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Sure. They are all grandfathers with family and they spend weeks in a warehouse sort of building in Paris because they have nothing else to do. I am surprised that "fans" still question their passion. After 50 years. Of course they like what they do. They have the passon for what they do for sure.
Passion (from Wikipedia):
Passion (from the Ancient Greek verb ????? (paskho) meaning to suffer) is a term applied to a very strong feeling about a person or thing. Passion is an intense emotion compelling feeling, enthusiasm, or desire for something.
Hey, do me a favor; define "passion".
And, how can you spot it? Does it exist in the same way for every artist, or is it in the eyes and ears of the beholder? Or, is it some of both?
I don't doubt for a minute that they actually enjoy playing togeher WHEN they actually manage to get together, but they're not doing it for the fun of it - there's a big payday around the corner!
Thing is they DON'T rehearse or play together for a couple of days when there's NO payday on the horizon!