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Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: capsula ()
Date: March 18, 2014 00:02

Terrible news, condolences to all those who were part of her life. Rest in peace

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Redhotcarpet ()
Date: March 18, 2014 00:03

His Majesty

Intwtwating coincidence: wasnt Jagger in OZ also when Brian Jones tragically died?

No, but he went there before Brian had been buried.

He flew out the day after Hyde Park concert. Marianne tried to kill herself soon after they arrived in Australia.

And she had a dream about Brian. I think she identified herself with him sort of. Even Jim Morrisson wrote that poem about Brian and Ophelia.

One of those dramatic episodes in the Stones saga.

1977 is another one.

And actually this is the most real. Shocking.

Re: L'Wren Scott dead...? :- (
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: March 18, 2014 00:05

Postponing some shows won't affect the employees the same way, though.

For Mick's sake I hope he will - to be able to get it together somehow...

They were also back onstage just 2 days after the death of Brian Jones. Mick was in tears when informed in the studio of Brian's death, but steadfastly asserted, "It goes on!"

I think Mick's professionalism will surprise a number of people here.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: March 18, 2014 00:05

Possibly..."show must go on", but also the British "stiff upper lip" and the fact that his stage persona is so different than what he is as a person (remember how he thanked the crowd for allowing him to say a few words about the shooting that took place before the 12/2012 PPV?).

Incredibly I just realized that in another lifetime I briefly worked with her brother, weird...

@mnewman505 - it does appear that she was very proud and wanted to make it on her own terms, and it must have been hard to have apparent success and a dire business situation at the same time, possibly making the apparent success meaningless or only because of...tragic, really tragic.

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Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-18 00:08 by gotdablouse.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: shattered ()
Date: March 18, 2014 00:16

..."show must go on"....Mick has to continue to tour........

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: MainStreetExile ()
Date: March 18, 2014 00:36

When I saw the Who in late '82, Townshend didn't look at the crowd, didn't say a word, had an attitude for the entire show, so you just shrugged, everyone else played great, Daltrey included. Then a few days later, Townshend gave an interview saying he was so upset at this show because Roger's sister had passed away that day -- apparently the poor thing had been ill for some time. Trousers went chuntering on about how he fancied her back in the day and all this and I'm saying, it's ROGER'S sister, and you couldn't tell he was upset. Roger hears the fire bell and he's off. Think it will be the same with Mick. He's not callous, but he'll get up there and do his thing, but then when he gets off stage...I think that Maria Shriver tweet is perfect, perhaps the tabloids might like to keep it in mind...and those with tabloid mentalities.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Redhotcarpet ()
Date: March 18, 2014 00:37

It could be that because Mick said he'd never marry her (or anybody else - to avoid one more expensive divorce) she thought or felt she's be on her own now. I m not saying this is the reason but if acutely depressed, alone, with the very very recent rumours of adultery this is what she may have felt. Im sure Mick had helped her and it's not his fault but if one is to speculate about the reasons...

Re: L'Wren Scott dead...? :- (
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: March 18, 2014 00:44

Postponing some shows won't affect the employees the same way, though.

For Mick's sake I hope he will - to be able to get it together somehow...

They were also back onstage just 2 days after the death of Brian Jones. Mick was in tears when informed in the studio of Brian's death, but steadfastly asserted, "It goes on!"

I think Mick's professionalism will surprise a number of people here.

I don't think so...I believe that's an attribute pretty much beyond dispute.

Rather perhaps a desire by a lot of people to give the man some space.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-18 00:46 by treaclefingers.

Re: L'Wren Scott dead...? :- (
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: March 18, 2014 00:45

Some people are without filter, and are desperately in need of one.

That, Good Sir, is an understatement.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: sarahunwin ()
Date: March 18, 2014 00:46

It just goes to show that no matter how beautiful, how rich, how successful or how lucky we think someone is, no-one knows what internal demons they may be fighting.

RIP L'Wren and all my sympathy and love to Mick, her family, and friends.

And to anyone thinking of taking their own life - REACH OUT FOR HELP. Things do change and life is long.

God Bess

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: MileHigh ()
Date: March 18, 2014 00:50

My deepest sympathies. A very sad day.

Did you ever wake up to find
A day that broke up your mind
Destroyed your notion of circular time

It's just that demon life has got you in its sway
It's just that demon life has got you in its sway

Ain't flinging tears out on the dusty ground
For all my friends out on the burial ground
Can't stand the feeling getting so brought down

It's just that demon life has got me in its sway
It's just that demon life has got me in its sway

There must be ways to find out
Love is the way they say is really strutting out

Hey, hey, hey now
One day I woke up to find
Right in the bed next to mine
Someone that broke me up with a corner of her smile, yeah

It's just that demon life has got me in its sway
It's just that demon life has got me in its sway

It's just that demon life has got me in its sway
It's just that demon life has got me...

It's just that demon life has got me...

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: hbwriter ()
Date: March 18, 2014 00:51

We'll never know. Period.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: nightskyman ()
Date: March 18, 2014 00:54

I'm obviously late to hear to the news. The timing and manner of death, shocking and sad to hear.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: John&Trish ()
Date: March 18, 2014 00:55

Possibly..."show must go on", but also the British "stiff upper lip" and the fact that his stage persona is so different than what he is as a person (remember how he thanked the crowd for allowing him to say a few words about the shooting that took place before the 12/2012 PPV?).

Incredibly I just realized that in another lifetime I briefly worked with her brother, weird...

@mnewman505 - it does appear that she was very proud and wanted to make it on her own terms, and it must have been hard to have apparent success and a dire business situation at the same time, possibly making the apparent success meaningless or only because of...tragic, really tragic.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Date: March 18, 2014 00:57

I was truely in shock, when I just read this and still am kind of. One doesn't visit IORR for one day and returns very late in the evening for a short look to find this - and directly after I had found the good news of more announced concerts in Europe elsewhere! Really horrible! How Mick must feel now in the middle of this tour that was going so well with performances so promising and which had him and the band smiling and being happy on so many pictures. And her poor family of course!

I can't stop but thinking, there was some truth in this rumour about her separation from Mick and her being depressed because of this. How horribly tasteless this tabloid website writing about "She's not dead, at least I don't think so. But she disappeared..." or something like this now appears. I don't know, what to say.

After a few days and thinking and reading more about what happened, I feel I have to add something to my post, because it could be understood in a wrong way and because I would have written it a bit diferently now. I don't know anything about L'Wren Scott's motives and the circumstances leading to her suicide. Especially I don't know, if she and Mick were still a couple or not, and since there are statements from Mick and his people, they were still together, I'm going to believe this. There is no evidence it is otherwise, only gossip. Even if they had broken up, it has never been my intention to blame Mick for her death - relationships may end and don't necessarily lead to one partner committing suicide. In the first shock from reading the rumour about her allegedly being depressed about a separation and then, a few days later, the news about her actually having killed herself, I couldn't help thinking of the possibility, that there was really a connection. Of course the coincidence doesn't proof anything - neither a separation nor a depression because of it. Maybe the only truth in the rumour was, that she felt depressed (which is likely in the context of what she did), but there are several possible reasons for her being in this state of mind.

I imagine Mick must feel very confused and sad right now and I hope he has the strength to deal with this tragedy.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-20 22:40 by StrawberriesBlueberries.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Rokyfan ()
Date: March 18, 2014 00:59


fascinating thread on shidoobee on Mick and L'Wren, started over a week ago.

Re: L'Wren Scott dead...? :- (
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: March 18, 2014 01:00

Some people are without filter, and are desperately in need of one.

Mick Jagger's loss is a private matter, and he will do his grieving in private. His public persona will remain the same in public. He will take some time to sort things out and after a minor reshuffling of concert dates will be back doing what he must do. He is a professional musician and entertainer after all, and if any people are "desperately" in need of a "filter" it's the ones on this site who love to fire their moral superiority through double barrels over personal and private matters that don't concern them personally or privately.

Now if you'll pardon me, the air is getting a bit stuffy in here.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: NWSooner ()
Date: March 18, 2014 01:01

May God alone supply an amazing amount of His comfort,grace and peace to her family, there is no other real hope in my opinion in dealing with such a tragedy.

3.1.1993 I had the unfortunate pleasure of finding my father dead from a self inflicted gunshot to the head, believe me when I say the first 72 hours are complete chaos, your mind is racing a million miles a minute with thoughts and concerns of various sorts, you can;t sleep and your definitely not hungry. The worst part is that after the chaos starts to subside, the warning signs that everyone missed in the preceding days and weeks become crystal clear and thus each person begins to feel the shame and guilt for not recognizing the signs in advance so that possibly they could have intervened.

I have no clue if they will cancel any dates, however as much as I love the Stones it wouldn't shock me if they carried on without canceling any shows because Mick is pretty full of himself as most successful front men are, heck I'm pretty arrogant and prideful myself, not that I like those traits but just being honest. Besides some people deal with stress and pain by working to take their mind off of reality, not sure its bad to keep working but personally I do believe its a bit disrespectful for Mick to not attend the funeral, huh?

Anyway, I hope and pray they do the right thing and cancel a few shows and then promise to make them up later for the fans sake.

Peace and grace to her family and closest friends.


Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: open-g ()
Date: March 18, 2014 01:02


fascinating thread on shidoobee on Mick and L'Wren, started over a week ago.
Yeah, I read that - it's eery.
the $6m debt may have only been the tip of the iceberg.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Dreamer ()
Date: March 18, 2014 01:06

When I saw the Who in late '82, Townshend didn't look at the crowd, didn't say a word, had an attitude for the entire show, so you just shrugged, everyone else played great, Daltrey included. Then a few days later, Townshend gave an interview saying he was so upset at this show because Roger's sister had passed away that day -- apparently the poor thing had been ill for some time. Trousers went chuntering on about how he fancied her back in the day and all this and I'm saying, it's ROGER'S sister, and you couldn't tell he was upset. Roger hears the fire bell and he's off. Think it will be the same with Mick. He's not callous, but he'll get up there and do his thing, but then when he gets off stage...I think that Maria Shriver tweet is perfect, perhaps the tabloids might like to keep it in mind...and those with tabloid mentalities.

Very well said!

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: paulm ()
Date: March 18, 2014 01:15

Condolences are in order here.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-21 15:43 by paulm.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Rokyfan ()
Date: March 18, 2014 01:15

BV should start a new thread entitled "pure speculation" and move posts there. I mean, really, are we all supposed to sit around and think up things that perhaps could have happened, based on nothing at all? Why? Why not read what is out there, of record, first?

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: EddieByword ()
Date: March 18, 2014 01:15


fascinating thread on shidoobee on Mick and L'Wren, started over a week ago.
Yeah, I read that - it's eery.
the $6m debt may have only been the tip of the iceberg.

Tonight's sky news said she (her companies) had debts but assets to match..........

Re: L'Wren Scott dead...? :- (
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: March 18, 2014 01:18

Postponing some shows won't affect the employees the same way, though.

For Mick's sake I hope he will - to be able to get it together somehow...

They were also back onstage just 2 days after the death of Brian Jones. Mick was in tears when informed in the studio of Brian's death, but steadfastly asserted, "It goes on!"

On 3rd July 1969 the stones mimed HTW on TOTPs then Mick went to a party.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Rokyfan ()
Date: March 18, 2014 01:23

it appears they are now on their way back to NY, according to the Perth thread, quoting people in Australia.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: RaahenTiikeri ()
Date: March 18, 2014 01:30

Sad Sad Sad.
But one more body around rolling Stones.
This could be the end of the Stones.But i donĀ“t think so.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: March 18, 2014 01:33

Neither do I. Any band that's been around more than 50 years is going to have its share of losses. They're all resilient guys.

Re: L'Wren Scott dead...? :- (
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: March 18, 2014 01:36

Some people are without filter, and are desperately in need of one.

Mick Jagger's loss is a private matter, and he will do his grieving in private. His public persona will remain the same in public. He will take some time to sort things out and after a minor reshuffling of concert dates will be back doing what he must do. He is a professional musician and entertainer after all, and if any people are "desperately" in need of a "filter" it's the ones on this site who love to fire their moral superiority through double barrels over personal and private matters that don't concern them personally or privately.

Now if you'll pardon me, the air is getting a bit stuffy in here.

I don't believe we're in any disagreement on what I've bolded in your reply to my partial statement. Where you seem to take umbrage with me is in my disappointment with, I think the technical term is goobers, that start using this sympathy thread to create speculation as to why it happened, was she bankrupt, did they break up, Will they cancel the shows, will Mick go to the funeral etc.

Most unsavory. More gossip, like the one that started last week that thankfully BV deleted. You seem to prefer that in this situation decorum be thrown out and I'll disagree with that.

I do think you're trying to have it both ways though, by calling me out on what you call 'moral superiority'. If you prefer there to be no filters, then the rest of us who find this distasteful, this gratuitous speculation, just hours after her passing probably have just as much a right to say so.

Now that I've let out a bit of your hot air, seems so much less stuffy in here. Huh?

R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :-(
Date: March 18, 2014 01:40

...heard it a few minutes ago, can't believe it sad smiley. All the best to her family and Mick...

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: dougie ()
Date: March 18, 2014 01:44

I would imagine this is also devastating for all of Mick's family and friends too. They were close to her also. What a tragic thing. My heart goes out to all of her friends and family. So sad!

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