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Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: HighwireC ()
Date: May 30, 2013 16:35

Now found this one:

Rolling Stones + Taj Mahal "Six Days On The Road" Chicago 28. 05. 2013

Enjoy cool smiley

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Jesse ()
Date: May 30, 2013 17:12

If Ronnie and Keef wanted to bring MT on the tour so they could have a break, fine, but clearly that's not the case. They play WITH him. I get that you like MT and want to hear more of him but as far as I'm concerned, NOT at the expense of Ronnie and Keefe backing off to give him the spotlight. Sorry.

Glad MT has lost weight, it's good for his health. If he moved more on stage, he'd lose even more!!

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: May 30, 2013 17:15

cool smiley
Now found this one:

Rolling Stones + Taj Mahal "Six Days On The Road" Chicago 28. 05. 2013

Enjoy cool smiley

i did cool smiley
a lot

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-30 17:16 by maumau.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Jesse ()
Date: May 30, 2013 17:35

Seems to me that people who haven't always been Stones fans (and younger fans --like 30s and 20s)are finally understanding their roots in the Blues. Back in the 70s-80s, a lot of people didn't get that, and saw them as a Brit pop band. It's only as they've gotten older that broader audiences are appreciating where they come from. (I don't mean anybody on here, I think we all have appreciated that they're great bluesmen all along.) I think that's why they have such staying power: they bring the blues to their music. I have to laugh when I think of someone like Justin Bieber trying to sing any of their songs. Poor little Justin....

I take my hat off to all the men in the Rolling Stones who are just damn good musicians. Mick Taylor too! smiling smiley

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: flacnvinyl ()
Date: May 30, 2013 18:04

You are right about younger fans. I'm 29, will be 30 same day Jagger turns 70! My earliest childhood memory is listening to Let It Bleed on a Fisherprice record player. I was probably around 4 years old. I have been a fan since the beginning and always loved their blues material.

In Chicago folks genuinely wanted deep cuts. It was like a nuclear bomb being detonated when they did Midnight Rambler. 6 Days went over well. You Got The Silver saw very few people going to the restroom. Wild Horses and Gimme Shelter were low points. Wild Horses was played well it was just a collective groan among the crowd.

Folks in our section were yelling for CYHMK and all sorts of great songs. They need to really shake things up...

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: May 30, 2013 18:41

Now found this one:

Rolling Stones + Taj Mahal "Six Days On The Road" Chicago 28. 05. 2013

Enjoy cool smiley

Thanks for posting! Damn I love Taj. Mixed w/ the Stones... Yeah, that works.

What I think may be the coolest thing about this particular guest/song combination is the fact that The Stones are playing one of the artists songs that they were inspired by and wanted to play with the artist. Most of the other guest spots have been the guest trying to fit themselves into a Stones song and make it work. Inspired Stones mixed with a confident, strong guest doing their thing seems to make for a better showcase for all.

OK back to work. Thanks again for posting.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-30 18:45 by mr_dja.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: May 30, 2013 18:44

GADAWG, pathetic, vain and aggressive message ...thumbs down

Why duffydawg would not say what he lived during this concert? I tought we must respect the opinion of those who attend the show ? Is not the rule explained to the poor ignorants on this board day after day ?

Or, is there an offical review model ??? Best show ever, best version ever ? Say "awesome" and go back home ? spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Totally agree. GADAWG's comments come off more as trolling than any critique of the show. Critical balance is essential. I had fun at the show on Saturday and I paid exactly what I could afford and no more so I didn't feel ripped off. I'm also secure enough to like the parts of the show that I liked without needing an echo chamber to reinforce my feelings.
One thing I did notice, though, is being at the show in person the setlist is less important than the energy (or lack of at times) I'm getting from the show.
Without the atmosphere of being there, the show can be reduced to a series of song titles, which is misleading. As long as people are speaking from the heart all viewpoints help to give an overall picture to those of us following the shows by proxy.

Overall you are correct, not about my opinion of course but about true fans of the Stones will ignore negative show comments as only a psychotic person could make such an observation.

As I am sure you know very well a wink is as good as a nod to a blind mule and I have given BV my simple instructions in the way out comment thread currently running.

Shoot low boy's they're riddin Shetlands and see you at Philly on the 21st. Beware, I may be sitting next to you. Adios

Beware of what exactly?

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: flashhh ()
Date: May 30, 2013 19:00

Midnight Toker
Keith botched the intro to Rocks Off. Mick noticed. OOOPS!!!

OMG!! Say it ain't so! I don't believe it!

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Thedole ()
Date: May 30, 2013 19:03

Anyone sit in 121 or 113 ? I am going to th Montreal show and have tix in Section 111 , it says partially obstructed view, how were the seats in Chicago, might try and upgrade to more in the front if they aren't very good ! Cheers !P.S. Way to go Hawks !

I sat in 113 and the two videos that Stonesfelcher posted- 6 Days and MR were shot from our seats. The obstruction in 113 was that camera boom. I had no problem with it at all. We were upgraded from 321 to that location. $85 seats in 321 turned into 113 in UC- I will take that any day of the week. But every arena has slight variations so who knows what the Montreal set up will be like. I think you will love that location.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: roby ()
Date: May 30, 2013 19:16

I wonder how do you judge from these videos recorded in low frequency, I assure you that hear them live or through recorded tapes from the mixer is another thing, especially for what they sound like Keirh and Ronnie in these videos is all lost, It is different for M.Taylor, his guitar is always too high, but is a guest ...

Certainly NOT during Satisfaction !

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: flashhh ()
Date: May 30, 2013 19:30

I think the RO performance was crap. Jaggers voice is old and he cant do justice to such a great song. Frankly, it baffles me that so many people think they sound so good, especially people who, like me, have seen them many times going back to the early 70s. Will no one admit that KR and RW simply dont play as well as they used to? That Jagger looks silly and sounds even worse? What amazes me even more is the fact that some people follow them around and pay major bucks to see and hear almost identical shows! Im at the point in my life where i wont pay to see them at all. Its just not worth it anymore. I just dont get it.... Some people need to have their heads examined.

Man, has this little post got some people worked up! To those of you who have insulted me and called me names, etc, I feel very sorry for you, for your narrow-minded ness and shallowness. You apparently haven't learned that different people may have different opinions than yours. You are what I call "undeveloped" adults.

I will say it again, I think the RO clip is crap. My opinion. Also, it is my opinion that you "undeveloped" adults that see multiple, nearly identical shows and spend major bucks to do so need to have your heads examined! I will refrain from name calling and insults...

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: GADAWG ()
Date: May 30, 2013 19:42

GADAWG, pathetic, vain and aggressive message ...thumbs down

Why duffydawg would not say what he lived during this concert? I tought we must respect the opinion of those who attend the show ? Is not the rule explained to the poor ignorants on this board day after day ?

Or, is there an offical review model ??? Best show ever, best version ever ? Say "awesome" and go back home ? spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Totally agree. GADAWG's comments come off more as trolling than any critique of the show. Critical balance is essential. I had fun at the show on Saturday and I paid exactly what I could afford and no more so I didn't feel ripped off. I'm also secure enough to like the parts of the show that I liked without needing an echo chamber to reinforce my feelings.
One thing I did notice, though, is being at the show in person the setlist is less important than the energy (or lack of at times) I'm getting from the show.
Without the atmosphere of being there, the show can be reduced to a series of song titles, which is misleading. As long as people are speaking from the heart all viewpoints help to give an overall picture to those of us following the shows by proxy.

Overall you are correct, not about my opinion of course but about true fans of the Stones will ignore negative show comments as only a psychotic person could make such an observation.

As I am sure you know very well a wink is as good as a nod to a blind mule and I have given BV my simple instructions in the way out comment thread currently running.

Shoot low boy's they're riddin Shetlands and see you at Philly on the 21st. Beware, I may be sitting next to you. Adios

Beware of what exactly?

An old crazy devoted Stones fan that might be off my meds. If someone were to make a negative comment about Gimmie Shelter or Keith Richards, look out.

If I am really having a bad day, I might not even tolerate a negative comment about Chuck Levell

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-30 19:43 by GADAWG.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Jesse ()
Date: May 30, 2013 20:23

To flashhh,

You miss the point. We follow the Stones (or other group) because going to live concerts over and over is like going to living events. It's not like going to see the same movie again and again by yourself. Sometimes they play great, sometimes fantastic, sometimes so-so -- AND IT'S ALL OK WITH US BECAUSE WE KNOW HOW CONSISTENT THEY'VE BEEN OVER 50 YEARS. (sorry for yelling.) We also enjoy meeting new people, going for drinks before/after concert etc. It's all part of it.

Of course The Stones have changed. How strange if they wouldn't. Mick does NOT look silly! He's laughing at himself up to a point, and telling the audience to sing along. It's different than he was in the 70s. And Keef is really THERE! He knows what's going on! He blows kisses to the audience, taps his heart in appreciation and throws out picks! He wasn't always that "aware." Ronnie is fun to watch and always interacting w/the audience. We watch them all interact with each other too, and that always changes. THAT'S why people go to their concerts over and over. We want to see them and how they are TODAY. I don't care that they don't sound exactly the same, in fact that would be boring. I Loved Tues' version of SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL -- very different but very very cool. I enjoy how they switch things around.

You say you don't want to insult people. Well here's a flash: telling us to get our heads examined IS an insult. Have all the opinions about the Stones that you want but until you know what the experience is like to follow them, don't insult me personally -- and then play the good guy. To each his own. I might not like the way you spend your money.

I think you just like to argue.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: flashhh ()
Date: May 30, 2013 20:34

To Jesse........"heads examined..." is a suggestion, not an insult. Nice try.

I love the Stones, but they are not as good as they once were. The way you describe them makes you sound like a star-crossed teenager idolising their hero(s). Maybe you need to examine your priorities? Along with your head?

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Jesse ()
Date: May 30, 2013 20:57


When I go to a Stones concert, I observe it all, I enjoy it all.

I won't enter into a pissing contest with someone who needs to get in the last word. Respond however you will. Now you're just being petty and argumentative. Nice try.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Blackdog ()
Date: May 30, 2013 21:57

To Jesse........"heads examined..." is a suggestion, not an insult. Nice try.

I love the Stones, but they are not as good as they once were. The way you describe them makes you sound like a star-crossed teenager idolising their hero(s). Maybe you need to examine your priorities? Along with your head?

Agree with you flashhhthumbs up

"Ronnie looks, acts and plays like a Rolling Stone". It's not about the music though is it? This band is clearly better IMHO with Mick Taylor.
I was at the Toronto show and it was AVERAGE. I have seen the Stones over thirty times and I wish I could sell my tickets. I only have interest in the music not if the guitar player interacts with the crowd. That is what Jagger is for.

Flashhh has every right to give his opinion. I like Ronnie but the the Stones haven't done much since he's been in the band. They did far more between 62-75 than 75-03.

Who cares if Mick Taylor is overweight, I go for the music!

By the way Keith has a belly as well.smiling smiley

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: May 30, 2013 21:59

"head examined" is not a suggestion it is a patronising and arrogant insult
nice try

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-30 22:01 by maumau.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: More Hot Rocks ()
Date: May 30, 2013 22:22

To Flashhh. I feel sorry for you. No wait. i don't.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: RockinJive ()
Date: May 30, 2013 22:27

I think the RO performance was crap. Jaggers voice is old and he cant do justice to such a great song. Frankly, it baffles me that so many people think they sound so good, especially people who, like me, have seen them many times going back to the early 70s. Will no one admit that KR and RW simply dont play as well as they used to? That Jagger looks silly and sounds even worse? What amazes me even more is the fact that some people follow them around and pay major bucks to see and hear almost identical shows! Im at the point in my life where i wont pay to see them at all. Its just not worth it anymore. I just dont get it.... Some people need to have their heads examined.

Man, has this little post got some people worked up! To those of you who have insulted me and called me names, etc, I feel very sorry for you, for your narrow-minded ness and shallowness. You apparently haven't learned that different people may have different opinions than yours. You are what I call "undeveloped" adults.

I will say it again, I think the RO clip is crap. My opinion. Also, it is my opinion that you "undeveloped" adults that see multiple, nearly identical shows and spend major bucks to do so need to have your heads examined! I will refrain from name calling and insults...

I attend multiple shows every tour. Each show is different in it's own way. Diff city, venue, people and set list. Who do you like to see Flashhh? nobody? Do you actually remember a show from 40 years ago? Doubt it.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: JJackFl ()
Date: May 30, 2013 22:31

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-30 22:38 by JJackFl.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: andrewt ()
Date: May 30, 2013 22:35

GADAWG, pathetic, vain and aggressive message ...thumbs down

Why duffydawg would not say what he lived during this concert? I tought we must respect the opinion of those who attend the show ? Is not the rule explained to the poor ignorants on this board day after day ?

Or, is there an offical review model ??? Best show ever, best version ever ? Say "awesome" and go back home ? spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Totally agree. GADAWG's comments come off more as trolling than any critique of the show. Critical balance is essential. I had fun at the show on Saturday and I paid exactly what I could afford and no more so I didn't feel ripped off. I'm also secure enough to like the parts of the show that I liked without needing an echo chamber to reinforce my feelings.
One thing I did notice, though, is being at the show in person the setlist is less important than the energy (or lack of at times) I'm getting from the show.
Without the atmosphere of being there, the show can be reduced to a series of song titles, which is misleading. As long as people are speaking from the heart all viewpoints help to give an overall picture to those of us following the shows by proxy.

Overall you are correct, not about my opinion of course but about true fans of the Stones will ignore negative show comments as only a psychotic person could make such an observation.

As I am sure you know very well a wink is as good as a nod to a blind mule and I have given BV my simple instructions in the way out comment thread currently running.

Shoot low boy's they're riddin Shetlands and see you at Philly on the 21st. Beware, I may be sitting next to you. Adios

Beware of what exactly?

An old crazy devoted Stones fan that might be off my meds. If someone were to make a negative comment about Gimmie Shelter or Keith Richards, look out.

If I am really having a bad day, I might not even tolerate a negative comment about Chuck Levell

Keith Richards so damn ugly his mirror plays Gimme Shelter...eye popping smiley

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: flacnvinyl ()
Date: May 30, 2013 22:49

Anyone sit in 121 or 113 ? I am going to th Montreal show and have tix in Section 111 , it says partially obstructed view, how were the seats in Chicago, might try and upgrade to more in the front if they aren't very good ! Cheers !P.S. Way to go Hawks !

I sat in 113 and the two videos that Stonesfelcher posted- 6 Days and MR were shot from our seats. The obstruction in 113 was that camera boom. I had no problem with it at all. We were upgraded from 321 to that location. $85 seats in 321 turned into 113 in UC- I will take that any day of the week. But every arena has slight variations so who knows what the Montreal set up will be like. I think you will love that location.

How did the upgrade take place? They came to your section and moved you or exchanged your tickets at the table?

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: GADAWG ()
Date: May 30, 2013 23:14

GADAWG, pathetic, vain and aggressive message ...thumbs down

Why duffydawg would not say what he lived during this concert? I tought we must respect the opinion of those who attend the show ? Is not the rule explained to the poor ignorants on this board day after day ?

Or, is there an offical review model ??? Best show ever, best version ever ? Say "awesome" and go back home ? spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Totally agree. GADAWG's comments come off more as trolling than any critique of the show. Critical balance is essential. I had fun at the show on Saturday and I paid exactly what I could afford and no more so I didn't feel ripped off. I'm also secure enough to like the parts of the show that I liked without needing an echo chamber to reinforce my feelings.
One thing I did notice, though, is being at the show in person the setlist is less important than the energy (or lack of at times) I'm getting from the show.
Without the atmosphere of being there, the show can be reduced to a series of song titles, which is misleading. As long as people are speaking from the heart all viewpoints help to give an overall picture to those of us following the shows by proxy.

Overall you are correct, not about my opinion of course but about true fans of the Stones will ignore negative show comments as only a psychotic person could make such an observation.

As I am sure you know very well a wink is as good as a nod to a blind mule and I have given BV my simple instructions in the way out comment thread currently running.

Shoot low boy's they're riddin Shetlands and see you at Philly on the 21st. Beware, I may be sitting next to you. Adios

Beware of what exactly?

An old crazy devoted Stones fan that might be off my meds. If someone were to make a negative comment about Gimmie Shelter or Keith Richards, look out.

If I am really having a bad day, I might not even tolerate a negative comment about Chuck Levell

Keith Richards so damn ugly his mirror plays Gimme Shelter...eye popping smiley

Oh well, there went the neighbors cat. Love my model 19 Glock. Hollow points erase all negative Keith comments. grinning smiley

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: laertisflash ()
Date: May 30, 2013 23:56

Jesse, i admire your politeness... Flashh clearly insults everyone who has different opinion about the Stones, everyone who enjoy their concerts and - what a mirracle- he do it in the name of the ...freedom of speech! Blubbering like a baby...

Now the theory is (a) whatever includes a suggestion is not an insult and (b) an affront is not affront, if it has the indrodution "you sound like...". Are they the new rules? Fine...

So, flassh you sound like a pathetic, awkward, ineffective "troll", who is anable to disguish his terrible upset every time he see people being happy, thanks to a Stones gig. I think you need to learn lessons from a better "troll", in order that you will acquire some elementary abilities about pretending (suggestion #1). In addition your brain obviously needs serious practice (no offence, just suggestion #2).

Is that the way you want to discuss and express our different opinions, Flashh?

Do you want a real suggestion? Stop this boring blah, blah about "identical shows", or leave off playing the part of "an old fan who is into the Stones since early 70s", etc, etc. What do you mean "identical"? I suppose you mean the setlists -right? But the certain question is, when exactly did you discover that you need more lists variety from concert to concert? Now, in 2013? On the northamerican tour's leg, when the Stones have played 42 different songs for the time being - after just 7 gigs? Not in 1978 (only 33 different songs on the entire tour, if my note book is correct)? Not in 1981 (only 37 songs)? And what about early 70s? Don't even mention...

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: flashhh ()
Date: May 31, 2013 00:40

Jesse, i admire your politeness... Flashh clearly insults everyone who has different opinion about the Stones, everyone who enjoy their concerts and - what a mirracle- he do it in the name of the ...freedom of speech! Blubbering like a baby...

Now the theory is (a) whatever includes a suggestion is not an insult and (b) an affront is not affront, if it has the indrodution "you sound like...". Are they the new rules? Fine...

So, flassh you sound like a pathetic, awkward, ineffective "troll", who is anable to disguish his terrible upset every time he see people being happy, thanks to a Stones gig. I think you need to learn lessons from a better "troll", in order that you will acquire some elementary abilities about pretending (suggestion #1). In addition your brain obviously needs serious practice (no offence, just suggestion #2).

Is that the way you want to discuss and express our different opinions, Flashh?

Do you want a real suggestion? Stop this boring blah, blah about "identical shows", or leave off playing the part of "an old fan who is into the Stones since early 70s", etc, etc. What do you mean "identical"? I suppose you mean the setlists -right? But the certain question is, when exactly did you discover that you need more lists variety from concert to concert? Now, in 2013? On the northamerican tour's leg, when the Stones have played 42 different songs for the time being - after just 7 gigs? Not in 1978 (only 33 different songs on the entire tour, if my note book is correct)? Not in 1981 (only 37 songs)? And what about early 70s? Don't even mention...

Too funny! Thanks for the laugh, dude!

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: laertisflash ()
Date: May 31, 2013 00:48

Be my guest...

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: May 31, 2013 03:38

On another note--I don't know if anybody mentioned what a great job Lisa did on Gimme Shelter. If they didn't, I just did.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Date: May 31, 2013 04:14


Did he rent the park for the afternoon?

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Brstonesfan ()
Date: May 31, 2013 04:19

Having seen shows from the 70's through this tour, off course it's not the same. They were once a guitar driven band , but that ended quite some time ago. The shows are more of a celebration or party if you will. Some nights the magic returns for a song or a moment, but if you go expecting the 72 Stones you will be disappointed.I initially was very negative when I realized they were not going to
properly use Taylor this tour. It made me disappointed . I have to move past it as I have several shows left and just have to be thankful as this appears to really be close to the end. I thank them for making my life more enjoyable since my first show over 38 yrs ago.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Neighbours ()
Date: May 31, 2013 05:05

First hour show is on youtube (by TheCorazyCam)
Good video and audio:

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