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Not of the Stones, but of the Airplane - but it gives one a sense of just how flimsy and ramshackle the entire set up was - look at that lighting "rig" !
Naturalust, I also find all the images of that disaster pretty disturbing. But I don't agree that it was "nobody's fault". To hire the Hells Angels as security and pay them in alcohol was a huge blunder. Whomever ultimately signed off on that has to take the blame. Yes, it's water under the bridge now, but it was someone's fault.
That was the first mistake second was that the as--hols parked their bikes in front of the stages, they should what they did in The Hague in '76 set some on H-Angel bikes on fire.
Creepy pictures indeed.....although most of the crowd remember this as a regular concert and didn't know what was happening in front
Not of the Stones, but of the Airplane - but it gives one a sense of just how flimsy and ramshackle the entire set up was - look at that lighting "rig" !
To hire the Hells Angels as security and pay them in alcohol was a huge blunder. Whomever ultimately signed off on that has to take the blame. Yes, it's water under the bridge now, but it was someone's fault.
To hire the Hells Angels as security and pay them in alcohol was a huge blunder. Whomever ultimately signed off on that has to take the blame. Yes, it's water under the bridge now, but it was someone's fault.
I recall reading that the HA demanded to be the security or else... So the organizers decided that hiring them was the least worst.