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Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: peter wilson ()
Date: December 3, 2013 18:09

Treaclefingers - I am sure that I have Elvis' Christmas album in the collection somewhere!

Spud - agree re: the cartridge. What surprised me (because I haven't purchased a cartridge in 20 + years) was the price range. They started at $160 and went up to an astonishing $20,000 - now that is getting serious!!

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: December 3, 2013 21:09

peter wilson
Treaclefingers - I am sure that I have Elvis' Christmas album in the collection somewhere!

Spud - agree re: the cartridge. What surprised me (because I haven't purchased a cartridge in 20 + years) was the price range. They started at $160 and went up to an astonishing $20,000 - now that is getting serious!!

I've got I think 5 different versions of Elvis Christmas albums on vinyl...the Elvis estate puts the Stones repackaging efforts to shame!

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: MILKYWAY ()
Date: December 5, 2013 15:44

Once you do get that turntable, you should treat yourself to a "hot stamper" copy of your favorite Rolling Stones LP.

Currently, Better Records has a "White Hot Stamper" of Emotional Rescue on sale for a mere US$299.99. What a wonderful holiday gift that would be for either yourself or a fellow Stones fan!!!

Rolling Stones Hot Stampers

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: December 6, 2013 03:26

Once you do get that turntable, you should treat yourself to a "hot stamper" copy of your favorite Rolling Stones LP.

Currently, Better Records has a "White Hot Stamper" of Emotional Rescue on sale for a mere US$299.99. What a wonderful holiday gift that would be for either yourself or a fellow Stones fan!!!

Rolling Stones Hot Stampers

Love to get me a hot stamper version of Emotional Rescue for only $300.

Wow, what an INCREDIBLE deal!

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: spsimmons ()
Date: December 6, 2013 14:07

Here's another vote for a Technics turntable. Mine is a Technics SL 1200. I love it! Never had any problems.

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Date: December 6, 2013 14:39

Once you do get that turntable, you should treat yourself to a "hot stamper" copy of your favorite Rolling Stones LP.

Currently, Better Records has a "White Hot Stamper" of Emotional Rescue on sale for a mere US$299.99. What a wonderful holiday gift that would be for either yourself or a fellow Stones fan!!!

Rolling Stones Hot Stampers

Love to get me a hot stamper version of Emotional Rescue for only $300.

Wow, what an INCREDIBLE deal!

Aren't hot stampers kinda messy? Better wait till it gets cold - might be cheaper as well...

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: Loudei ()
Date: December 6, 2013 14:45

How about speakers? I have my an audiotecnica turn table through a receiver and speakers...

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: December 6, 2013 15:12

Once you do get that turntable, you should treat yourself to a "hot stamper" copy of your favorite Rolling Stones LP.

Currently, Better Records has a "White Hot Stamper" of Emotional Rescue on sale for a mere US$299.99. What a wonderful holiday gift that would be for either yourself or a fellow Stones fan!!!

Rolling Stones Hot Stampers

Love to get me a hot stamper version of Emotional Rescue for only $300.

Wow, what an INCREDIBLE deal!

I've got mixed feelings about these and any other "audiophile" grade records which have been marketed over the years.
If folks aren't careful their whole motivation for owning a "Hi Fi" system gets turned *rse over t*t.

In extreme cases , folks end up buying and playing the records that make their systems sound good...almost irrespective of the musical content.
They can end up Hi Fi junkies with diminishing interest in the music itself.

The best domestic audio systems are those which coax the most enjoyable results from typical commercial records, CDs or whatever.
Some records and pressings will alway sound better than others, but the best systems make them all enjoyable

These systems put the music together and play it as a cohesive whole.

At the same time, there many esoteric systems, costing scores of thousands, that pull the music to bits instead !
These are the ones that make folks crave fancy demo records and listen to their equipment rather than to the music !

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: December 6, 2013 16:25

How about speakers? I have my an audiotecnica turn table through a receiver and speakers...


I just put my head next to the tone arm when I have the record playing. True, it's a bit quiet but I get all the warmth of the vinyl, albeit in mono sound (even with stereo records).

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Date: December 6, 2013 16:27

How about speakers? I have my an audiotecnica turn table through a receiver and speakers...


I just put my head next to the tone arm when I have the record playing. True, it's a bit quiet but I get all the warmth of the vinyl, albeit in mono sound (even with stereo records).

Place the player into the wall, or even better, into two walls in a corner. Voila, you got amplification, mister!

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: December 6, 2013 16:27

Once you do get that turntable, you should treat yourself to a "hot stamper" copy of your favorite Rolling Stones LP.

Currently, Better Records has a "White Hot Stamper" of Emotional Rescue on sale for a mere US$299.99. What a wonderful holiday gift that would be for either yourself or a fellow Stones fan!!!

Rolling Stones Hot Stampers

Love to get me a hot stamper version of Emotional Rescue for only $300.

Wow, what an INCREDIBLE deal!

I've got mixed feelings about these and any other "audiophile" grade records which have been marketed over the years.
If folks aren't careful their whole motivation for owning a "Hi Fi" system gets turned *rse over t*t.

In extreme cases , folks end up buying and playing the records that make their systems sound good...almost irrespective of the musical content.
They can end up Hi Fi junkies with diminishing interest in the music itself.

The best domestic audio systems are those which coax the most enjoyable results from typical commercial records, CDs or whatever.
Some records and pressings will alway sound better than others, but the best systems make them all enjoyable

These systems put the music together and play it as a cohesive whole.

At the same time, there many esoteric systems, costing scores of thousands, that pull the music to bits instead !
These are the ones that make folks crave fancy demo records and listen to their equipment rather than to the music !

We differ in that my feelings aren't mixed on this...I think it's a bit ridiculous to pay for ANY copy of Emotional Rescue, poster or not!

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: Loudei ()
Date: December 6, 2013 16:29

you guys are a bunch of @#$%&

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Date: December 6, 2013 16:39

Sorry, Loudei. Bad attempt of being funny...

I have a 1972 stereo system: A Radionette Soundmaster 40, and play through a M-Audio preamp, connected to a Mac. Tandberg speakers (also 1972 models).




Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-12-06 16:43 by DandelionPowderman.

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: December 6, 2013 16:40

you guys are a bunch of @#$%&


I've got Polk Audio 5.1 with an LG Blu Ray player for my living room setup, going through a Yamaha amp.

In the living room I've also got (I still can't believe my wife let me get away with this) a Technics SL1900 turntable with Audio Technica Cartridge going through a different Yamaha amp (with preamp built it) through 4 Quest Tower Speakers (very low-mid price but actually sound quite good). I also have a 5 disc Sony CD player and a Sony Blu Ray (thank you Toru!) - for my Blu Ray Audio but mainly my Stones SACDs.

I'll eventually upgrade the Yamaha amp that runs the stereo components and the speakers, but they do me quite well for the moment!

In my home office I have an Altec Lansing 5.1 running through my PC...just gorgeous sound in a much smaller space.

OK, I've come clean.

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: December 6, 2013 16:45

you guys are a bunch of @#$%&

Guilty your honour sad smiley

With regard to speakers.

The only way to choose speakers is by listening to them.
...Ideally in the context of your own system or one very like it.

As a rule of thumb,there's usually little benefit in spending a fortune on speakers unless the rest of the system is good enough to do them justice.

If you put a poor signal into the world's best speakers, you'll just get excellent resolution of a poor signal.

If you put a good signal into a modestly decent little speaker, you can get some get some very good results.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-12-06 16:46 by Spud.

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: vudicus ()
Date: December 6, 2013 16:48

If you are careful, you could go second hand. I've got a Linn / Goldring set up that I could never have afforded new.

Sc uk

Yep. I use a Linn myself.

Look out for old Thorens decks too . Built to last for ever... and usually do

The ancient Thorens TD 150 with the full length arm board can be picked up for peanuts. Stick a 2nd hand Rega arm on it and it will deliver very high quality results.
The draw back with old suspended chassis decks like the Thorens, [and the Linn LP12] is that optimum performance does require skilled set up...not rocket science but needs care and knowledge.

Non suspeneded decks like the Regas don't suffer with this issue. Fit and align the cartridge, balance the arm and you're good to go smiling smiley

I have a vintage Thorens TD-150 MKII with the infamous Krugelarm tone arm.
It really is a Wonderful combination for very little money.
I know people often change the arm but I found that it sets up perfectly and I see no reason to replace it. I think the arm even looks cool too which most people don't.
I use a Shure M-97XE Cartridge with a JICO SAS Stylus and it works great.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-12-06 16:49 by vudicus.

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: December 6, 2013 17:06

If you are careful, you could go second hand. I've got a Linn / Goldring set up that I could never have afforded new.

Sc uk

Yep. I use a Linn myself.

Look out for old Thorens decks too . Built to last for ever... and usually do

The ancient Thorens TD 150 with the full length arm board can be picked up for peanuts. Stick a 2nd hand Rega arm on it and it will deliver very high quality results.
The draw back with old suspended chassis decks like the Thorens, [and the Linn LP12] is that optimum performance does require skilled set up...not rocket science but needs care and knowledge.

Non suspeneded decks like the Regas don't suffer with this issue. Fit and align the cartridge, balance the arm and you're good to go smiling smiley

I have a vintage Thorens TD-150 MKII with the infamous Krugelarm tone arm.
It really is a Wonderful combination for very little money.
I know people often change the arm but I found that it sets up perfectly and I see no reason to replace it. I think the arm even looks cool too which most people don't.
I use a Shure M-97XE Cartridge with a JICO SAS Stylus and it works great.

thumbs up

I love the old TD 150 . I've fettled a few of those for folks over the years.

There are a couple of effective little mods that sound worthwhile and cost very little.
If there's still some of that sponge foam rubber in the supension springs...get rid of it [and then adjust the springs so that the deck has a nice even bounce when you tap it near the middle of the platter].

Try a felt mat instead of the standard rubber one. Not only is this kinder to your records, it gives a more natural sound.

I found this photo on the net...which I thought especially apt

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2013-12-06 17:16 by Spud.

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Date: December 6, 2013 17:18

The best new turntable for $ 399 U.S. dollars and under (and,really,the only one in that price range which can be considered entry level Hi-Fi gear) is the Pro-Ject Audio Systems "Pro-Ject Debut Carbon" ! :

* [] *


There are 8 colour options.

If you want to spend more money on a new turntable,Rega Research makes great turntables at a variety of price points .... starting @ around $ 500 U.S. dollars for the Rega RP1. Other options above that include the RP3 , the RP6 , the RP8 , and the RP78 . :

* [] * - Click on the link to their web-site,go to "Products" and then to "Turntables" .

A third option for a new turntable would be a "Music Hall" unit but,really,I would go with Rega or Pro-Ject first for Hi-Fi . I'm not sure about D.J. gear.

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: vudicus ()
Date: December 6, 2013 18:04

If you are careful, you could go second hand. I've got a Linn / Goldring set up that I could never have afforded new.

Sc uk

Yep. I use a Linn myself.

Look out for old Thorens decks too . Built to last for ever... and usually do

The ancient Thorens TD 150 with the full length arm board can be picked up for peanuts. Stick a 2nd hand Rega arm on it and it will deliver very high quality results.
The draw back with old suspended chassis decks like the Thorens, [and the Linn LP12] is that optimum performance does require skilled set up...not rocket science but needs care and knowledge.

Non suspeneded decks like the Regas don't suffer with this issue. Fit and align the cartridge, balance the arm and you're good to go smiling smiley

I have a vintage Thorens TD-150 MKII with the infamous Krugelarm tone arm.
It really is a Wonderful combination for very little money.
I know people often change the arm but I found that it sets up perfectly and I see no reason to replace it. I think the arm even looks cool too which most people don't.
I use a Shure M-97XE Cartridge with a JICO SAS Stylus and it works great.

thumbs up

I love the old TD 150 . I've fettled a few of those for folks over the years.

There are a couple of effective little mods that sound worthwhile and cost very little.
If there's still some of that sponge foam rubber in the supension springs...get rid of it [and then adjust the springs so that the deck has a nice even bounce when you tap it near the middle of the platter].

Try a felt mat instead of the standard rubber one. Not only is this kinder to your records, it gives a more natural sound.

I found this photo on the net...which I thought especially apt

Thanks for the tips, I shall give them a try.

Out of curiosity, do you know where I might be able to source a replacement on/off/speed motor switch? Although I can still change the speed, it has recently stopped turning off which is a bit of a problem.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2013-12-06 18:11 by vudicus.

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: peter wilson ()
Date: December 6, 2013 18:36

How about speakers? I have my an audiotecnica turn table through a receiver and speakers...


Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: MILKYWAY ()
Date: December 6, 2013 18:42

Once you do get that turntable, you should treat yourself to a "hot stamper" copy of your favorite Rolling Stones LP.

Currently, Better Records has a "White Hot Stamper" of Emotional Rescue on sale for a mere US$299.99. What a wonderful holiday gift that would be for either yourself or a fellow Stones fan!!!

Rolling Stones Hot Stampers

Love to get me a hot stamper version of Emotional Rescue for only $300.

Wow, what an INCREDIBLE deal!

I thought so too!!!

But if that's too rich for your blood, I'll sell you a hot stamper of Dirty Work from my personal collection for a mere US$250.00. Plus shipping & handling.

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: December 7, 2013 00:26

Once you do get that turntable, you should treat yourself to a "hot stamper" copy of your favorite Rolling Stones LP.

Currently, Better Records has a "White Hot Stamper" of Emotional Rescue on sale for a mere US$299.99. What a wonderful holiday gift that would be for either yourself or a fellow Stones fan!!!

Rolling Stones Hot Stampers

Love to get me a hot stamper version of Emotional Rescue for only $300.

Wow, what an INCREDIBLE deal!

I thought so too!!!

But if that's too rich for your blood, I'll sell you a hot stamper of Dirty Work from my personal collection for a mere US$250.00. Plus shipping & handling.

If anyone is offering you $250 for any copy of Dirty Work, you should be offering to hand deliver it to their home for FREE!

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: MILKYWAY ()
Date: December 7, 2013 01:36

I thought so too!!!

But if that's too rich for your blood, I'll sell you a hot stamper of Dirty Work from my personal collection for a mere US$250.00. Plus shipping & handling.

If anyone is offering you $250 for any copy of Dirty Work, you should be offering to hand deliver it to their home for FREE!

What's your address?

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: December 7, 2013 02:23

I thought so too!!!

But if that's too rich for your blood, I'll sell you a hot stamper of Dirty Work from my personal collection for a mere US$250.00. Plus shipping & handling.

If anyone is offering you $250 for any copy of Dirty Work, you should be offering to hand deliver it to their home for FREE!

What's your address?

I'm still considering making an offer of $250....but hand delivery, whoa, you've blown me away.

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: Toru A ()
Date: December 7, 2013 02:59

How about speakers? I have my an audiotecnica turn table through a receiver and speakers...

James Bullough Lansing ( JBL ) will rock you hard.smiling smiley

Keith Richards' Nine-Day Party

ROLLING STONES guitarist KEITH RICHARDS once stayed awake for nine days - but claims he was simply too busy to sleep.
The wild-living HONKY TONK WOMAN performer was not trying to break any records, but found that life got more interesting the longer he stayed awake.
Richards explains, "It wasn't an attempt of anything. It just happened. It was all just so interesting. I had some good s***.
People would come by after two or three days, good friends, and go, 'You're still up, aren't you?'
"But after three days, you see - and this is what's interesting - after three days you really go into, you're kind of looking from the ceiling at yourself and everything.
"You can get in the car and drive and be perfectly functional but, at the same time, you know that you're not quite there. But it's so fascinating."
The life-long rocker, who as a child was in a choir that performed for British monarch QUEEN ELIZABETH II, continues,
"I had so much to do, man. I wanted to make these tapes and I was writing a letter to somebody that never made it.
Y'know, 'Dear Sir, duh duh duh duh.' All nuts stuff. Making tapes. Friends coming by.
"It was only afterwards that I realised how long I'd been going. I kind of gave up counting.
"How it ended was, I was making a copy of a cassette and writing down every track and I was perfectly OK, I pushed down the record and play, turned round and bang!
I caught my head on the edge of a speaker.
"Must have been asleep for a third of a second. JBL speakers, man, beware that brand! There was claret (blood) everywhere.
"It was then that my friends said, 'Keith, I think you'd better go to bed.'"


Altec Lansing

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: MILKYWAY ()
Date: December 7, 2013 14:36

I thought so too!!!

But if that's too rich for your blood, I'll sell you a hot stamper of Dirty Work from my personal collection for a mere US$250.00. Plus shipping & handling.

If anyone is offering you $250 for any copy of Dirty Work, you should be offering to hand deliver it to their home for FREE!

What's your address?

I'm still considering making an offer of $250....but hand delivery, whoa, you've blown me away.

Absolutely. I would love to see the person who would spend US$250.00 on a used copy of Dirty Work, just because a faceless stranger says that it sounds better than other copies.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-12-07 17:53 by MILKYWAY.

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: MILKYWAY ()
Date: December 7, 2013 14:49

you guys are a bunch of @#$%&

And you, sir, are a witless bumpkin. "What turntable should I get?" So vague. No mention of your budget, your needs, what music you listen to, your budget (I wrote it twice because it is that damn important), where you live, who will also use it, etc.

Future thread topics you might use:
What car should I buy?
What type of person should I marry?
What career should I chose?
Where should I live?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-12-07 14:53 by MILKYWAY.

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: MILKYWAY ()
Date: December 7, 2013 15:28

Where'd you go, Cap'n?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-12-07 16:52 by MILKYWAY.

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: Loudei ()
Date: December 7, 2013 15:38

Re: OT: Good Vinyl SEtup?
Posted by: Toru A ()
Date: December 9, 2013 03:59


If you put a poor signal into the world's best speakers, you'll just get excellent resolution of a poor signal.

If you put a good signal into a modestly decent little speaker, you can get some get some very good results.

You said it!smiling smiley

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