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Re: OT: Now that N. America is over
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: June 26, 2013 09:43


How about they play somewhere other than the US as an 'alternative' ?

That market has been exhausted this year. You folks have had your chance for 2013.

They havent played continental Europe in six years and the rest of the world in seven years.

I believe if you ask the posters in the forum from the southern U.S., they will tell you that the U.S. market has not even been half saturated as yet.

You folks in the UK will have your chance again in a few weeks, and I agree Europe and elsewhere should have some shows.

With their present touring arrangements, now that they have graduated beyond the large-scale 2-year stadium blow-out tours, they seem to be concentrating on just one or two markets at a time for a small batch of concentrated shows before taking a few months off.

But they may do another leg this fall to satisfy the southern leg of the U.S., as they usually don't move on to Europe and elsewhere until the following year of a tour.

Hope they come back to Boston (relatively) soon!


The only city in Europe, let alone the UK, the Stones have played on this tour is London. Theres a lot more to both regions than just one city.

You're absolutely correct that theyve ignored the southern part of the US. The sad reality is, however, that between themselves and AEG they've chosen to do so for the simple reason that there wasnt enough money in it. The average ticket price on this tour was something like $370. More than double what the already exorbitantly priced Bigger Bang tour was in 2005-07.

Theres only so many markets that can sustain those sort of prices. Its a huge risk for any promoter. The south probably isnt in that category, which is shameful but a sad reality of the way Stones Inc works nowadays. Even on the tour theyve just done, theyve had to paper most venues with cut price tickets (and more $85 tickets than they planned to) to fill them. The Stones dont care as they get their guarantee regardless of whether they sell 5,000 tickets or 20,000 tickets, but AEG must have been collectively shitting bricks over the last two months. Some hard thinking required for any would be promoter to do that next time, and I'd imagine AEG would be very wary of repeating it. No wonder Branson & Dainty pulled out on promoting this tour. The overheads for them is enormous and whilst they can cash in on a mini tour like last year when the band are playing 2-3 shows per continent, its a different ball game when you extend that to an 18 date tour in 11 cities in one market.

I'm confident they'll tour again this autumn, but I believe it'll be continental Europe. So many markets to try out with short bursts of touring. Maybe they'll try some more US cities next year.

London is in Europe? Since when? It's still pounds and the English language in England--which is still the UK and not the EU, right? If you're from London, you're English, but if you're from Europe (i.e., France, Germany, Italy), then you're European.

Your original post mentions continental Europe, and I agreed that Europe should have some shows and said that you folks in the UK will get to see them again. You folks in the UK have been as spoiled on this tour as we in the U.S.--plus you don't have to travel as far to get to London, even if you're from Ireland, as some folks here in the States have had to travel to see shows on this tour. Most people in the U.S. cover more miles commuting to and from work in one day than people in the UK cover in one week.

So enjoy them in London--again, before they play in Europe.

I disagree about your assessment of the American South not being able to afford tickets--haven't you ever seen the TV show Dallas?

Re: OT: Now that N. America is over
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: June 26, 2013 14:42


How about they play somewhere other than the US as an 'alternative' ?

That market has been exhausted this year. You folks have had your chance for 2013.

They havent played continental Europe in six years and the rest of the world in seven years.

I believe if you ask the posters in the forum from the southern U.S., they will tell you that the U.S. market has not even been half saturated as yet.

You folks in the UK will have your chance again in a few weeks, and I agree Europe and elsewhere should have some shows.

With their present touring arrangements, now that they have graduated beyond the large-scale 2-year stadium blow-out tours, they seem to be concentrating on just one or two markets at a time for a small batch of concentrated shows before taking a few months off.

But they may do another leg this fall to satisfy the southern leg of the U.S., as they usually don't move on to Europe and elsewhere until the following year of a tour.

Hope they come back to Boston (relatively) soon!


The only city in Europe, let alone the UK, the Stones have played on this tour is London. Theres a lot more to both regions than just one city.

You're absolutely correct that theyve ignored the southern part of the US. The sad reality is, however, that between themselves and AEG they've chosen to do so for the simple reason that there wasnt enough money in it. The average ticket price on this tour was something like $370. More than double what the already exorbitantly priced Bigger Bang tour was in 2005-07.

Theres only so many markets that can sustain those sort of prices. Its a huge risk for any promoter. The south probably isnt in that category, which is shameful but a sad reality of the way Stones Inc works nowadays. Even on the tour theyve just done, theyve had to paper most venues with cut price tickets (and more $85 tickets than they planned to) to fill them. The Stones dont care as they get their guarantee regardless of whether they sell 5,000 tickets or 20,000 tickets, but AEG must have been collectively shitting bricks over the last two months. Some hard thinking required for any would be promoter to do that next time, and I'd imagine AEG would be very wary of repeating it. No wonder Branson & Dainty pulled out on promoting this tour. The overheads for them is enormous and whilst they can cash in on a mini tour like last year when the band are playing 2-3 shows per continent, its a different ball game when you extend that to an 18 date tour in 11 cities in one market.

I'm confident they'll tour again this autumn, but I believe it'll be continental Europe. So many markets to try out with short bursts of touring. Maybe they'll try some more US cities next year.

London is in Europe? Since when? It's still pounds and the English language in England--which is still the UK and not the EU, right? If you're from London, you're English, but if you're from Europe (i.e., France, Germany, Italy), then you're European.

Your original post mentions continental Europe, and I agreed that Europe should have some shows and said that you folks in the UK will get to see them again. You folks in the UK have been as spoiled on this tour as we in the U.S.--plus you don't have to travel as far to get to London, even if you're from Ireland, as some folks here in the States have had to travel to see shows on this tour. Most people in the U.S. cover more miles commuting to and from work in one day than people in the UK cover in one week.

So enjoy them in London--again, before they play in Europe.

I disagree about your assessment of the American South not being able to afford tickets--haven't you ever seen the TV show Dallas?

stonehearted...the 80s have called, they want their tv soap opera/melodrama example back.

Re: OT: Now that N. America is over
Posted by: noughties ()
Date: June 26, 2013 14:48

We didn`t like your setlist.

Re: OT: Now that N. America is over
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: June 26, 2013 15:22

London is in Europe? Since when? It's still pounds and the English language in England--which is still the UK and not the EU, right? If you're from London, you're English, but if you're from Europe (i.e., France, Germany, Italy), then you're European.

the EU and Europe are two entirely different things. The latter consists of about twice as many countries as the former.

The UK is in both. You might want to re-sit those geography, history and politics exams. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Happy to help.

Good luck in filling 20,000 seater arenas with Texas oil barons. smiling smiley


You folks in the UK have been as spoiled on this tour as we in the U.S.--plus you don't have to travel as far to get to London, even if you're from Ireland, as some folks here in the States have had to travel to see shows on this tour. Most people in the U.S. cover more miles commuting to and from work in one day than people in the UK cover in one week.


London has been 'spoiled' compared to most of the US. It does cost money to travel to London (even from within the UK) and stay in hotels, you know and its also far more expensive. (Then again, I'm not suggesting its reasonable for them to tour the UK next before they go anwyhere else - whereas several US posters seem to think they should just tour the US and nowhere else).

UK - population 60 million - 4 shows (Glasto isnt a Stones show). All in one city.

North America (Canada/US) = population 340 million- 21 shows. 13 cities.

I think we've both done OK so far and theres not much difference in terms of the accessibility of the shows, but while both regions have left some areas without shows (pretty much due to financial reasons than anything else), I think we can agree its someone else's turn.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2013-06-26 15:37 by Gazza.

Re: OT: Now that N. America is over
Date: June 26, 2013 16:49

Based on past tour history from our very own IORR site it looks like anyone who saw them on the US/NA tour were indeed blessed and rewarded for their perseverance and enduring the ticket price circus.

Nobody including me wants this to end. However to those that wish them to tour more of the US on another leg, extend the tour, etc. take a look at these numbers and draw your own conclusions:

2005-2006, ABB Tour, Number of NA/US dates: 96 concerts from Aug/2005 to Nov/2006
2012-2013, 50 and Counting Tour, Number of NA/US dates: 22 concerts from Dec/2012 to Jun/2013

Over 6 years between tours and the number of dates, down by 75%.

Here's hoping the results are different than the trends indicate.



Re: OT: Now that N. America is over
Posted by: shattered ()
Date: June 26, 2013 16:49

Well said Gazza. Maybe Mark Fisher has some drawings for in the round that can be used on future tours. I doubt this one. They used the USA as a test bed.

Re: OT: Now that N. America is over
Posted by: shattered ()
Date: June 26, 2013 17:00

Pop-up theatre shows after this tour.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2013-06-26 17:02 by shattered.

Re: OT: Now that N. America is over
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: June 26, 2013 17:23

Based on past tour history from our very own IORR site it looks like anyone who saw them on the US/NA tour were indeed blessed and rewarded for their perseverance and enduring the ticket price circus.

Nobody including me wants this to end. However to those that wish them to tour more of the US on another leg, extend the tour, etc. take a look at these numbers and draw your own conclusions:

2005-2006, ABB Tour, Number of NA/US dates: 96 concerts from Aug/2005 to Nov/2006
2012-2013, 50 and Counting Tour, Number of NA/US dates: 22 concerts from Dec/2012 to Jun/2013

Over 6 years between tours and the number of dates, down by 75%.

Here's hoping the results are different than the trends indicate.



I think the significance of the name '50 and counting' tends to be overlooked.

I dont feel that this is a tour with an 'end date' as was the case before.

The band's touring plans are probably open-ended. Short bursts of touring, with a wait-and-see approach. They'll continue to do it when it suits them to do as opposed to being a 'world tour' as such. Every tour that was announced over the last 20-30 years, whilst it started in the US, you knew from the off that it was going to continue into the next year and that theyd play Europe and usually other markets too. Thats changed in the sense that theyre not making any concrete statements about any touring plans more than a few months ahead.

Which is why I think they'll probably play more American shows in the near future, although I dont think it'll be in 2013.

Re: OT: Now that N. America is over
Posted by: shakeydeal ()
Date: June 26, 2013 17:34

The Stones hit all their U.S. "honey holes" this last go-round, with mixed results. Unless they are willing to adjust their guarantee significantly other U.S. markets are off the table. Even with that, I'm just not sure there's a huge demand anymore, particularly in the south. I've covered that area of the country for my job going on 20 years, the Stones are just not that big of a deal down there at this juncture. Single nights in Atlanta and Florida, at the right price, may be the exceptions for them.

Note: Demand is relative here. Their touring machine has huge overhead, with lots of non-revenue producing off days to boot. For the Stones, I suspect a 15K capacity arena is their minimum venue requirement to make it worth their time economically.

I'm also not convinced they can re-visit the U.S. markets just played next year and expect anywhere near the attendance or ticket prices (I'm talking the last minute reductions).

NYC is always a wild card, but people should remember that tickets could still be had with a little effort once December dates approached, and that's when many folks thought it might indeed be the last time.

Time moves on, every dog has its day.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-06-26 17:36 by shakeydeal.

Re: OT: Now that N. America is over
Posted by: angee ()
Date: June 26, 2013 17:42

Agreeing with Gazza, possibly back to US in 2014, for 2013, more like Europe, fall and then maybe S. America...

(Note: This topic is *not* O/T, is it, as in the current title?)

~"Love is Strong"~

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-06-26 17:43 by angee.

Re: OT: Now that N. America is over
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: June 26, 2013 18:25


Let's talk about the alternative... The Stones come back and do a tour for their FANS.. Stadiums in the fall. Tickets are $1000 for the first 10 rows, $600 for the next 20 rows, $250 for close lowers and floors, $150 for close upper deck and further away lowers, and $50 for less desirable seats. And since we're in my dreamworld at the moment... the stage is IN THE ROUND, they spend more money on PA than lighting, screen and stupid animated videos combined. They open every show with Little Queenie and end with the Last Time.


How about they play somewhere other than the US as an 'alternative' ?

That market has been exhausted this year. You folks have had your chance for 2013.

They havent played continental Europe in six years and the rest of the world in seven years.

Forget stadium tours. Thats over.

Forget stadium tours? Glad to see you have changed your mind.

WTF are you prattling on about now? I've been saying for years they wouldnt do any more stadium tours. Long before you or any of the other 25 voices that inhabit your head ever came near this place.

Re: OT: Now that N. America is over
Posted by: DoomandGloom ()
Date: June 26, 2013 18:37

Gazza, You are wrong.. They will do $tadium shows in $outh America and North $merica, you can take that to the bank.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-06-26 18:37 by DoomandGloom.

Re: OT: Now that N. America is over
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: June 26, 2013 18:59

Gazza, You are wrong..


Actually South America would make sense, as theyd need to play large venues for a promoter to make their guarantee in a less financially lucrative market.

North America? Nah. Not at these prices. They cant even fill arenas anymore, let alone stadiums. Maybe one stadium stage at most to play the occasional outdoor show in between arena shows, but no more stadium 'tours' I would think.

Re: OT: Now that N. America is over
Posted by: firebird ()
Date: June 26, 2013 19:35

Gazza, You are wrong..


Actually South America would make sense, as theyd need to play large venues for a promoter to make their guarantee in a less financially lucrative market.

North America? Nah. Not at these prices. They cant even fill arenas anymore, let alone stadiums. Maybe one stadium stage at most to play the occasional outdoor show in between arena shows, but no more stadium 'tours' I would think.

But wouldn't stadium shows require a lot of changes on the technical side of the production? The PA speakers and the big screens are mounted to the roof of the arenas, stadiums don't provide that possibility. And a roof for the stage would be needed to keep all the electric stuff dry in case of rain. I have no idea how much extra cost that would mean but i don't believe it that pays off for just a low number of stadium shows.

Re: OT: Now that N. America is over
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: June 26, 2013 19:41

So enjoy them in London--again, before they play in Europe.

I disagree about your assessment of the American South not being able to afford tickets--haven't you ever seen the TV show Dallas?

stonehearted...the 80s have called, they want their tv soap opera/melodrama example back.

Tell them I'll be in Falcon Crest all afternoon and can't be reached.

Re: OT: Now that N. America is over
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: June 26, 2013 19:47

London is in Europe? Since when? It's still pounds and the English language in England--which is still the UK and not the EU, right? If you're from London, you're English, but if you're from Europe (i.e., France, Germany, Italy), then you're European.

the EU and Europe are two entirely different things. The latter consists of about twice as many countries as the former.

The UK is in both. You might want to re-sit those geography, history and politics exams. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Happy to help.

Good luck in filling 20,000 seater arenas with Texas oil barons. smiling smiley

London has been 'spoiled' compared to most of the US. It does cost money to travel to London (even from within the UK) and stay in hotels, you know and its also far more expensive.

What geography, history and politics exams? I must have missed those. But EU and Europe? Sounds like they should make up their mind, because it's getting confusing around here.

But seriously, though--regarding hotel expenses, doesn't London have lots of empty Council houses you can squat in instead?

Re: OT: Now that N. America is over
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: June 26, 2013 21:38

Gazza, You are wrong..


Actually South America would make sense, as theyd need to play large venues for a promoter to make their guarantee in a less financially lucrative market.

North America? Nah. Not at these prices. They cant even fill arenas anymore, let alone stadiums. Maybe one stadium stage at most to play the occasional outdoor show in between arena shows, but no more stadium 'tours' I would think.

But wouldn't stadium shows require a lot of changes on the technical side of the production? The PA speakers and the big screens are mounted to the roof of the arenas, stadiums don't provide that possibility. And a roof for the stage would be needed to keep all the electric stuff dry in case of rain. I have no idea how much extra cost that would mean but i don't believe it that pays off for just a low number of stadium shows.

It doesnt. Which is why I agree with you in that I think its likely to be a non starter. Its going to pay off even less when its for a band who are barely playing more than two concerts a week even when theyre on the road. Stadium shows require significantly more personnel than arena shows and when stages are ending up being unused for four or five days a week, thats a considerable amount of financial wastage.

Re: What's next? More shows in 2013-2014?
Posted by: JohnnyBGoode ()
Date: June 26, 2013 21:44

If they do come back in the fall, I hope that Paint It Black is not the third song. I love the song, but I think the first four should be a complete knockout. Paint It Black and Gimme Shelter should follow Sympathy For The Devil. Dumb complaint, I know. Just sayin'

Re: OT: Now that N. America is over
Posted by: Maindefender ()
Date: June 26, 2013 21:54


Let's talk about the alternative... The Stones come back and do a tour for their FANS.. Stadiums in the fall. Tickets are $1000 for the first 10 rows, $600 for the next 20 rows, $250 for close lowers and floors, $150 for close upper deck and further away lowers, and $50 for less desirable seats. And since we're in my dreamworld at the moment... the stage is IN THE ROUND, they spend more money on PA than lighting, screen and stupid animated videos combined. They open every show with Little Queenie and end with the Last Time.


How about they play somewhere other than the US as an 'alternative' ?

That market has been exhausted this year. You folks have had your chance for 2013.

They havent played continental Europe in six years and the rest of the world in seven years.

Forget stadium tours. Thats over.

Forget stadium tours? Glad to see you have changed your mind.

WTF are you prattling on about now? I've been saying for years they wouldnt do any more stadium tours. Long before you or any of the other 25 voices that inhabit your head ever came near this place.

Welcome back Gazza!! Seriously I like your input and passion.

Re: What's next? More shows in 2013-2014?
Posted by: shattered ()
Date: June 27, 2013 15:47

Points to ponder for the future: pop-up shows, less than 12K, and this site...........

Re: What's next? More shows in 2013-2014?
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: June 27, 2013 17:39

Colombian TV report has the Stones playing Bogota and/or Medellin next March - []

Google translation [] of news reported by []

Re: OT: Now that N. America is over
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: June 27, 2013 17:51

So enjoy them in London--again, before they play in Europe.

I disagree about your assessment of the American South not being able to afford tickets--haven't you ever seen the TV show Dallas?

stonehearted...the 80s have called, they want their tv soap opera/melodrama example back.

Tell them I'll be in Falcon Crest all afternoon and can't be reached.

Your jokes are just knots landing.

Re: OT: Now that N. America is over
Posted by: Roscoe ()
Date: June 27, 2013 18:26

I'm certain they will come to the southern US this fall and play Miami, Orlando, Atlanta, Memphis, New Orleans,texas

In your dreams.

Re: What's next? More shows in 2013-2014?
Posted by: Sipuncula ()
Date: June 27, 2013 18:41

How about they play somewhere other than the US as an 'alternative' ?

That market has been exhausted this year. You folks have had your chance for 2013.

They havent played continental Europe in six years and the rest of the world in seven years.

Forget stadium tours. Thats over.

I'm in the second most populous state in the US and they haven't done a show within 1000 miles of my location.

Mabye Nordic Shows
Posted by: sir sweden ()
Date: June 27, 2013 03:19

great news, about Nordic shows. Which country, city and venue will be chosen do you Think?

Re: Mabye Nordic Shows
Posted by: JumpinJeppeFlash ()
Date: June 27, 2013 10:01

If they do shows in scandinavia (which i doubt), there will be indoor arenas like Globen, Hartwall and Telenor Arena.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-06-27 10:02 by JumpinJeppeFlash.

Re: Mabye Nordic Shows
Posted by: Thommie ()
Date: June 27, 2013 10:16

I can't see them avoid Stockholm with two new arenas/stadiums (Friends Arena and Tele2 Arena) with on-and-off roof if the play the Nordic countries.

Re: Mabye Nordic Shows
Posted by: JumpinJeppeFlash ()
Date: June 27, 2013 10:20

I can't see them avoid Stockholm with two new arenas/stadiums (Friends Arena and Tele2 Arena) with on-and-off roof if the play the Nordic countries.

Friends is to big to fit their current concept. It's a fotball stadium.

Re: Mabye Nordic Shows
Date: June 27, 2013 10:21

If they do shows in scandinavia (which i doubt), there will be indoor arenas like Globen, Hartwall and Telenor Arena.

Could be Valhall in Oslo as well, at least I hope so, as Telenor Arena svcks.

Re: Mabye Nordic Shows
Date: June 27, 2013 13:15

The word is now Telenor Arena (close to Oslo) in November...

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