BV I noted why I posted this here.
Greg thanks for the pointer, I had no idea about these bootlegs.
Davido I could do that no probs I know - just wanted to get hold of the real Mccoy as well. Thx for the tip anyways.
DGS - love to trade but your email's hidden. Pls email me @ when you get a min.
Rockdude if I completeley strike out I may email you and send you some moolah to grab them one day in your travels if you don't mind of course.
Btw, remember the song "Security" I was trying to track quite some time back?
Well I bought Otis' original version and it's great - but I finally found the version I was after.
Remember a one hit wonder named "Thane Russell"?
Well that's the chap.
Great version.
kyle m
Have you ever lent somebody $20 and never seen them again? It was probably worth it.