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Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: December 2, 2012 17:15

I must disagree a bit there..Wood's "Now Look" is quite good.Now it is an extreme departure from the first LP(imo) because of the Womack influence which gave it a bit more of a "soul" sound and does date it. Taylor's "Stones Throw" has some great songs included the powerful "Blind WIlliw Mctell" worth the price of the cd by itself. For the best I agree that it could be a toss up between Keith's "Talk" and Mick's "Spirit" with Ron's "Gimme Some Neck" a close third...

What about "I can the Fire" by RW


It's Strugle by keith?

Two great songs!

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: December 2, 2012 17:17

Jagger/ wandering spirit and the unreleased album with the red devils
Ronnie.. the first 2 albums and i feel like playing, and slide on this
Mick Taylor...his first album and stonesĀ“ throw
Keef.. his first 2 albums and the single Run rudolph run


Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: December 2, 2012 17:22

Chris Fountain
I must disagree a bit there..Wood's "Now Look" is quite good.Now it is an extreme departure from the first LP(imo) because of the Womack influence which gave it a bit more of a "soul" sound and does date it. Taylor's "Stones Throw" has some great songs included the powerful "Blind WIlliw Mctell" worth the price of the cd by itself. For the best I agree that it could be a toss up between Keith's "Talk" and Mick's "Spirit" with Ron's "Gimme Some Neck" a close third...

What about "I can the Fire" by RW


It's Strugle by keith?

Two great songs!

your posts seem to be inexplicably missing words and letters...please check with your service provider

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Date: December 2, 2012 17:26

I really like Main Offender and Slide On This...

Talk Is Cheap was great but had too much Dolby.

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: December 2, 2012 17:30

steel driving hammer
I really like Main Offender and Slide On This...

Talk Is Cheap was great but had too much Dolby.

I wasn't aware of this. What songs did Thomas Dolby play on?

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Date: December 2, 2012 17:36

steel driving hammer
I really like Main Offender and Slide On This...

Talk Is Cheap was great but had too much Dolby.

I wasn't aware of this. What songs did Thomas Dolby play on?

No my brother, the sound sounds muffled by too much Dolby...

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: December 2, 2012 17:36


Green Day?!

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: December 2, 2012 17:38

steel driving hammer
steel driving hammer
I really like Main Offender and Slide On This...

Talk Is Cheap was great but had too much Dolby.

I wasn't aware of this. What songs did Thomas Dolby play on?

No my brother, the sound sounds muffled by too much Dolby...

So he wasn't invited into the recordings, and covered the mike's with his hands or something? What...A...BASTARD!

I hope Keith showed him the blade.

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Date: December 2, 2012 17:48

steel driving hammer
steel driving hammer
I really like Main Offender and Slide On This...

Talk Is Cheap was great but had too much Dolby.

I wasn't aware of this. What songs did Thomas Dolby play on?

No my brother, the sound sounds muffled by too much Dolby...

So he wasn't invited into the recordings, and covered the mike's with his hands or something? What...A...BASTARD!

I hope Keith showed him the blade.

Cheers, but it's still too early for me to drink yet...

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: December 2, 2012 17:51

steel driving hammer
steel driving hammer
steel driving hammer
I really like Main Offender and Slide On This...

Talk Is Cheap was great but had too much Dolby.

I wasn't aware of this. What songs did Thomas Dolby play on?

No my brother, the sound sounds muffled by too much Dolby...

So he wasn't invited into the recordings, and covered the mike's with his hands or something? What...A...BASTARD!

I hope Keith showed him the blade.

Cheers, but it's still too early for me to drink yet...

Your not putting any effort into it.

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: December 2, 2012 17:52


Green Day?!

dia verde

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Date: December 2, 2012 17:53

steel driving hammer
steel driving hammer
steel driving hammer
I really like Main Offender and Slide On This...

Talk Is Cheap was great but had too much Dolby.

I wasn't aware of this. What songs did Thomas Dolby play on?

No my brother, the sound sounds muffled by too much Dolby...

So he wasn't invited into the recordings, and covered the mike's with his hands or something? What...A...BASTARD!

I hope Keith showed him the blade.

Cheers, but it's still too early for me to drink yet...

Your not putting any effort into it.

I don't put any effort in anything when I'm sober...

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: December 2, 2012 18:04

steel driving hammer
steel driving hammer
steel driving hammer
steel driving hammer
I really like Main Offender and Slide On This...

Talk Is Cheap was great but had too much Dolby.

I wasn't aware of this. What songs did Thomas Dolby play on?

No my brother, the sound sounds muffled by too much Dolby...

So he wasn't invited into the recordings, and covered the mike's with his hands or something? What...A...BASTARD!

I hope Keith showed him the blade.

Cheers, but it's still too early for me to drink yet...

Your not putting any effort into it.

I don't put any effort in anything when I'm sober...

It's a vicious circle

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: uhbuhgullayew ()
Date: December 2, 2012 18:14

Wandering Spirit
Warm and Tender

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: drbryant ()
Date: December 2, 2012 19:37

Jagger/ wandering spirit and the unreleased album with the red devils

I agree with this, and it's not really close. I am not sure what the "unreleased album" consists of. I have those blues workouts in the studio with the Red Devils. Were they intended to make up an album - it would have sold zero copies and been the best solo Stones album.

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: jamesfdouglas ()
Date: December 2, 2012 19:47


1. Wandering Spirit - his only true 'genuine' sounding album besting all post-Undercover works by The Stones.
2. I've Got My Own Album To Do - an amazing and PAINFULLY underrated album,
3. Talk is Cheap - this is Keith's triumph, finding grooves and spark which he's not delivered since.

If Jagger ever released the Red Devil Sessions it would SMOKE #2 and #3.


1. Main Offender - Eileen and Wicked As It Seems are the only saving grace from this Telecaster snoozefest. Full of half-songs, two identical 'songs' are even placed together. Keith's creative juice is clearly drained here.
2. Primitive Cool - pretty awful. Only Dirty Work and A Bigger Bang are worse.
3. 1234 - like counting... sheep.


Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: Slick ()
Date: December 2, 2012 20:34

wandering spirit by far, with honorable mention to gimme some neck.

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: tomcasagranda ()
Date: December 2, 2012 20:51

Best solo albums are:

1. Own Album - but Woody wasn't a Stone when he made it.
2. Now Look
3. Watts / Keltner
4. Talk Is Cheap
5. Main Offender
6. Wandering Spirit
7. Goddess In The Doorway (It ain't that bad !)

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: Slimharpo ()
Date: December 3, 2012 01:01

In terms best solo songs, I'd say Keith's Hate it When you Leave and Make No Mistake.

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: spsimmons ()
Date: December 3, 2012 01:06

Without even thinking... WANDERING SPIRIT!

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: December 3, 2012 01:19


1. Wandering Spirit - his only true 'genuine' sounding album besting all post-Undercover works by The Stones.
2. I've Got My Own Album To Do - an amazing and PAINFULLY underrated album,
3. Talk is Cheap - this is Keith's triumph, finding grooves and spark which he's not delivered since.

If Jagger ever released the Red Devil Sessions it would SMOKE #2 and #3.


1. Main Offender - Eileen and Wicked As It Seems are the only saving grace from this Telecaster snoozefest. Full of half-songs, two identical 'songs' are even placed together. Keith's creative juice is clearly drained here.
2. Primitive Cool - pretty awful. Only Dirty Work and A Bigger Bang are worse.
3. 1234 - like counting... sheep.

please don't hate's a great album and he got all four numbers in proper order, too

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: slew ()
Date: December 3, 2012 06:15

Talk Is Cheapor Wandering Spirit hard to pick from those.

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: whitem8 ()
Date: December 3, 2012 06:49

Wandering Spirit
Talk is Cheap
Gimme Some Neck

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Date: December 3, 2012 06:50

Talk Is Cheap - easily the best most rounded album from any of 'em.

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: three16 ()
Date: December 3, 2012 07:31

i've got my own album to do... ron wood...

^^ This ^^

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: seitan ()
Date: December 3, 2012 09:06

maybe I should say this:

Jamming with Edward

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: Glammy ()
Date: December 3, 2012 09:54

Wandering Spirit. No contest.

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: spsimmons ()
Date: December 3, 2012 14:02

Even though I voted Wandering Spirit, I do have a soft spot for Slide On This. That would be my #2.

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Date: December 3, 2012 14:18

The best album is "I've Got My Own Album To Do" by a mile!

It's versatile, well-produced, the songs are really, really good, awesome playing - and what a line up thumbs up

The worst is a tie between Primitive Cool and Mick Taylor, imo.

However, even the worst solo Stones-album have some hidden gems (Party Doll, Leather Jacket)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-12-03 14:20 by DandelionPowderman.

Re: Best solo record by a Stone
Posted by: SweetThing ()
Date: December 3, 2012 15:31


However, even the worst solo Stones-album have some hidden gems (Party Doll, Leather Jacket)

Yes, this is the saving grace of probably all Stones related solo stuff. Agree that "I've Got My Own Album too do" is wonderful, but glad to see personal favorites, Gimme Some Neck and Talk is Cheap get numerous mentions here.

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