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steel driving hammer
Been there once, their Stones area is pretty big. Great stuff actually.
I've been their twice, in 2005 and 2006, and if they haven't done anything to the Stones area since, it was a major disappointment. A couple stage uniforms for Mick and Keith and a few piece of ephemera. I remember seeing a friggin' dulcimer sort of carelessly placed with no explanation that the great Brian Jones played it. And in another area they had musical instruments. There was a mellotron that said, 'Used by the Rolling Stones in the mid-60s'. No crap! The mellotron that Brian played on '2,000 Light Years From Home'? It was very distressing. They have a great Hendrix section and even the Beatles was pretty good, but the Stones area was depressing to me.
steel driving hammer
Been there once, their Stones area is pretty big. Great stuff actually.
The only thing I really remember was they had a couple of outfits, probably from '72 or '73. One of those onesie/leotard looking things with the rhinestones all over it. I remember being blown away by how small it (and by extension Mick Jagger) was.