bit...

I guess by 82 Keys had cleaned up his act enough to be allowed to do the whole tour.

Re: Tours w/out Bobby
Posted by: Mathijs ()
Date: March 18, 2016 13:58

He did play in 75 and 78, only tour he realy missed was 1976. It was a combination of his substance abuse and touring obligations.


As far as I know Bobby Keys only guested in LA in 1975 but was not part of the touring band. Same in 1978 : only a couple of guest spots

He only did the last 3 LA shows in 75, and the Anaheim and Oakland shows in 1978.


Re: Tours w/out Bobby
Posted by: Mathijs ()
Date: March 18, 2016 13:59

He only did selected shows in 1981 as well. He wasn't fully hired again (after leaving the 1973 tour) until the 1982 euro tour.

No, he was on board from LA, October 9 until the end of the tour, playing on Let it Bleed, Tumbling Dice, Honky Tonk and Brown Sugar.


Re: Tours w/out Bobby
Date: March 19, 2016 02:08

He only did selected shows in 1981 as well. He wasn't fully hired again (after leaving the 1973 tour) until the 1982 euro tour.

No, he was on board from LA, October 9 until the end of the tour, playing on Let it Bleed, Tumbling Dice, Honky Tonk and Brown Sugar.


I know, but he didn't do a full tour before Europe the year after, where he played on more songs.

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