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Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: proudmary ()
Date: February 23, 2014 12:07


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-02-23 12:08 by proudmary.

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: champ72 ()
Date: February 23, 2014 12:10


I know what you typed Last Summer

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: LuxuryStones ()
Date: February 23, 2014 12:49

I do not hear any vulnerability or honesty in this performance of Slipping Away - only the lack of professional skills and posture

Please consider it's also a nostalgia act. I used to be more harsh on my judgements last year, but finally admitted to myself that we should enjoy these RS, even with Taylor on only a few songs. I assume they are giving all they got. Enjoy them while you still can, any tour can be the last.

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: SPellegrino ()
Date: February 23, 2014 12:56

Keith's song writing is hit and miss and sometimes in the same song. But he adds something that Jagger seems completely unable to achieve...Some emotional honesty, tenderness and vulnerability. Even in the self mythopoeic Happy you are touched when he sings "Baby won't you keep me?" His songs are about something. He likes to play with words. Even his rickety voice and guitar playing add to the feeling of genuineness. When he takes the stage with Wood and Taylor it is something extraordinary and unlike anything else in the show. Taylor on backing vocals? Incredible! I would love to know how this came about! Even Taylor senses the need for restraint on this song. His delicate touch is commendable and leaves you wanting more. I look forward to hearing more versions of this song. The performance asks the audience to come to the song. And if you are too busy or too bored...Well f**k you. This is by far the most interesting song in the show.

Well put. Jagger's greatness is in somewhere else than in expressing genuine emotions, so Keith' set is always a special touch of artistic purity within a show. Adding Taylor now there - a wonderful surprise, but still rather 'logical' move by Keith. He fits there in many ways. Beautiful.

- Doxa

This decision - to add Taylor to Richards' set - shows again Mick Jagger's generosity. Knowing Stones fans special feelings for Taylor, Mick is not jealous and does not compete with his bandmates - he actually cares about the quality of the entire show, not only about himself. If someone is KR's fan, loves him and everything he does - for him/her it may be "by far the most interesting song in the show". I, in turn, agree with paulywaul, I do not like Richards vocals - not the voice itself and not the artificial expression - but that's me.

about the "genuine emotions" - tenderness and vulnerability are not the only real "honest" human emotions. Aggression, anger, drive, irony, resentment, humor, you name it - are as "pure" as them.
And. by the way. I do not hear any vulnerability or honesty in this performance of Slipping Away - only the lack of professional skills and posture

to pmk251
....Jagger seems completely unable to achieve...

in your own words - Well f**k you

Jagger can summon more emotion and raw feelings that Richards ever could. Listening to Keith Richards sing is sometime like enduring the fake sincerity of a relative at Christmas. You love them, glad to see them but could do without the phony two-bit drama.

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: February 23, 2014 12:57

Keith's song writing is hit and miss and sometimes in the same song. But he adds something that Jagger seems completely unable to achieve...Some emotional honesty, tenderness and vulnerability. Even in the self mythopoeic Happy you are touched when he sings "Baby won't you keep me?" His songs are about something. He likes to play with words. Even his rickety voice and guitar playing add to the feeling of genuineness. When he takes the stage with Wood and Taylor it is something extraordinary and unlike anything else in the show. Taylor on backing vocals? Incredible! I would love to know how this came about! Even Taylor senses the need for restraint on this song. His delicate touch is commendable and leaves you wanting more. I look forward to hearing more versions of this song. The performance asks the audience to come to the song. And if you are too busy or too bored...Well f**k you. This is by far the most interesting song in the show.

Well put. Jagger's greatness is in somewhere else than in expressing genuine emotions, so Keith' set is always a special touch of artistic purity within a show. Adding Taylor now there - a wonderful surprise, but still rather 'logical' move by Keith. He fits there in many ways. Beautiful.

- Doxa

This decision - to add Taylor to Richards' set - shows again Mick Jagger's generosity. Knowing Stones fans special feelings for Taylor, Mick is not jealous and does not compete with his bandmates - he actually cares about the quality of the entire show, not only about himself. If someone is KR's fan, loves him and everything he does - for him/her it may be "by far the most interesting song in the show". I, in turn, agree with paulywaul, I do not like Richards vocals - not the voice itself and not the artificial expression - but that's me.

about the "genuine emotions" - tenderness and vulnerability are not the only real "honest" human emotions. Aggression, anger, drive, irony, resentment, humor, you name it - are as "pure" as them.
And. by the way. I do not hear any vulnerability or honesty in this performance of Slipping Away - only the lack of professional skills and posture

to pmk251
....Jagger seems completely unable to achieve...

in your own words - Well f**k you

Good points, and I mostly agree with you. Anyway, especially during the modern (post 89) era there is a certain difference between Mick and Keith's delivery, which is not only to do with Jagger's stronger and technically better voice. I am not either happy to make it in terms of "artistic purity" or "impressing genuine feelings", and I withdraw that now. Probably it is better to say that Jagger is so distant, not even trying to make 'personal contact' with the audience, but wants to keep that distance between him and us. Wheras Keith's point is to sound and be as close and buddy-buddy with the audience as possible. So he is 'easier' to love, whereas Mick we can only adore from a distance. Jagger knows this and it is intentional from his side, and he has been talked about it as well. To my eyes Keith, with his vulnerability, is so human, but Jagger being Jagger - a concept of its own - is almost super-human. Jagger's professionalism just leaves easily 'colder' impression than Keith's imperfect shaky presence. But I love and adore them both...

I think to do justice for each Glimmer Twin one needs different vocabularies in describing their unique, individual greatness. Being so different I think it is rather understable why some fans make so easily choices between them. For example, what many people find so fascinating in Keith seem to not work at all for you, proudmary, as you said. And if those reviews hold any truth, seemingly quite many in audience thought rather similarly in the concert. I guess for many 'casual fans' the Stones without Jagger on stage is not actually the Rolling Stones they paid for.

- Doxa

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2014-02-23 13:01 by Doxa.

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: February 23, 2014 13:15

Well, if Richards sings the blues it's certainly the rich man's blues...

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: February 23, 2014 14:34

Jagger this Richards that... it's the MIX of these tow that makes the Stones great!
They realized this during the "we're divorced" 86-88 period, which wasn't very fruitful for either part (ok Keith might have had an edge with a good album and strong live music).

M & K have to live together till death do them part. Amen! >grinning smiley<

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: rollingon ()
Date: February 23, 2014 15:11

Jagger this Richards that... it's the MIX of these tow that makes the Stones great!
They realized this during the "we're divorced" 86-88 period, which wasn't very fruitful for either part (ok Keith might have had an edge with a good album and strong live music).

M & K have to live together till death do them part. Amen! >grinning smiley<


Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: triceratops ()
Date: February 23, 2014 15:13

Before the tour end maybe we'll have Ronnie singing Seven Days with MT and Keith supporting. Giving Mick Jagger a three song break

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: paulm ()
Date: February 23, 2014 15:16

Blocked from starting threads, but guess I can post...? So you traipse out Mick Taylor on Slipping Away, a pretty ballad, let him sing a background at the end of the song (BFD), and you don't give him the opportunity to do what he has been KNOWN for his whole life, which is to emote melodically on the guitar?

WTF are you thinking?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-02-23 15:17 by paulm.

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: LuxuryStones ()
Date: February 23, 2014 15:21


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-02-23 15:22 by LuxuryStones.

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: mtaylor ()
Date: February 23, 2014 15:42

Jagger this Richards that... it's the MIX of these tow that makes the Stones great!
They realized this during the "we're divorced" 86-88 period, which wasn't very fruitful for either part (ok Keith might have had an edge with a good album and strong live music).

M & K have to live together till death do them part. Amen! >grinning smiley<

Take a look at other composer couples like Lennon / McCartney, Perry / Tyler just to name a few, you have exactly the same problem. There's a fight and then they are together again for some time, split up, together again etc.
The same old story that makes these bands great.

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: MrsHop ()
Date: February 23, 2014 15:54

It's difficult to approach certain topics without upsetting anyone, but I have such mixed feelings about the Stones nowadays. I think the person who commented about the nostalgia aspect & the fact that we MUST be close to the 'final curtain' is pretty much right. I DID feel moved while watching 'Slipping Away', but it wasn't really anything to do with artistic expression. It was made poignent by the nature of the lyrics & the fact that it was being delivered by a frail, elderly Keith. We all get old (if we're lucky), but I found it kind of...sad.
Unrelated to that (& I wasn't there admittedly): I couldn't believe that the crowd just seemed to be milling around, in an almost uninterested way when the band were about to hit the stage for the opener. In fact, most didn't seem that interested once the band were ON the stage.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2014-02-23 16:31 by MrsHop.

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: DoomandGloom ()
Date: February 23, 2014 15:57

Mick Taylor being added to Keith's set says much about who's deciding Taylor doesn't get to play on the songs he's known for. While adding Taylor on this portion of the show makes me look forward to the next version of "Happy" this entire Taylor "guesting" is beginning to appear bizarre in a Jagger sort of way.

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Date: February 23, 2014 16:06

A lovely version of SA. However, Keith (like Mick on GS) had bad monitoring - hence a little out of key vocals here and there..

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: February 23, 2014 16:31

I watched Slipping Away and thought it was lovely - a bit tattered here and there, I'm sure it will improve as the tour progresses, but there's something unique in this first performance that is hard to describe, it was just so intimate. The hesitation, vulnerability, the way Keith closes his eyes and concentrates, the performance seems to sum up the man. The band dynamics were interesting to see too - Ronnie walking around, nodding encouragement at Keith, Mick T on vocals, of all things...and Charlie, bless his heart, with a big smile on his face. Assuming Keith continues it in the set, it will get more polished and that's a good thing, but I'm really happy I got to see this one in all it's ragged glory.

And, I don't think talking about Keith and how he performs should be used as a comparison to Mick. There is only one Mick Jagger.

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: Rokyfan ()
Date: February 23, 2014 16:42

I do not hear any vulnerability or honesty in this performance of Slipping Away - only the lack of professional skills and posture

Please consider it's also a nostalgia act. I used to be more harsh on my judgements last year, but finally admitted to myself that we should enjoy these RS, even with Taylor on only a few songs. I assume they are giving all they got. Enjoy them while you still can, any tour can be the last.

I agree with all of this, but this clip of SA was the only one of the 4 or 5 I've seen from that show where it's not Vegas, nostalgia, but just an old guy playing some real sweet stuff on an old guitar. I was shocked how much I enjoyed that clip.

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: February 23, 2014 16:54

I do not hear any vulnerability or honesty in this performance of Slipping Away - only the lack of professional skills and posture

Please consider it's also a nostalgia act. I used to be more harsh on my judgements last year, but finally admitted to myself that we should enjoy these RS, even with Taylor on only a few songs. I assume they are giving all they got. Enjoy them while you still can, any tour can be the last.

I agree with all of this, but this clip of SA was the only one of the 4 or 5 I've seen from that show where it's not Vegas, nostalgia, but just an old guy playing some real sweet stuff on an old guitar. I was shocked how much I enjoyed that clip.

Good One Rokyhot smiley

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: bv ()
Date: February 23, 2014 17:06

I was in the fire pit for the first half of the show. As the stage is at least 3 meters high (10 feet), and even higher in the middle as it is extending into the crowd, all I saw was the heads of Charlie, Keith, all of Ronnie because I was on his side, and all of Mick, because he was all over. I left the fire pit during the show and went into the middle of the crowd for a much better view. I don't know why they charge a high price for the fire pit when it is in fact sort of obstructed view. I have rarely seen such a high stage floor.


Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: February 23, 2014 17:20

If that is a fact, BV. Shouldn't people paying ridiculous prices for the pit be compensated in some way. Wouldn't that be fair?

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: February 23, 2014 17:28

and Charlie, bless his heart, with a big smile on his face

Wonderful indeed. When Charlie smiles it must be alright.

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: February 23, 2014 17:41

I watched Slipping Away and thought it was lovely - a bit tattered here and there, I'm sure it will improve as the tour progresses, but there's something unique in this first performance that is hard to describe, it was just so intimate. The hesitation, vulnerability, the way Keith closes his eyes and concentrates, the performance seems to sum up the man. The band dynamics were interesting to see too - Ronnie walking around, nodding encouragement at Keith, Mick T on vocals, of all things...and Charlie, bless his heart, with a big smile on his face. Assuming Keith continues it in the set, it will get more polished and that's a good thing, but I'm really happy I got to see this one in all it's ragged glory.

And, I don't think talking about Keith and how he performs should be used as a comparison to Mick. There is only one Mick Jagger.

This SA has some honesty and 'realness' in it. Keith singing out of tune - no big deal. It's at least no routine job they're doing. Including MT is just nice, though he would be able to add much more to this song.

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: February 23, 2014 17:41

Great reports... and once again the moral of the story is...
no matter if in you are the rafters or up front, if you dont like
your view... You Got To Move... you got to move. I evacuated
from my "on stage" seats on that one tour, when it turned out that
there was not enough room up there to enjoy it, and the view was not
that great anyway... so... I went out front and enjoyed the rest of the show.

Sometimes... Ya got to move...

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: zgubi ()
Date: February 23, 2014 17:45

I am still stunned after the show, and in an incredible high from an amazing experience with the Stones and Abu Dhabi alltogether.

I just made it home from Abu Dhabi and will be leaving again in 3 weeks for Australia. I'm putting together a complete report either later today or tomorrow.

However here is the video summary put together by du with the VIP experience, you can see me in the brown jacket.

Safe travels to everyone going to Tokyo or back home!

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: February 23, 2014 17:56

I am still stunned after the show, and in an incredible high from an amazing experience with the Stones and Abu Dhabi alltogether.

I just made it home from Abu Dhabi and will be leaving again in 3 weeks for Australia. I'm putting together a complete report either later today or tomorrow.

However here is the video summary put together by du with the VIP experience, you can see me in the brown jacket.

Safe travels to everyone going to Tokyo or back home!
COOOOOOOLsmileys with beer Your ecstatic scream is great as you come from back stage

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: DoomandGloom ()
Date: February 23, 2014 18:07

I was in the fire pit for the first half of the show. As the stage is at least 3 meters high (10 feet), and even higher in the middle as it is extending into the crowd, all I saw was the heads of Charlie, Keith, all of Ronnie because I was on his side, and all of Mick, because he was all over. I left the fire pit during the show and went into the middle of the crowd for a much better view. I don't know why they charge a high price for the fire pit when it is in fact sort of obstructed view. I have rarely seen such a high stage floor.
My guess, the stage was high and distant because there is more of a security risk and terrorism threat to the band there than any other place they'll play.

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: piet ()
Date: February 23, 2014 18:10


has anybody already mentioned the massive ticket upgrades that were made for this show?

I can’t remember having read about this in this thread, so this is what happened to us:

My friend and I had tickets for general admission early entry. This meant we could enter the venue at 6.30 as opposed to regular ticket holders who were let in at 7.30. We joined our queue – fire pit and golden circle ticket holders had to enter through a different gate - at about 6.10 with about a hundred people already before us.

At 6.30 the gates were opened and we moved forward. There was absolutely no rush and no pushing. Our tickets were checked by security and then, a few steps further on, without further explanation, wristbands were attached to our arms.

I was surprised as this is not a common practise for general admission, until walking into the venue I noticed that the wristbands were titled “golden circle”. We continued to the front of the general admission area where we saw a small entrance to the golden circle. We showed our band to the security guys who waved us through. The area was still almost empty so we coüld easily find a place almost next to the ramp and right up at the barrier separating us from the fire pit.

So in essence we were upgraded not only to golden circle but to golden circle early entry – tickets that had originally cost more than three times as much as what we had paid. I am pretty certain that the majority with early entry tickets were upgraded in that way.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-02-23 19:27 by piet.

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: Adams ()
Date: February 23, 2014 18:25

I hope they change the stage set up for Europe. My favourite spot is 10 meters from stage right at the catwalk. It seems that with any ticket (I'm afraid I might not be able to afford the most expensive one anyway) that position is obstructed view because the catwalk is so high...

I remember AC/DC had the same kind of setup on recent tour...
Which meant that if one stood not on the side but closer to the centre, half of stage view would be covered by the catwalk... And this would happen in the whole area measured by the catwalk lenght

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: rollingon ()
Date: February 23, 2014 18:35

Blocked from starting threads, but guess I can post...? So you traipse out Mick Taylor on Slipping Away, a pretty ballad, let him sing a background at the end of the song (BFD), and you don't give him the opportunity to do what he has been KNOWN for his whole life, which is to emote melodically on the guitar?

WTF are you thinking?

Most of us would really like to hear some melodic playing from Mick Taylor I guess like he did in -73 or so... But I think Mick and Keith have a different vision of the band nowadays and Ronnie is also involved and Mick Taylor is really only a guest so the whole equation is different... So now it seems Mick Taylor is mainly limited to blues type of playing in MR, not the melodic type of playing he used to do, I'm not sure if he would be capable of doing it like he did in the 70s either...

But let's hope we will here some melodic fills from him... He used to be a master in it.

Re: Abu Dhabi Feb 21 Rolling Stones show live updates
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: February 23, 2014 18:45

Most of us would really like to hear some melodic playing from Mick Taylor I guess like he did in -73 or so...

Don't give up entirely : less than 10 days ago during the 2014 rehearsals I heard a version of "Heartbreaker" with MT wha leads that sounded sooooooo 1973! smileys with beer

Imo AD was not a blueprint for the whole tour, rather a 2nd warm-up gig, and they'll fire the big musical guns from Feb. 26 on.

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