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Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: 2120Wolf ()
Date: March 19, 2015 20:24

lem motlow
in the video you can see its windy as hell out there and probably a little cold for a somke break.keiths not in the turks right now for one reason..stones business.

Sounds to me like you somehow got the inside scoop...maybe your not aware, but business is done remotely these days...

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: March 19, 2015 20:43

lem motlow
in the video you can see its windy as hell out there and probably a little cold for a somke break.keiths not in the turks right now for one reason..stones business.

Sounds to me like you somehow got the inside scoop...maybe your not aware, but business is done remotely these days...

i'm pretty sure keith does things face to face.

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: 2120Wolf ()
Date: March 19, 2015 21:32

lem motlow
lem motlow
in the video you can see its windy as hell out there and probably a little cold for a somke break.keiths not in the turks right now for one reason..stones business.

Sounds to me like you somehow got the inside scoop...maybe your not aware, but business is done remotely these days...

i'm pretty sure keith does things face to face.

Sounds like you know Keith pretty well.....

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: March 19, 2015 21:58

Keef shoulda been in All About Eve ...
I don't there's a scene where Bette Davis ain't choofin' on a cig...


Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: beachbreak ()
Date: March 19, 2015 22:15

Keith, I love you to death, but don't go on stage without a long scarf. winking smiley

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: jlowe ()
Date: March 19, 2015 22:22

Love that he's still unapologetically smoking cigarettes. It's like, "I'm 70 goddamn years old if I get cancer so bloody what. Oh, and bleep you pc do gooders".

True for him, but it's a shame Theodora is hooked as well. Smoking is not kind to women and, with the family history on Patti's side, she is especially vulnerable. Throw it out, Theo![/quote

Apparantly Bill Wyman quit after smoking for around 55 years, so never too late.
As a cancer survivor, I wonder what Charlie's view about smoking is, or band nembers smkking in his presence.

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: cineplexed2 ()
Date: March 19, 2015 22:28

He flicked his cigarette towards the camera. ou can see the butt above his hand.

(sorry I answered a question on page 1 …not realizing it's up to page 3) How do I delete?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-03-19 22:29 by cineplexed2.

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: March 19, 2015 22:45


Don't panic I'm sure you won't be banned


Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: March 19, 2015 22:51

Cool indeed ..........


Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: March 20, 2015 00:08

Keef shoulda been in All About Eve ...
I don't there's a scene where Bette Davis ain't choofin' on a cig...

And on Bette Davis tombstone is written : "She did it the hard way".

Kinda appropriate for Keef too... thumbs up

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: bleedingman ()
Date: March 20, 2015 00:32

Cool indeed ..........

I thought he was going to renact the garage urination incident for a second there.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-03-20 00:33 by bleedingman.

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: mickschix ()
Date: March 20, 2015 01:20

Jigsaw Puzzle: " He's a walking clothes line!"

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: March 20, 2015 01:27

Big Al
He could switch to using a vaporizer - in private, at least. I made the switch last December and haven't looked back. I'm getting my nicotine fix, whilst enjoying some marvellous flavours. It's the way forward, folks.

Yeah until they figure out that crap causes cancer too.

Well, it's nicotine and flavourings. No doubt the tobacco industry is funding research to inflict maximum damage. Whatever, they're a damn sight better for you than Marlboro Reds.

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: 2120Wolf ()
Date: March 20, 2015 01:52

Big Al
Big Al
He could switch to using a vaporizer - in private, at least. I made the switch last December and haven't looked back. I'm getting my nicotine fix, whilst enjoying some marvellous flavours. It's the way forward, folks.

Yeah until they figure out that crap causes cancer too.

Well, it's nicotine and flavourings. No doubt the tobacco industry is funding research to inflict maximum damage. Whatever, they're a damn sight better for you than Marlboro Reds.

Not trying to argue with ya...How do you really know ???

I started smoking when I was 10...Phillip Morris Commandos; Camel (no filter); Lucky Strike (no filter); Boro's; Kools; Newports; a whole lot of others then back to Boro's...then I quit...When I was jonesing for a cig...I lit a joint instead, that is how it worked for me...have not smoked cigs since 1980-81.

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: March 20, 2015 02:24

Cool indeed ..........

LOL smoking smiley

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: March 20, 2015 02:28

Big Al
Big Al
He could switch to using a vaporizer - in private, at least. I made the switch last December and haven't looked back. I'm getting my nicotine fix, whilst enjoying some marvellous flavours. It's the way forward, folks.

Yeah until they figure out that crap causes cancer too.

Well, it's nicotine and flavourings. No doubt the tobacco industry is funding research to inflict maximum damage. Whatever, they're a damn sight better for you than Marlboro Reds.

Not trying to argue with ya...How do you really know ???

I started smoking when I was 10...Phillip Morris Commandos; Camel (no filter); Lucky Strike (no filter); Boro's; Kools; Newports; a whole lot of others then back to Boro's...then I quit...When I was jonesing for a cig...I lit a joint instead, that is how it worked for me...have not smoked cigs since 1980-81.

Well, we don't. However, nicotine is merely the addictive agent and not the key ingredient that damages your health when smoking tobacco. The danger with e-cigarettes and vaporisers is that it could get one hooked on nicotine. I, however, am already addicted. It is surely a more healthy alternative and they are a lot, lot better for the bank balance. They have really taken off in the U.K. Perhaps not so much in North America, I'm not sure.

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: 2120Wolf ()
Date: March 20, 2015 02:35

Yes Al they are huge here, my son smokes em...I took a drag and yes I could taste the nico...also tasted chemicals, it stuck in my throat for hours...There using the rig to smoke hash-oil out of...load it up and away you go...Yes I would agree even with my limited knowlege, e-cigs are propbably less damaging...Yeah Keith check em' out !!!

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: 2120Wolf ()
Date: March 20, 2015 02:37

Big Al
Big Al
Big Al
He could switch to using a vaporizer - in private, at least. I made the switch last December and haven't looked back. I'm getting my nicotine fix, whilst enjoying some marvellous flavours. It's the way forward, folks.

Yeah until they figure out that crap causes cancer too.

Well, it's nicotine and flavourings. No doubt the tobacco industry is funding research to inflict maximum damage. Whatever, they're a damn sight better for you than Marlboro Reds.

Not trying to argue with ya...How do you really know ???

I started smoking when I was 10...Phillip Morris Commandos; Camel (no filter); Lucky Strike (no filter); Boro's; Kools; Newports; a whole lot of others then back to Boro's...then I quit...When I was jonesing for a cig...I lit a joint instead, that is how it worked for me...have not smoked cigs since 1980-81.

Well, we don't. However, nicotine is merely the addictive agent and not the key ingredient that damages your health when smoking tobacco. The danger with e-cigarettes and vaporisers is that it could get one hooked on nicotine. I, however, am already addicted. It is surely a more healthy alternative and they are a lot, lot better for the bank balance. They have really taken off in the U.K. Perhaps not so much in North America, I'm not sure.

Yes Al they are huge here, my son smokes em...I took a drag and yes I could taste the nico...also tasted chemicals, it stuck in my throat for hours...There using the rig to smoke hash-oil out of...load it up and away you go...Yes I would agree even with my limited knowlege, e-cigs are probably less damaging...Yeah Keith check em' out !!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-03-20 02:40 by 2120Wolf.

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: TeddyB1018 ()
Date: March 20, 2015 03:40

Keith still uses faxes to communicate business.

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: RawIguanaCologne ()
Date: March 20, 2015 05:09

I hate to say this....especially in this forum....but.....

.......GET A LIFE?!???

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: RawIguanaCologne ()
Date: March 20, 2015 05:15

At 00:23 it looks like he´s gonna have a pee.

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: March 20, 2015 12:35

Enough about the smoking, what about Keith's protruding belly? >grinning smiley<

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: strat72 ()
Date: March 20, 2015 12:47

As someone who has lived in both New York and California..... I know were I would rather be, cold or no cold!

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: jlowe ()
Date: March 20, 2015 13:33

Big Al
Enough about the smoking, what about Keith's protruding belly? >grinning smiley<

Oh heck, not alcohol related?
Good thing he doesnt stand too close to 28inch waist Mick much, these days.

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: Natlanta ()
Date: March 20, 2015 14:13

are those Meredith Hunter's shoes?

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: KeithNacho ()
Date: March 20, 2015 14:30

Shades, scarfs, badanas, hats,..........cigarrettes..........Keith's classic image

It is true that he seems to going to have a pee

The hat is well fixed in his head, the wind blows the scarf, but the hat remains in place

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: March 20, 2015 18:29

Big Al
Enough about the smoking, what about Keith's protruding belly? >grinning smiley<

Oh heck, not alcohol related?
Good thing he doesnt stand too close to 28inch waist Mick much, these days.

Keith's an old-timer and the paunch is probably rather typical of someone his age. He may eats a little more since cutting back on the alcohol, also.

Can I criticise the awful corduroy trousers?>grinning smiley<

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-03-20 18:31 by Big Al.

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: Kevinstones78 ()
Date: March 20, 2015 18:42

God Bless That Man. He has given us so much. And continues to do so.
Spending time with his family trying to go unnoticed. He's just a regular
Guy doing normal things when he can.

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: Wild Slivovitz ()
Date: March 20, 2015 20:26

He does look as cool as it gets in these pictures!

Re: Keith in NYC, March 18
Posted by: triceratops ()
Date: March 21, 2015 00:26

Love that he's still unapologetically smoking cigarettes. It's like, "I'm 70 goddamn years old if I get cancer so bloody what. Oh, and bleep you pc do gooders".

True for him, but it's a shame Theodora is hooked as well. Smoking is not kind to women and, with the family history on Patti's side, she is especially vulnerable. Throw it out, Theo!

She might well be a casual smoker meaning only on occasions. Not everyone gets hooked. I read that 35% on up of smokers are social smokers meaning they do it on weekends or social situations or when having an alcoholic drink etc etc

This type may smoke 5% what the real smokers do so its lots less impact on ones health and lungs and chances of cancer

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