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Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: June 10, 2015 15:46

I see from the review in the Atlanta paper that Keith now has a variation on his stock phrase "good to be here"..

-" Its good to see you guys!' its good to see anybody!" is the new iteration..

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: June 10, 2015 15:57


As for the setlist after HTW, they need to mix it up.

You're forgetting one thing. They are the Rolling Stones, they don't need to do anything.

You're right. Need is the wrong choice of word. No band needs to play anything they don't want to play.

Should, is a better choice of word.

They shouldn't do anything either smoking smiley

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: June 10, 2015 16:05

duke richardson
I see from the review in the Atlanta paper that Keith now has a variation on his stock phrase "good to be here"..

-" Its good to see you guys!' its good to see anybody!" is the new iteration..

This phrase can be viewed from many different angles. Is it a funny joke, a subtle witticism, a former junkie's view of the world or simply a concieved insult? That is the question..

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: June 10, 2015 16:11

duke richardson
I see from the review in the Atlanta paper that Keith now has a variation on his stock phrase "good to be here"..

-" Its good to see you guys!' its good to see anybody!" is the new iteration..

This phrase can be viewed from many different angles. Is it a funny joke, a subtle witticism, a former junkie's view of the world or simply a concieved insult? That is the question..

I think its b - a sittle wutticism

smoking smiley

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: nankerphlege ()
Date: June 10, 2015 16:11

I hope someone recorded this show and posts soon.

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Mongoose ()
Date: June 10, 2015 16:11

Got back home from the show around 1:00 am, crawled into bed around 1:30, and I'm here with my cup of coffee, ready to post some thoughts about last night's amazing show!

First of all, I did, indeed, stand out in front of the Varsity with my small "IORR.ORG" sign, and was promptly told by Atlanta Police to move along, "you can't stand here." Wow. 60 years old, and hassled by the Police at a Stones concert! (not really, he was actually very nice about it). Still, it was almost like the old days! Glad I decided against trying to put together a musician jam session out there, because it would have been very short lived.

So, I walked a block away, over the bridge, and hung around there (with my sign) for about 30 minutes or so. I had at least nine IORR posters stop by and introduce themselves, nice folks and very pleasant conversation, so it was a good start to a great evening.

The big moment for me in the show was the threesome of Can You Hear Me Knocking (FINALLY, I got to HEAR that one LIVE!), You Got to Move, and Some Girls. Blew me away, just one of those great concert moments where you are dancing and singing and smiling and having a fabulous time.

I was in the upper deck, and was surrounded by many folks that were "first timers," and everyone left the show very impressed. In fact, there were so many people that I met last night, on MARTA, everywhere, that were seeing their very first Stones concert. With that in mind, it is easy to understand why we get the warhorses every night. We die hards love the deep cuts, but, with this group last night, a performance of Parachute Woman or Loving Cup would have produced a lot of shrugs and quizzical looks.

Last night, though, was a great evening for everyone, regardless of your favorite Stones tunes. I hated to miss Moonlight Mile, but hearing CYHMK more than made up for it.

Ronnie was hot as a firecracker. Keith was a little shaky on Happy, but seemed to be genuinely enjoying himself. Charlie was solid as a rock (teenage girls sitting next to me: "Boy, he REALLY looks old!" ), and what can you say about Mick......still the best front man in all of rock and roll.

All in all, of the 10 Stones shows I have attended, I put this one in the top 5, and that is more than remarkable considering these concerts have covered a span of 40 years.

Now, guys, before we open up the vaults, how about ONE more studio album?

cool smiley

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: June 10, 2015 16:12


As for the setlist after HTW, they need to mix it up.

You're forgetting one thing. They are the Rolling Stones, they don't need to do anything.

You're right. Need is the wrong choice of word. No band needs to play anything they don't want to play.

Should, is a better choice of word.

They shouldn't do anything either smoking smiley

You're the perfect punter then, Koen. You don't dispute anything unless you have to.

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Kurt ()
Date: June 10, 2015 16:15

just got home... holy @#$%& shit.

that's it, that's my review.

THAT is the ONLY review that I need to read!

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: June 10, 2015 16:29

duke richardson
duke richardson
I see from the review in the Atlanta paper that Keith now has a variation on his stock phrase "good to be here"..

-" Its good to see you guys!' its good to see anybody!" is the new iteration..

This phrase can be viewed from many different angles. Is it a funny joke, a subtle witticism, a former junkie's view of the world or simply a concieved insult? That is the question..

I think its b - a sittle wutticism

smoking smiley

I'll go for a combination of a and d. A joke so stale it could be concieved as an insult...

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: June 10, 2015 16:33

duke richardson
duke richardson
I see from the review in the Atlanta paper that Keith now has a variation on his stock phrase "good to be here"..

-" Its good to see you guys!' its good to see anybody!" is the new iteration..

This phrase can be viewed from many different angles. Is it a funny joke, a subtle witticism, a former junkie's view of the world or simply a concieved insult? That is the question..

I think its b - a sittle wutticism

smoking smiley

I'll go for a combination of a and d. A joke so stale it could be concieved as an insult...

well at least he's talking..

that could be the subject of a new thread- when did Keith begin to talk on stage?

Altamont not included...

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: chatoyancy ()
Date: June 10, 2015 16:39

"It's good to see you guys" was for a few special friends who showed up. Keith's old writing partner Gram Parsons was from Georgia, his friends
still come to see the Stones.

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: June 10, 2015 16:47

I hope someone recorded this show and posts soon.

It was
It will be

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: June 10, 2015 16:48

"It's good to see you guys" was for a few special friends who showed up. Keith's old writing partner Gram Parsons was from Georgia, his friends
still come to see the Stones.

was Stanley Booth there? GP was also from Florida or his family was.

id like to read what Booth thought of the show, if he was indeed there...

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Turner68 ()
Date: June 10, 2015 16:49

duke richardson
duke richardson
duke richardson
I see from the review in the Atlanta paper that Keith now has a variation on his stock phrase "good to be here"..

-" Its good to see you guys!' its good to see anybody!" is the new iteration..

This phrase can be viewed from many different angles. Is it a funny joke, a subtle witticism, a former junkie's view of the world or simply a concieved insult? That is the question..

I think its b - a sittle wutticism

smoking smiley

I'll go for a combination of a and d. A joke so stale it could be concieved as an insult...

well at least he's talking..

that could be the subject of a new thread- when did Keith begin to talk on stage?

Altamont not included...

I'm guessing steel wheels

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Turner68 ()
Date: June 10, 2015 16:56

duke richardson
"It's good to see you guys" was for a few special friends who showed up. Keith's old writing partner Gram Parsons was from Georgia, his friends
still come to see the Stones.

was Stanley Booth there? GP was also from Florida or his family was.

id like to read what Booth thought of the show, if he was indeed there...

He sure wrote great books about them.
I have to think he'd be appalled at the commercialism and amazed at the energy and enduring competence.

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: June 10, 2015 17:01

duke richardson
"It's good to see you guys" was for a few special friends who showed up. Keith's old writing partner Gram Parsons was from Georgia, his friends
still come to see the Stones.

was Stanley Booth there? GP was also from Florida or his family was.

id like to read what Booth thought of the show, if he was indeed there...

He sure wrote great books about them.
I have to think he'd be appalled at the commercialism and amazed at the energy and enduring competence.

hi, Mr. Booth!

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: June 10, 2015 17:13

I'm a rambling wreck from Georgia Tech, and a hellava engineer....

Consulting with Buzz about penalties for unmusicianlike conduct!....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-06-10 17:15 by latebloomer.

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: thatbird ()
Date: June 10, 2015 17:14

funny how IORR got missed by people who are on IORR...confused smiley

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Steven ()
Date: June 10, 2015 17:17

A few really good photos here:


Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: June 10, 2015 17:22

Doom and Gloom wrote:
That's tough for me, I don't have the ticket grabbing technique others here have. I'm afraid I'll be spending my night in a Toronto strip club instead fantasizing over a women that resembles Mick Taylor.

Do you mean Mick Taylor or Mick Jagger? Just curious because I can maybe help your fantasies by posting some especially sexy Mick Jagger images..but I don't have much on Taylor.

Here's one.. cool smiley

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: tonyc ()
Date: June 10, 2015 17:28

I forgot to mention Travis Tritt was in front of me in line at Will Call as I was trying to find the right place to pick up my Lucky Dip Tickets. Unless he had a group waiting for him inside, he was only there with his bodyguard. Very nice agreeing to take pictures to anyone that asked him.

I ended up high in Section 225. But, it was on the side of the stadium with only two decks instead of three. And it was in between the main stage and the runway. I was satisfied overall as I think I was a lot closer there than a comparable seat in Nashville would be.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-06-10 17:36 by tonyc.

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: jahisnotdead ()
Date: June 10, 2015 17:31

Here's my review I just emailed to BV:

There's an old fairy tale that goes "Once upon a time, the devil came to the Rolling Stones. The Rolling Stones said 'We wanna rock until we're a hundred!' And, poof, Brian Jones was no more."

Okay, so there really isn't a fairy tale that goes like that, but there should be, and might as well be. How else can you explain not only their longevity, but their almost supernatural energy? I'm a longtime Stones lover, but I tend to be hypercritical about most things entertainment. I keep expecting (dreading) the day when I think the Stones have lost a step. Judging by the performance in Atlanta last night, that day has not yet arrived.

For me personally, if this was the proverbial "last time", it was a great way to end my Stones concert going experiences. I first saw them at Bobby Dodd stadium back in 1989. Also, during the last Atlanta performance for "A Bigger Bang", I was right in the middle of getting fired from my job. So that whole concert wasn't a lot of fun for me because of this dark pall hanging over my life at that time. So, this concert was a much, much better way to go out than the previous one. I'm very grateful for that.

What about the show? It was great. Amazing. I was in the very highest row way over on Keith's side, and this is an old open air sports stadium, so the sound was not the greatest. The high and mids were distant and echoey, but okay. The bass really reverbs badly, and one could hear a marked difference in sound quality from row 1 of the upper level compared with row 26. I say this to let you know I wasn't in the greatest place to judge the musicianship.

I thought the ends of "It's Only Rock And Roll" and "Happy" seemed to get a little confused and muddy. I'm personally tired of "Tumbling Dice", but it's a great song and the crowd seemed to enjoy it. "Jumping Jack Flash" and "Brown Sugar" were lively and short, and didn't get caught up in a droning groove as they sometimes can when they're played for too long.

"Miss You" is a song that most hardcore fans have tired of, but I can still enjoy it. I was surprised at a small section when the song pulls to a complete stop. That was an unfamiliar little bit for me, and I wonder if it's new for this tour or whether it just happened organically. Either way, Darryl Jones' bass solo was one of the musical highlights of the show. "Satisfaction" was excellent. Nothing really interesting or different in the arrangement, but it's amazing that they can play this song that they must have played at least ten thousand times before, and still rock it so well. They were like a musical tornado.

Of course, the amazing three song set of "Can't You Hear Me Knocking", "You Gotta Move" and "Some Girls" was the kind of thing that sends die-hard fans into a frenzy of excitement. I recorded "CYHMK" on my phone, which prevented me from dancing as much as I wanted to. Too much concentration was required to do the filming, so I didn't feel like I really was able to revel in the moment. But the song was sublime as it rolled up and down like the beautiful ocean it is.

"You Gotta Move" was astounding. We were so lucky to hear that. I think it went over well with the crowd; Mick even made a little attempt at a sing along near the end. Honestly, I was enjoying hearing the song so much that the crowd could have been booing, and I would hardly have noticed them. The song also felt incredibly short, like less than a minute. It started, and then it was over. When songs fly by that quickly, you know they're good. The only thing wrong with "You Gotta Move" was that I wanted MORE MORE MORE.

"Some Girls"... wow! I never expected to ever hear that in concert. Again, I'm not sure how the crowd took it, because I was too busy being on cloud nine and dancing. I really tried to be present and thoroughly enjoyed every note. I thought it was a great performance, the Stones grinding out that nasty groove.

The band runs like clockwork, like a very well oiled machine. Other than the apparent misfires during "IORR" and "Happy", everything else seemed very smooth, with no other hiccups that I could detect. Horns and keyboards seemed to be restrained in the mix, which was a relief. I love Chuck's keyboards and the horn section, but I think it's a better show when they don't dominate the sound.

Charlie Watts, so highly regarded but in my opinion still extraordinarily underrated. When you have a drummer that is so skilled and talented, yet still able to listen and follow instead of leading the whole rhythm as if he's on his own little island, it's something pretty special. How he can still keep such an amazing beat for an entire show with no breaks is pretty astounding.

Ron Wood was completely on. Again, just a huge talent. And still underrated and, frankly, underused. He should be allowed to contribute more to Stones singing and songwriting, in my opinion. There's a reason he's in the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame twice. His guitar continues to mesh so well with Keith that it's often hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. It's guitar magic.

Keith Richards, singing strong, moving about with confidence, and smiling with shining light in his eyes. I'm not sure who was to blame for the confusion during "Happy", but it didn't seem to be a reflection of Keith's current musical ability. He nailed everything else from what I could hear. Lots of energetic, sympathetic guitar playing by the man.

And Mick Jagger. What can be said about him that hasn't been written a thousand times over? I am about 25 years younger than Mick, and if I had sung and danced the way he did during "Midnight Rambler" alone, I would have been requesting paramedics at the end of the tune. I definitely would have had to go offstage and take a nap. I hear that some people on the IORR forum are wondering if the Stones now have more energy than a majority of their audiences today. It very well could be true, but I think even a stadium of crossfit junkies would get worn out trying to keep pace with Mick.

Seriously, back in 2012 I watched Mick's performance at the White House event to honor blues music. He seemed winded after a few songs on a tiny stage, and even called out the audience for blocking his teleprompter during "Miss You", a song I thought he could probably do in his sleep by now. Watching that show, I had a cold, creepy feeling of doom and gloom. It sure looked like Mick had gone over the hill and was finally showing signs of his age. To think I would see him three years later, singing, dancing, and running for a two hour show and not show any visible signs of exhaustion is pretty astounding.

The Stones do a professional show, but it's far from soulless. You'd think that after all these years, some aspect of the show would have that "going though the motions" feel, as if they were doing it out of obligation. But somehow they make the music seem vital instead of rote. There's so much focus and energy, you have to get the feeling that they are doing it out of genuine love. They love to rock and roll, and they love to rock together. And they feed off the crowd's energy and really make a connection with the audience. They still somehow manage to deliver the goods.

Long live the Rolling Stones!

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Nikkei ()
Date: June 10, 2015 17:34

So I heard they got to move last night. Youtube link or it didn't happen cool smiley

[] []

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Rokyfan ()
Date: June 10, 2015 17:35

Doom and Gloom wrote:
That's tough for me, I don't have the ticket grabbing technique others here have. I'm afraid I'll be spending my night in a Toronto strip club instead fantasizing over a women that resembles Mick Taylor.

Do you mean Mick Taylor or Mick Jagger? Just curious because I can maybe help your fantasies by posting some especially sexy Mick Jagger images..but I don't have much on Taylor.

Here's one.. cool smiley

I think his point was that the ladies at the TO club remind him of MT today.

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: June 10, 2015 17:37

with sssoul
Green Lady

Beautiful! Green Lady, do you know (or can you ask) who took that, please and thank you kindly?

Tweeted by someone called Michael Hubert (@Hubie_12). No other credits given, so I guess it must be his.

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: jahisnotdead ()
Date: June 10, 2015 17:58

Here is about a minute of You Gotta Move from last night. My phone ran out of memory, so I didn't get the full song. Very sorry about that!

Rolling Stones Live In Atlanta GA 2015 - You Gotta Move (Excerpts)

In the cut off intro, Mick is saying "We went to visit Stone Mountain the other day. I think somebody should build a Rolling Stones Mountain next door!"

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Nikkei ()
Date: June 10, 2015 18:00

Jahisnotdead you're the man! Thanks so much

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: June 10, 2015 18:14

So I heard they got to move last night. Youtube link or it didn't happen cool smiley

You may want to try and see some of the temporary feeds from periscope... I think they last for 24 hours

The bruise on my chin from when my jaw hit the floor while listening on periscope is all the proof I need. Had barely managed to get the icepack in place when it fell again at the start of Some Girls.

It was a good night for me to finally have the opportunity to use periscope for the first time!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-06-10 18:15 by mr_dja.

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: Nikkei ()
Date: June 10, 2015 18:18

They might last for hours if you use the app, but I'm in front of a regular browser.
I was led to believe there's a proper recording on the way, let's hope that turned out good.

Re: Atlanta GA USA 9-June-2015 Rolling Stones live show updates
Posted by: jahisnotdead ()
Date: June 10, 2015 18:26

And here is my recording of CYHMK. There is an ugly gap about 2:15 in, and the sound was lousy up in my mosebleeds, but the instrumental jam sounds a tiny bit better.

The sound quality reminds me of the days going to the record trader and buying 4th generation bootleg cassettes! tongue sticking out smiley WHadda you want for nothin'? Rrrrrrrrrubbbber biscuit?

Rolling Stones - Atlanta 6/9/15 - Can't You Hear Me Knocking

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