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little queenie
Just got a single in Floor section B, row 3 for $369....shouldn't this be some sort of precious stone package (ruby, emerald, etc?)
little queenie
Just got a single in Floor section B, row 3 for $369....shouldn't this be some sort of precious stone package (ruby, emerald, etc?)
Awesome seat, great price. Gotta Love it. Whoo Hoo!
I was able to get Lucky Dip tickets the day they went on-sale. I see they are selling different parking passes on ticketmaster - is this necessary or will I be OK to pay at the gate? How long of a walk from the outer lots?
I just bought a singlet ticket for Kansas City. Section C, Row 22, Seat 7. Total price with tax & TM fee= $373.60. So I'll not be super close to the main stage but I'll be the 7th seat from the runway. Shen said there's 40 rows in Sec C so I'll be about midway back from the first row.
A few weeks ago I cancelled my San Diego Start Me Up because my sister was suddenly having medical problems....wasn't sure I could go anywhere but I think I can now. I hadn't even been checking Kansas City for tickets until last night. Looks like there are still some good floor seats, at least for singles. I'll be flying in from Vegas.
At least a few minutes ago there was a single seat in same Sec/Row as me-Sec C, Row 22, Seat 12 for same price.
There was also Sec E, ROW 2, Seat 21 (out of 35 seats she told me)-I don't know the price for that one. So, at least for single seats there's some good Floor seats still in Kansas.
Ticket Sales in Kansas City must be terrible.
Great seats in all sections and price ranges.
Keep an eye out for Lucky Dips for here.
How many seats across in Section C??
Thanks Leonoid.
I am so pathetically a ROOKIE with all this--I wouldn't have been able to do "jack sh*t" without people like you on this forum. I didn't think I'd see a runway section with a seat anywhere.
Leonoid, have you got ticket(s) yet? Are they in Kansas? I guess if you're looking for parking you must be going to Kansas-good luck with parking. How far away do you live from Kansas? Are you driving in from another city/state?
If so, I'd love to meet you & anyone else that'll be in Kansas in the few hours before the show. In fact, I will wait until I see if/where anyone wants to meet up before the show before I choose a hotel/motel. I'm flying in & won't rent a car.
At least I like that with KS I have 4 extra weeks to figure out the logistics than I would/or will if I still want to try to do SOMETHING?? in San Diego.
So with Seat #7 from the runway-- hopefully the runway will be utilized by Mick/Keith. I can't believe there's only going to be 6 human bodies between me & the runway guard rail... between me & you-know-who-that fella with the great smile (Leonoid, I finally learned how to post pics on this web site a few days ago (see Don Was Interview, the very last post)-I still plan on posting those smiling Mick pics like we talked about under thread "In Praise of Mick Jagger".)
Another logistic to figure out--Now...what could one do with those 6 other bodies that will stand in between me and......
Thanks for listening.
Carolyn G
"As far as the 6 people, I am sure with your beauty and charms your seat mates will allow you move around as much as you desire... and really 22nd is pretty dang close to the stage... YOU DID GREAT!!!!
SHOW TIP- Once upon a time when we had similar seats and I used to go to a lot of shows with a girlfriend/concertpartner, who was very charming (when she wanted to be) and at shows we had an understanding that if she had a chance and an easy path, she would charm her way up to the front rows, and that was fine by me... and quite often she was able to charm her up very close to the stage, and if/when it did not work, I was holding down the fort where our seats were... and I'll tell ya... just seeing her delighted, wild-fire, front row eyes glowing, seeing how happy she was when she came back from up there made it awesome for me... and the times she came back and pressed newly obtained guitars picks into my hand as a gift to me made it even better... "Open 24 hours a day"... She was awesome."
Hey Leoniod, hope you see this! (Not sure how to call your attention to it)
Have read a lot of your advice on the site and appreciate it as well... Regarding what you said above I'm feeling pretty good about Pittsburgh now. Got seats in row 20 next to catwalk (about 6 seats in) at face value! ... As I mentioned elsewhere I haven't seen the Stones from very close and would like to treat myself this summer, so wondered if you thought my Pittsburgh seats will take care of that "bucket list" item or if I really should shell out for first couple rows at another show?
I like your girlfriend story as well. I feel same way, bringing mine to Pittsburgh show and it would make me extremely happy to see her work her way up front while I guarded our seats. Nothing better than seeing her excited
I have lucky dips for this show but no idea of the area/ city - will be flying in from UK. Anyone got any suggestions for reasonable priced hotel/ safe area/ near stadium? I'd rather not rent a car so is it easy to get a taxi there - and of course, back? I've not booked any hotel yet but will probably stay 4 days or so. Any advice on the city regarding safety and interest for a day or two? Any news of fans meeting up before concert? Any advice much appreciated, thanks.
"till the next time..."
I have lucky dips for this show but no idea of the area/ city - will be flying in from UK. Anyone got any suggestions for reasonable priced hotel/ safe area/ near stadium? I'd rather not rent a car so is it easy to get a taxi there - and of course, back? I've not booked any hotel yet but will probably stay 4 days or so. Any advice on the city regarding safety and interest for a day or two? Any news of fans meeting up before concert? Any advice much appreciated, thanks.
"till the next time..."
Scroll up, for what little I know about KC I wrote. Going to the show in a cab will work, getting one home is another story. Look over what I wrote.
Trying to find a bar or someplace runing a shuttle would be a good way to get to the show, although I dont know if anyplaces are doing that.
If I was flying into KC I would get a place by the airport for cheap and rent a car for one day, due to the high rental car taxes.
Staying on the Plaza would be great for sight seeing but will cost you more per night, but I think it is a nice part of the city.
Westport and the "Power and light district" are the drinking areas, so you can look that up and check maps for hotels and stuff if you are stayuing a few days.
The stadium is 20 miles away from any of those places. There is one or maybe two hotel by it, but I have not even tried them, I imagine they are already booked solid, plus we are not planning staying the night, we are planning on driving back after the show.
Search this []
Arrowhead Stadium and Kaufmann Stadium are next to each other in the Harry s Truman sports complex. It has a huge parking lot.
I have lucky dips for this show but no idea of the area/ city - will be flying in from UK. Anyone got any suggestions for reasonable priced hotel/ safe area/ near stadium? I'd rather not rent a car so is it easy to get a taxi there - and of course, back? I've not booked any hotel yet but will probably stay 4 days or so. Any advice on the city regarding safety and interest for a day or two? Any news of fans meeting up before concert? Any advice much appreciated, thanks.
"till the next time..."
Scroll up, for what little I know about KC I wrote. Going to the show in a cab will work, getting one home is another story. Look over what I wrote.
Trying to find a bar or someplace runing a shuttle would be a good way to get to the show, although I dont know if anyplaces are doing that.
If I was flying into KC I would get a place by the airport for cheap and rent a car for one day, due to the high rental car taxes.
Staying on the Plaza would be great for sight seeing but will cost you more per night, but I think it is a nice part of the city.
Westport and the "Power and light district" are the drinking areas, so you can look that up and check maps for hotels and stuff if you are stayuing a few days.
The stadium is 20 miles away from any of those places. There is one or maybe two hotel by it, but I have not even tried them, I imagine they are already booked solid, plus we are not planning staying the night, we are planning on driving back after the show.
Search this []
Arrowhead Stadium and Kaufmann Stadium are next to each other in the Harry s Truman sports complex. It has a huge parking lot.
I say the Plaza or Downtown. If you are there for 2 nights you can do the Power and Light District or there are several Casino's North of Downtown. Not to sure a Taxi isn't the way to go. I think the money you save on not having to pay for parking, the rental car expense and gas might just cover what you spend on a Taxi.