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my advice, for what it is worth (ie - zero)
You're the Rolling Stones. You don't need people voting on songs. You know what people want. So surprise us.
Special guests do not sell tickets. You want to do it? Fine. Just freaking do it without the silly unveiling.
Mick Taylor DOES sell tickets. Give him more to do. If there is one thing that unites Stones fans, it is that he is being underused.
Otherwise, everything else is awesome. You are still the best. You dazzle us every night. You have made our lives better. Always have, always will. Where the hell did you come from? Do you have any idea what you do to us?
Good post, but the voting isn't for the Stones, it's for the fans.
It gives us a sense of control and a feeling that we're part of the show.
I used to teach film at university and I would have students every year telling me that I should teach this film or that film--rarely the ones that I was teaching. It was my own version of setlist bitching.
As a result, I began to use part of the first class of the year to ask the students to submit their 3 films that should be part of the class and that I would let them know which films would be added to the syllabus as a result of their submissions.
As you can imagine, there was no consensus or agreement amongst students on what films should be taught--so I was able to pretty much choose any of the films that were on their lists.
The result was that the students felt they had a sense of control and had a feeling that they were helping to put together the course material, and I never heard another student complain about the films on the course and how we should be studying Braveheart instead of Mean Streets.
I still find it hokey - they know what works - shock us - stun us - you're a rock and roll band - slop it up just a bit - be semi-spontaneous
Mick Taylor DOES sell tickets.
Mick Taylor DOES sell tickets.
Right you are! This will be my first Stones show, and I'm going mainly because Mick Taylor will be with them.
Earlier this year I was short on cash and couldn't even think of buying a ticket, but luckily I was recently able to pull in more work after some client turnover (I'm a freelancer), so for a time I was thinking, 'Oh, they'll be around again, they always come around again'--but of course next time it won't be with Mick T.
Besides, maybe they won't be around again.
I made the same mistake with the Ray Manzarek/Robbie Krieger shows--missed them three times in a row in as many years when they played in my town, thinking 'Oh, they'll be back next year'--and now, Wham! Ray's gone, and I'll never see that show.
Time waits for no one, and you never know how impatient time can get....
my advice, for what it is worth (ie - zero)
You're the Rolling Stones. You don't need people voting on songs. You know what people want. So surprise us.
Special guests do not sell tickets. You want to do it? Fine. Just freaking do it without the silly unveiling.
Mick Taylor DOES sell tickets. Give him more to do. If there is one thing that unites Stones fans, it is that he is being underused.
Otherwise, everything else is awesome. You are still the best. You dazzle us every night. You have made our lives better. Always have, always will. Where the hell did you come from? Do you have any idea what you do to us?
Like the blank faces when they did Can't You Hear Me Knocking?!Quote
Mick's "average fans" don't care about Mick Taylor. I wonder if Mick has considered losing Taylor when he sees blank faces on some of the fans as they wonder "who is this guy?".