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peter wilson
Treaclefingers - I am sure that I have Elvis' Christmas album in the collection somewhere!
Spud - agree re: the cartridge. What surprised me (because I haven't purchased a cartridge in 20 + years) was the price range. They started at $160 and went up to an astonishing $20,000 - now that is getting serious!!
Once you do get that turntable, you should treat yourself to a "hot stamper" copy of your favorite Rolling Stones LP.
Currently, Better Records has a "White Hot Stamper" of Emotional Rescue on sale for a mere US$299.99. What a wonderful holiday gift that would be for either yourself or a fellow Stones fan!!!
Rolling Stones Hot Stampers
Once you do get that turntable, you should treat yourself to a "hot stamper" copy of your favorite Rolling Stones LP.
Currently, Better Records has a "White Hot Stamper" of Emotional Rescue on sale for a mere US$299.99. What a wonderful holiday gift that would be for either yourself or a fellow Stones fan!!!
Rolling Stones Hot Stampers
Love to get me a hot stamper version of Emotional Rescue for only $300.
Wow, what an INCREDIBLE deal!
Once you do get that turntable, you should treat yourself to a "hot stamper" copy of your favorite Rolling Stones LP.
Currently, Better Records has a "White Hot Stamper" of Emotional Rescue on sale for a mere US$299.99. What a wonderful holiday gift that would be for either yourself or a fellow Stones fan!!!
Rolling Stones Hot Stampers
Love to get me a hot stamper version of Emotional Rescue for only $300.
Wow, what an INCREDIBLE deal!
How about speakers? I have my an audiotecnica turn table through a receiver and speakers...
How about speakers? I have my an audiotecnica turn table through a receiver and speakers...
I just put my head next to the tone arm when I have the record playing. True, it's a bit quiet but I get all the warmth of the vinyl, albeit in mono sound (even with stereo records).
Once you do get that turntable, you should treat yourself to a "hot stamper" copy of your favorite Rolling Stones LP.
Currently, Better Records has a "White Hot Stamper" of Emotional Rescue on sale for a mere US$299.99. What a wonderful holiday gift that would be for either yourself or a fellow Stones fan!!!
Rolling Stones Hot Stampers
Love to get me a hot stamper version of Emotional Rescue for only $300.
Wow, what an INCREDIBLE deal!
I've got mixed feelings about these and any other "audiophile" grade records which have been marketed over the years.
If folks aren't careful their whole motivation for owning a "Hi Fi" system gets turned *rse over t*t.
In extreme cases , folks end up buying and playing the records that make their systems sound good...almost irrespective of the musical content.
They can end up Hi Fi junkies with diminishing interest in the music itself.
The best domestic audio systems are those which coax the most enjoyable results from typical commercial records, CDs or whatever.
Some records and pressings will alway sound better than others, but the best systems make them all enjoyable
These systems put the music together and play it as a cohesive whole.
At the same time, there many esoteric systems, costing scores of thousands, that pull the music to bits instead !
These are the ones that make folks crave fancy demo records and listen to their equipment rather than to the music !
you guys are a bunch of @#$%&
you guys are a bunch of @#$%&
If you are careful, you could go second hand. I've got a Linn / Goldring set up that I could never have afforded new.
Sc uk
Yep. I use a Linn myself.
Look out for old Thorens decks too . Built to last for ever... and usually do
The ancient Thorens TD 150 with the full length arm board can be picked up for peanuts. Stick a 2nd hand Rega arm on it and it will deliver very high quality results.
The draw back with old suspended chassis decks like the Thorens, [and the Linn LP12] is that optimum performance does require skilled set up...not rocket science but needs care and knowledge.
Non suspeneded decks like the Regas don't suffer with this issue. Fit and align the cartridge, balance the arm and you're good to go
If you are careful, you could go second hand. I've got a Linn / Goldring set up that I could never have afforded new.
Sc uk
Yep. I use a Linn myself.
Look out for old Thorens decks too . Built to last for ever... and usually do
The ancient Thorens TD 150 with the full length arm board can be picked up for peanuts. Stick a 2nd hand Rega arm on it and it will deliver very high quality results.
The draw back with old suspended chassis decks like the Thorens, [and the Linn LP12] is that optimum performance does require skilled set up...not rocket science but needs care and knowledge.
Non suspeneded decks like the Regas don't suffer with this issue. Fit and align the cartridge, balance the arm and you're good to go
I have a vintage Thorens TD-150 MKII with the infamous Krugelarm tone arm.
It really is a Wonderful combination for very little money.
I know people often change the arm but I found that it sets up perfectly and I see no reason to replace it. I think the arm even looks cool too which most people don't.
I use a Shure M-97XE Cartridge with a JICO SAS Stylus and it works great.
If you are careful, you could go second hand. I've got a Linn / Goldring set up that I could never have afforded new.
Sc uk
Yep. I use a Linn myself.
Look out for old Thorens decks too . Built to last for ever... and usually do
The ancient Thorens TD 150 with the full length arm board can be picked up for peanuts. Stick a 2nd hand Rega arm on it and it will deliver very high quality results.
The draw back with old suspended chassis decks like the Thorens, [and the Linn LP12] is that optimum performance does require skilled set up...not rocket science but needs care and knowledge.
Non suspeneded decks like the Regas don't suffer with this issue. Fit and align the cartridge, balance the arm and you're good to go
I have a vintage Thorens TD-150 MKII with the infamous Krugelarm tone arm.
It really is a Wonderful combination for very little money.
I know people often change the arm but I found that it sets up perfectly and I see no reason to replace it. I think the arm even looks cool too which most people don't.
I use a Shure M-97XE Cartridge with a JICO SAS Stylus and it works great.
I love the old TD 150 . I've fettled a few of those for folks over the years.
There are a couple of effective little mods that sound worthwhile and cost very little.
If there's still some of that sponge foam rubber in the supension springs...get rid of it [and then adjust the springs so that the deck has a nice even bounce when you tap it near the middle of the platter].
Try a felt mat instead of the standard rubber one. Not only is this kinder to your records, it gives a more natural sound.
I found this photo on the net...which I thought especially apt
How about speakers? I have my an audiotecnica turn table through a receiver and speakers...
Once you do get that turntable, you should treat yourself to a "hot stamper" copy of your favorite Rolling Stones LP.
Currently, Better Records has a "White Hot Stamper" of Emotional Rescue on sale for a mere US$299.99. What a wonderful holiday gift that would be for either yourself or a fellow Stones fan!!!
Rolling Stones Hot Stampers
Love to get me a hot stamper version of Emotional Rescue for only $300.
Wow, what an INCREDIBLE deal!
Once you do get that turntable, you should treat yourself to a "hot stamper" copy of your favorite Rolling Stones LP.
Currently, Better Records has a "White Hot Stamper" of Emotional Rescue on sale for a mere US$299.99. What a wonderful holiday gift that would be for either yourself or a fellow Stones fan!!!
Rolling Stones Hot Stampers
Love to get me a hot stamper version of Emotional Rescue for only $300.
Wow, what an INCREDIBLE deal!
I thought so too!!!
But if that's too rich for your blood, I'll sell you a hot stamper of Dirty Work from my personal collection for a mere US$250.00. Plus shipping & handling.
I thought so too!!!
But if that's too rich for your blood, I'll sell you a hot stamper of Dirty Work from my personal collection for a mere US$250.00. Plus shipping & handling.
If anyone is offering you $250 for any copy of Dirty Work, you should be offering to hand deliver it to their home for FREE!
I thought so too!!!
But if that's too rich for your blood, I'll sell you a hot stamper of Dirty Work from my personal collection for a mere US$250.00. Plus shipping & handling.
If anyone is offering you $250 for any copy of Dirty Work, you should be offering to hand deliver it to their home for FREE!
What's your address?
How about speakers? I have my an audiotecnica turn table through a receiver and speakers...
I thought so too!!!
But if that's too rich for your blood, I'll sell you a hot stamper of Dirty Work from my personal collection for a mere US$250.00. Plus shipping & handling.
If anyone is offering you $250 for any copy of Dirty Work, you should be offering to hand deliver it to their home for FREE!
What's your address?
I'm still considering making an offer of $250....but hand delivery, whoa, you've blown me away.
you guys are a bunch of @#$%&
If you put a poor signal into the world's best speakers, you'll just get excellent resolution of a poor signal.
If you put a good signal into a modestly decent little speaker, you can get some get some very good results.