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Great song. Never grew tired of it. It's very slick, but those bridges are ethereal. One of Mick's best vocals
Rolling Stones Mobile Recording Unit, De Doelen, Rotterdam, Netherlands, January 22 - February 9, 1975
This here version is published as stemming from the 1972-GHS sessions. If that information
is correct, would it mean Mick's first falsetto on record (not counting Dear Doctor)?
video: []
Tops 1972
Silver Dagger
Glad they saved this song for Tattoo You because it wouldn't have fitted in with Goat's Head Soup.
Here though, it's lush, featherbedding tones are perfect for that dreamy second side (on vinyl) of Tattoo You. I can't think of another Stones album that didn't have a rocker on one side so in that way TY is unique.
It's the sound of the Stones at their most seductive, from the laid back boogie of Worried About You to the trippy centrepiece of Heaven before the beautiful sentiment of Waiting On A Friend.
Yup, side 2 of Tattoo You, is one of the greatest sequenced set of songs the Stones ever put together. Twenty two minutes of sonic perfection.
Big Al
A wonderful recording on, in my opinion, one of the Stones' greatest LP's Jagger's vocals on Tops are full of character. It's a track that would work well in a live-setting. Was it not attempted a couple of times during the 1981-82 tour?