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Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: Jasper76 ()
Date: July 28, 2013 11:49

I had my telecaster stolen by my ex girlfriend when I was at hyde park on the 13th-i made no note of the serial numbers-im still feeling depressed as shit. Just a horrible feeling knowing I will never ever see it again after 15 years

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: jpasc95 ()
Date: July 28, 2013 12:10

the @#$%&..g bi..h !
I knew that too about 25 years ago with my telecaster.
a big assh..e took it at home some day to play with a friend of his and he never gave it back !

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: GravityBoy ()
Date: July 28, 2013 12:11

"ex girlfriend".


OK... p.o.l.i.c.e......

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: Jasper76 ()
Date: July 28, 2013 12:16

She even admitted she took it and her boyfriend said he will slit my throat if I try to go round to her house to get it back ...the police ! you got to be kidding they don't give a shit man..she lied to my lodger to get into my house and must have passed it thru the window to her boyfriend ...a bitter pill to swallow..its gone ..sold for smack and crack probably for peanuts it was worth at least a £1000

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: Jasper76 ()
Date: July 28, 2013 12:18

She took it the day before my 37th birthday which made it all even more painful..what goes around comes around I hope...its just a sinking feeling everyday

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: July 28, 2013 12:18


sad smiley

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: July 28, 2013 14:24

She even admitted she took it and her boyfriend said he will slit my throat if I try to go round to her house to get it back ...the police ! you got to be kidding they don't give a shit man..she lied to my lodger to get into my house and must have passed it thru the window to her boyfriend ...a bitter pill to swallow..its gone ..sold for smack and crack probably for peanuts it was worth at least a £1000

Well, the moral of the story is ........................... pretty bloody obvious I'd have thought ! Exercise a bit of caution as regards the kind of folks you get to know or get involved with. Hope u get the axe back one way or the other.

Ever thought about breaking down the door to their place with a sledgehammer, removing afore-mentioned axe, and then torching the place with them in it ? That might dampen their enthusiasm for unruly behaviour in the future ! O wait though ...... you might get into trouble for that actually ......

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: July 28, 2013 15:13

I hesitate to comment because we dont know the whole story,
but this sound more like it was taken, not stolen.....
but if it is simple as you say then I greatly urge you to
Go get your guitar back!!.

Go get it when you are sober and clear thinking.

If there are too many "other" factors which prevent that, then OK....
but again... hell or high water, I would go get it and you should too.

That is all. Good luck man.

And to everyone else...
write down your serial numbers, take pictures, keep reciepts etc etc

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: EddieByword ()
Date: July 28, 2013 15:24

She even admitted she took it and her boyfriend said he will slit my throat if I try to go round to her house to get it back ...the police ! you got to be kidding they don't give a shit man..she lied to my lodger to get into my house and must have passed it thru the window to her boyfriend ...a bitter pill to swallow..its gone ..sold for smack and crack probably for peanuts it was worth at least a £1000

Have you checked out the local second hand shops, asked around the pubs they go to, checked ebay (although if they are into crack & smack maybe they are not that together) never know you might as a last resort be able to buy it back for cheaper than it's worth......

You said 1000 pounds so I'm assuming you are in the UK,,,,, insist on seeing an Inspector at the police station, go armed with the threat that if they don't shift their arses you'll go to see your MP and/or local Police Commissioner..........

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-28 15:26 by EddieByword.

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: Jasper76 ()
Date: July 28, 2013 15:34

the police in the UK wont even call me back about this even after her new bloke said he would slit my throat if I went round to get it back and I had a witness who heard it all on loud speaker on my mobile and he gave a statement. Its simple the Police don't care about guitars and death threats they would rather catch me driving 33mph in a 30MPH zone. I @#$%& hate the UK Police. At the end of the day she lied her way into my house stole my guitar and her boyfriend threatened to kill me if I went to get it back and the Police do nothing and I have to pay council tax every month to them and they do nothing to help me

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: liddas ()
Date: July 28, 2013 15:35

Last year, more or less in this period, I received a visit by "thiefs in the night" ... They took away my iPad with more or less one year of recordings, phone, wallet, keyes, etc. Worse of all, they took my strat, my faithul companion for almost 23 years, the first electric I bought, AND my Marin acustic.

Stringe enough, I don't miss the Martin that much. It was just a guitar a guitar.

But the strat ... Still a pain in the heart.

Probably been sold for nothing to score some shit.

As for the serial no., I still had the original Fender card, but it was completely useless.

What caused immense frustration was that I found out of the theft a copule of hours later, and with my iPhone and iPad in their hand the police could have easily got them. Unfortunately I am no vip!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-28 15:36 by liddas.

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: EddieByword ()
Date: July 28, 2013 15:54

the police in the UK wont even call me back about this even after her new bloke said he would slit my throat if I went round to get it back and I had a witness who heard it all on loud speaker on my mobile and he gave a statement. Its simple the Police don't care about guitars and death threats they would rather catch me driving 33mph in a 30MPH zone. I @#$%& hate the UK Police. At the end of the day she lied her way into my house stole my guitar and her boyfriend threatened to kill me if I went to get it back and the Police do nothing and I have to pay council tax every month to them and they do nothing to help me

Well, tell them, if they don't shape up you'll go to your MP and/or Commisioner and the local paper, or better still write to the IPC, (and if neccessary do it!) if you've got a witness they won't have a leg to stand on, you got some power in this, I reckon you should use it.........

MPs don't like shit like that on their patch in case it becomes 'a story'........

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-28 15:57 by EddieByword.

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: July 28, 2013 16:48

Years ago I put my guitar up for sale at a consignment store. After several weeks, I went back to check, and found that the store was closed and all inventory was gone.

Never saw my guitar back, or got any money for it...

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: steini ()
Date: July 28, 2013 16:54

Sorry to hear that, this looks like i´ts not simple to get it back for you. One idea that you could try if it is not gone from them(your x and her friend or boyfriend) or to check it out it is still there. If you know someone you trust or trust if you pay for(and is not obviously sent by you), that also knows her to go to her or them and as i sayd check it out try to get it back. Or if it´s sold for some drugs, talk to a dealer or the dealer and explain the situation and ask for help.
I have helped to get back a rare Gibson(like the red one Angus Young is wearing alot, also Jagger in 1981 i think) and was worth a sum of money and also very personal first guitar for the owner. It took a try and luck. It ended in a such good way, i and the dealer(that had got it and was told as always it was not stolen) contacted the owner and handed to him and he thought it was gone for ever. We refused found reward and said "all for the rock and roll". So i have seen how it feels to see a guitar gone.
Best wishes and luck for you!

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: Roadster32 ()
Date: July 28, 2013 18:38

Nice girlfriend you had Jasper!!! At least she proved that she's got taste.

Go and get the cops no matter what her boyfriend says.

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: Title5Take1 ()
Date: July 28, 2013 19:26

In the DVD version (not the original TV broadcast) of THE BEATLES ANTHOLOGY Paul McCartney says that at some club gig the Beatles played (before they were famous) John stole someone's electric guitar.

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: GravityBoy ()
Date: July 28, 2013 23:56

Someone stole one of Maccas Hofners.

Loads of Stones gear got stolen over the years.

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: windmelody ()
Date: July 29, 2013 00:03

Sorry for your loss, I have never had ex gf who stole guitars. Try to get it back!

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: bleedingman ()
Date: July 29, 2013 00:08

I had my beloved Dan Armstrong plexiglass stolen in a burglary by some unsavory junkies I had the misfortune of being acquainted with. I also had my Gibson Melody Maker snatched from my hands late one night as I was returning from rehearsal in New York's West Side (I tried to fight but received a severe beating by the three thugs and watched my guitar carried off as I lay on the sidewalk). Finally I had my Gibson SG stolen by my friend's junkie ex-wife but that ended happily as a friend of mine worked at the store they tried to sell it to and he recognized it, due to a slight crack near the input. I had her arrested and, to add insult to injury, my guitar was impounded for 6 months as "evidence". I finally dropped the charges. Still have that one.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-29 00:09 by bleedingman.

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: Jasper76 ()
Date: July 29, 2013 10:08

I didn't take my telecaster to hyde park ! she probably guessed I was there she knocked on my door and told my lodger she had spoken to me and I said she could come into the house to see if she had any stuff left after splitting up for 13 months-which I did not say----she lied to get into my house asked my lodger for a pen he went upstairs and came down to find her in my lounge where all my guitar stuff is...she left my laptop top ipad and all my pedals and other guitars and took the most vaulauble one ..must have passed it thru the window

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: Roll73 ()
Date: July 29, 2013 16:59

I would be devastated if that happened to my guitar - I would hire some serious muscle (whatever the cost) and take him down with you to get your property back. The money wouldn't even come into it

Unfortunately I don't know where you'd find someone prepared to do that. Maybe do a bit of a bar crawl and chat to some mean looking bouncers?

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: RockinJive ()
Date: July 29, 2013 17:15

Sad story

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: Wry Cooter ()
Date: July 29, 2013 20:08

I had a vintage 60s Kay electric bass in prime condition stolen when my apartment was broken into by I'm virtually certain my former super turned crackhead. It's not like a Fender or anything but folks love those old Kay, Silvertone, DanElectro type things. That's why I owned it! I've seen the same (type of -- I hope) bass being offered for 750 - 1200 bucks on ebay. He probably sold it for a hit of crack.

Oh well! Hope it landed with someone who digs it.

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: nightskyman ()
Date: July 29, 2013 20:11

She even admitted she took it and her boyfriend said he will slit my throat if I try to go round to her house to get it back ...the police ! you got to be kidding they don't give a shit man..she lied to my lodger to get into my house and must have passed it thru the window to her boyfriend ...a bitter pill to swallow..its gone ..sold for smack and crack probably for peanuts it was worth at least a £1000

That's some nasty piece of work of an ex-girlfriend. Certainly the police should be involved if she's threatened violence upon you...or perhaps contact a lawyer.

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: MILKYWAY ()
Date: July 29, 2013 21:49

the police in the UK wont even call me back about this even after her new bloke said he would slit my throat if I went round to get it back and I had a witness who heard it all on loud speaker on my mobile and he gave a statement. Its simple the Police don't care about guitars and death threats they would rather catch me driving 33mph in a 30MPH zone. I @#$%& hate the UK Police. At the end of the day she lied her way into my house stole my guitar and her boyfriend threatened to kill me if I went to get it back and the Police do nothing and I have to pay council tax every month to them and they do nothing to help me

That guitar is long gone. Go back & kick his ass.

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: BJPortugal ()
Date: July 29, 2013 22:11

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: wolfmeister ()
Date: July 29, 2013 23:44

I didn't take my telecaster to hyde park ! she probably guessed I was there she knocked on my door and told my lodger she had spoken to me and I said she could come into the house to see if she had any stuff left after splitting up for 13 months-which I did not say----she lied to get into my house asked my lodger for a pen he went upstairs and came down to find her in my lounge where all my guitar stuff is...she left my laptop top ipad and all my pedals and other guitars and took the most vaulauble one ..must have passed it thru the window

well tbh your lodger is responsible. I once let someone i worked with (but didnt know) in to a place i lived in and he half inched some of my landlord's tools. I had to pay for them. that's the rules. take it out of his rent.

Re: Has anyone here had a guitar stolen?
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: July 30, 2013 00:00

Yeah I had a Red 75 Japanese ES-335 knockoff by Aria stolen not long ago. It was given to me my a friend not long before in toitally unplayable but brand new condition. Carved top hollowbody with a big wooden topped Bigsby tremelo tailpiece.

The fretboard had a bump in it right in front of where the neck screws attached it to the body. Must have been a knot on the wood or something. I took the offending screw out, ground it downa bit shorter, reinstalled it and clamped and glued the whole neck so it was perfectly straigt again.

Was looking forward to playing it, hung it on the wall and went out of town for a while. Came back a couple weeks later to a blank wall. wtf?

I was basically relieved they took the rather flashy but inexpensive one on the wall instead of the miriad of vintage Fenders and Gibsons in another location. Whew! Obviously not taken by a serious guitar player.......

Anyway as I was lamenting my loss a friend dropped by with a pretty nice Ibanez Talsman I had loaned him years ago and forgot about, so the balance of guitars remains the same. Funny how shit turns out. peace

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