Re: UK gigs
Posted by:
Date: July 18, 2005 14:24
Oh Mav, you´re back, thank God, I thought we lost you in the torrentjungle..
Or in some undercover op in search of possible UK gigs never to see the light of day...
"I don´t like you", you don´t know me, so how can you dislike me?? I know what I don´t like, that´s people trying to show off, like " I have this and that, but I´m not sharing...bla bla."
When claming as you did that you had a torrent of the new album, I think not sharing in a place like this is like swearing in church. But I asked you nice and polite where you got it, but all I got was, "Wrong thread, this and that.."
I posted in the right thread and it was more of the same. No wonder I made a little crusade out of it.
Admit one thing, so we can lay this silly thing to rest: There never was a torrent in the first place, OK?
LOL!?? From my point of view LOL!seems very appropriate in this case.
Nordic Stones Vikings