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Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: TumblinDice76 ()
Date: June 12, 2023 23:26

Voodoo13-Put me down as a Fly on the Wall fan too! Back in Business, Playing with Girls, and Stand Up are some of the best deep cuts from the Brian era. Flick of the Switch is what it is and I totally understand why they went in that direction as to not get mixed up with all the Hair Meatl bands in 83. I think Blow up Your Video is their biggest dud.

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: June 12, 2023 23:30

Rick Rubin needs to come back and do one that puts the rock back into the roll.

To think that what he did with ELECTRIC in 1987 he couldn't do with, oddly enough, AC/DC's BALLBREAKER in 1995 - it's as flat sounding as a table.

Ooh that's why it's so good.

It's better than FLICK or FLY or RAZOR but it's just kind of bland. Rubin was hardly there and Malcom said it was a mistake. It's no where near ELECTRIC.

Yeah, Rubin got the Cult to get more of an AC/DC sound than he was able to get from the actual AC/DC!

LOL that wreckless abandon sound that 1970s AC/DC was excellent at is exactly what Rubin got out of The Cult. BALLBREAKER, although sounding big, seems a bit reserved. But it was 1995, not 1975.

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: powerage78 ()
Date: August 7, 2023 18:10

An absolute killer FM live stereo soundboard.
Tokyo february 5 1981.
Back In Black Tour.

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: DGA35 ()
Date: August 7, 2023 22:45

I've seen a video from the 81 Japan tour, not sure if it's the same concert though.

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: powerage78 ()
Date: August 8, 2023 10:31

Yes the same february 5 1981.

The previous day's concert is only available in audio format.

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: November 9, 2023 09:42

AC/DC has entered the chat.

Munich June 12 and Paris August 15 rumored.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-11-09 09:51 by Topi.

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: Milan ()
Date: November 9, 2023 16:50

Thanks for the tip. I'd sure love to see them one more time, last time was 15 years ago on the Black Ice tour, still with Malc.

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: petewasbristol ()
Date: November 9, 2023 17:14

Fingers crossed for some UK dates. Next year is going to be packed to the rafters with summer shows. Lovely.

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: kovach ()
Date: November 10, 2023 01:01

Thanks for the tip. I'd sure love to see them one more time, last time was 15 years ago on the Black Ice tour, still with Malc.

That was the best tour I've ever seen them on! Seen them in just about every tour since Flick of the Switch.

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Date: November 10, 2023 11:15

Thanks for the tip. I'd sure love to see them one more time, last time was 15 years ago on the Black Ice tour, still with Malc.

That was the best tour I've ever seen them on! Seen them in just about every tour since Flick of the Switch.
Only seen them twice (black ice and rock or bust) but was VERY impressed by the Black Ice show. Amazing live sound.

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: November 10, 2023 21:18

Thanks for the tip. I'd sure love to see them one more time, last time was 15 years ago on the Black Ice tour, still with Malc.

That was the best tour I've ever seen them on! Seen them in just about every tour since Flick of the Switch.
Only seen them twice (black ice and rock or bust) but was VERY impressed by the Black Ice show. Amazing live sound.

The Black Ice tour was truly fantastic. I saw them twice and that was as high a calibre show as any they've done IMO. They have DVDs of the Ballbreaker and Razor's Edge tour, so those are more fondly remembered, but Black Ice was a tour to be proud of.

Rock Or Bust felt like a step down. I saw them with and without Brian on that tour, and I want to see as much of the original lineup as possible. But the saving grace to me that tour was Axl stepping in. The Brian show was fine, but the Axl show was seeing them do a ton of material I never thought I'd see them do. It was what they just did with Brian but that they were never inspired to do until Axl stepped in. I don't know who's decision it was, but to me those Bon heavy shows saved that tour from being pretty forgettable, and made it an all time show for me to attend on a very personal level.

I get very nervous a new tour would be a step below the Rock Or Bust tour shows they did with Brian, which were already a huge step down from the excellent Black Ice tour. And I think its only noticeable to me with them because AC/DC had such remarkably consistent tours from about 1990 to 2010. In those 20 years, you knew it was going to be a world class rock show, which I haven't felt in the last tour or Desert Trip performance.

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: Milan ()
Date: November 11, 2023 04:42

"They have DVDs of the Ballbreaker and Razor's Edge tour, so those are more fondly remembered, but Black Ice was a tour to be proud of."

- and they have a DVD of the Black Ice tour as well...

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: November 11, 2023 05:29

They have DVDs of the Ballbreaker and Razor's Edge tour, so those are more fondly remembered, but Black Ice was a tour to be proud of.
- and they have a DVD of the Black Ice tour as well...
And so you're right. I think I did know that, and now I'm changing my story, but what I mean is Donington and No Bull I feel were out on VHS/DVD for a longer time than River Plate. They weren't concert films shown in theaters, but I remember seeing them on TV and on YouTube a ton, so they're more logged in my mind. By the time River Plate came out that craze seemed over.

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: Paddy ()
Date: November 11, 2023 06:17

They have DVDs of the Ballbreaker and Razor's Edge tour, so those are more fondly remembered, but Black Ice was a tour to be proud of.
- and they have a DVD of the Black Ice tour as well...
And so you're right. I think I did know that, and now I'm changing my story, but what I mean is Donington and No Bull I feel were out on VHS/DVD for a longer time than River Plate. They weren't concert films shown in theaters, but I remember seeing them on TV and on YouTube a ton, so they're more logged in my mind. By the time River Plate came out that craze seemed over.

There was so many nights I would end up back in someone’s house after the pubs shut and the video of the Donnington gig would come out…

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: RisingStone ()
Date: November 11, 2023 07:46

I don’t think I can add anything substantial to this thread as I can’t call myself a fan. I haven’t got even one record of their album, vinyl or CD.

But I caught them twice in Osaka, in 2001 and 2010. Both fun to watch, in a similar sense as a Kiss show on a good night. Forget everything and indulge in a pure rock ‘n’ roll circus, adrenaline-inducing guaranteed 100 %!

Bought a ticket for 2001 as a nod to a “one and done” experience, but I enjoyed it so much that, when their return to Japan after nine years was announced, I didn’t hesitate to sacrifice the fifth and final Osaka show of Bob Dylan that unfortunately clashed with AC/DC. FWIW I attended all the other four Bob nights as well as one of his two following Nagoya shows, which tells you how enjoyable and worthwhile to catch I found these Scottish Australian boys, even for this non-fan.



Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: schwonek ()
Date: November 11, 2023 10:10

An absolute killer FM live stereo soundboard.
Tokyo february 5 1981.
Back In Black Tour.

Wow. Great stuff. Should rank up there with the Paris concert.

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: powerage78 ()
Date: November 12, 2023 17:00

Yes, a rock'n'roll bulldozer. A machine.

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: November 13, 2023 04:31

Thanks for the tip. I'd sure love to see them one more time, last time was 15 years ago on the Black Ice tour, still with Malc.

That was the best tour I've ever seen them on! Seen them in just about every tour since Flick of the Switch.
Only seen them twice (black ice and rock or bust) but was VERY impressed by the Black Ice show. Amazing live sound.

The Black Ice tour was truly fantastic. I saw them twice and that was as high a calibre show as any they've done IMO. They have DVDs of the Ballbreaker and Razor's Edge tour, so those are more fondly remembered, but Black Ice was a tour to be proud of.

Rock Or Bust felt like a step down. I saw them with and without Brian on that tour, and I want to see as much of the original lineup as possible. But the saving grace to me that tour was Axl stepping in. The Brian show was fine, but the Axl show was seeing them do a ton of material I never thought I'd see them do. It was what they just did with Brian but that they were never inspired to do until Axl stepped in. I don't know who's decision it was, but to me those Bon heavy shows saved that tour from being pretty forgettable, and made it an all time show for me to attend on a very personal level.

I get very nervous a new tour would be a step below the Rock Or Bust tour shows they did with Brian, which were already a huge step down from the excellent Black Ice tour. And I think its only noticeable to me with them because AC/DC had such remarkably consistent tours from about 1990 to 2010. In those 20 years, you knew it was going to be a world class rock show, which I haven't felt in the last tour or Desert Trip performance.

You can damn well bet that Axl said MORE BON SCOTT era songs.

Whatever AC/DC do for a tour in 2024 will be as big and as good as ever with all the big songs, a couple of new ones, and, of course, the cannons. ROCK OR BUST was ridiculous, it was a giant step backward to the previous three albums.

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: shattered ()
Date: November 13, 2023 04:56

I hope for Jailbreak.smiling smiley

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: November 13, 2023 18:31

Croke Park rumored as well.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-11-13 18:31 by Topi.

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: MAF ()
Date: November 14, 2023 21:33

AC/DC has entered the chat.

Munich June 12 and Paris August 15 rumored.


2 shows in June in Munich: Hat München eine geheime Welttournee von "AC/DC" verraten?

About Ed Sheeran in Munich - and a hint for the AC/DC show(s)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-11-14 21:37 by MAF.

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: November 15, 2023 19:45

[moved this from Stones thread even if the person who posted it doesn't see it we can still clown him anyway]


The shows will come. I have to say though Summer 2024 is looking like it is is going to be the biggest and most packed I have ever seen for UK stadium, castle, festival and park shows. Along with the Euros, I would fully expect the thinking that 2025 is the Stones year for a European tour.
Yep, and another big act will play in stadiums in Europe next year: AC/DC

Didn’t know AC/DC touring Europe 2024

Didn't know AC/DC was still a "big act" in Europe in 2024, though I gather they'll play stadium shows in the US as well, I'd imagine with several openers to help fill seats.

Back In Black is the 2nd biggest selling album in history and I imagine demand will be off the charts. US is almost an afterthought compared to their draw in Europe but their last US stadium tour they had a lot of help filling seats from Vintage Trouble.

They were the lynchpin of Powertrip which might as well been AC/DC and 5 opening acts.

This discussion is off-topic, but while I was being waggish about what I regard as an outdated cultural mode that was never cool, the album's actually only the 5th biggest seller, those sales took place over four decades (and a good number of buyers are now dead), and album sales have been a largely irrelevant metric for at least a decade, during which they've released one album that went Gold in the US and another that failed to hit that mark. Their last US tour, with youngster Axl Rose on vocals, failed to sell out a good number of arenas, and while the half-dozen major-market US stadium dates with their in-house screecher several months prior did sell quite well, they were regularly outsold by the Stones, the Grateful Dead, Taylor Swift, One Direction, and Kenny Chesney. And while I'm not particularly invested in which was the most important band at "Power Trip," I'll note that the one that closed the festival had previously headlined its own event at the venue, drawing a stadium-sized crowd.

I was there, the crowd was thinned out considerably by Sunday, and my guess is American AC/DC fans weren't too keen on Axl Rose singing and high priced tickets were always a hard sell in places like Greensboro.

I think the European tour is going to be the biggest worldwide rock tour of 2024 with another 10-12 NA stadium dates at the very least. Like 'em or not they are absolutely a stadium act with a multi-generational draw. I would compare the Black Ice era with the Steel Wheels tour. A band long off the map and about a generation and a half of new customers ready to come on board. Geezers were still buying CD's, at least anecdotally from my experience trading CD codes bundled with tickets.

And good point about the last 2 albums, every time they put out a new one it just boosts Back In Black and Highway To Hell further.

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: powerage78 ()
Date: November 18, 2023 09:51

Malcolm Mitchell Young (6 January 1953 – 18 November 2017).

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: November 18, 2023 11:43

Malcolm Mitchell Young (6 January 1953 – 18 November 2017).

RIP. Malcom is missed. He was the band's secret weapon.

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: HardRiffin ()
Date: November 18, 2023 16:28

Malcolm Mitchell Young (6 January 1953 – 18 November 2017).

We miss you Malcolm

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: Milan ()
Date: November 18, 2023 21:00

"PHIL RUDD On AC/DC: 'I Look Forward To Playing With Them Again In The Future'"


Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: DGA35 ()
Date: November 19, 2023 07:14

Malcolm Mitchell Young (6 January 1953 – 18 November 2017).

Nice pic! I think my favourite Angus pic is the inside sleeve of Back In Black, never seen it online though.

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: powerage78 ()
Date: November 27, 2023 11:59

Voodoo13-Put me down as a Fly on the Wall fan too! Back in Business, Playing with Girls, and Stand Up are some of the best deep cuts from the Brian era. Flick of the Switch is what it is and I totally understand why they went in that direction as to not get mixed up with all the Hair Meatl bands in 83. I think Blow up Your Video is their biggest dud.


1) Fly On The Wall (Incomplete)
2) Back In Black
3) Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
4) You Shook Me All Night Long
5) Jailbreak (Incomplete)
6) Shoot To Thrill
7) Highway To Hell
8) Sink The Pink
9) Let There Be Rock
10) Hells Bells
11) T.N.T.

[] Part 1
[] Part 2
[] Part 3

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: November 30, 2023 19:36

So they just posted a video asking "Are you ready for a good time"...

Re: OT: AC/DC stuff
Posted by: DGA35 ()
Date: November 30, 2023 20:56

So they just posted a video asking "Are you ready for a good time"...

Maybe I'll be seeing Stones and AC/DC in BC Place next year!!

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