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Cool Altamont photo(s)
Posted by: hbwriter ()
Date: January 14, 2012 20:08

Not of the Stones, but of the Airplane - but it gives one a sense of just how flimsy and ramshackle the entire set up was - look at that lighting "rig" !

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2012-01-14 20:58 by hbwriter.

Re: Cool Alatmont photo
Posted by: hbwriter ()
Date: January 14, 2012 20:17

and some other good ephemera


Re: Cool Alatmont photo
Posted by: hbwriter ()
Date: January 14, 2012 20:19

Also - here is a shot of Santana playing - no doubt that is a Maysles Bros. camera trained on him up front - anyone ever see this footage?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-01-14 20:22 by hbwriter.

Re: Cool Alatmont photo(s)
Posted by: hbwriter ()
Date: January 14, 2012 20:24

Re: Cool Altamont photo(s)
Posted by: hbwriter ()
Date: January 17, 2012 03:04

Re: Cool Altamont photo(s)
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: January 17, 2012 03:20

Damn, I get the creeps looking at any pictures or footage from that day. You can feel the hard core biker violence thing eminate still. Nobody's fault in the end , just a learning experience. Nice video too hb. Hard to believe people thought some of that stuff was "cool" in retrospect. I Guess the 60's was really just 1967 summer after all. 300,000 (minus one) senior citizens now. peace

Re: Cool Alatmont photo(s)
Posted by: The Joker ()
Date: January 17, 2012 16:39


3.51 : Ronnie Schneider and Melvin Belli in the back

Re: Cool Altamont photo(s)
Posted by: The Joker ()
Date: January 17, 2012 16:45

And this guy with a beard on the left in Terry the Tramp


Re: Cool Altamont photo(s)
Posted by: Eleanor Rigby ()
Date: January 17, 2012 16:53

Not of the Stones, but of the Airplane - but it gives one a sense of just how flimsy and ramshackle the entire set up was - look at that lighting "rig" !

looks like the start of the Airplane set...

Re: Cool Altamont photo(s)
Posted by: Eleanor Rigby ()
Date: January 17, 2012 16:56


2 things from this footage, Mel Belli left of screen in the crowd, and the guy holding up the microphone...
Although i have seen this before, it's always interesting...thanks hb.

Re: Cool Altamont photo(s)
Posted by: DaveG ()
Date: January 17, 2012 18:44

Naturalust, I also find all the images of that disaster pretty disturbing. But I don't agree that it was "nobody's fault". To hire the Hells Angels as security and pay them in alcohol was a huge blunder. Whomever ultimately signed off on that has to take the blame. Yes, it's water under the bridge now, but it was someone's fault.

Re: Cool Altamont photo(s)
Posted by: NICOS ()
Date: January 17, 2012 19:13

Naturalust, I also find all the images of that disaster pretty disturbing. But I don't agree that it was "nobody's fault". To hire the Hells Angels as security and pay them in alcohol was a huge blunder. Whomever ultimately signed off on that has to take the blame. Yes, it's water under the bridge now, but it was someone's fault.

That was the first mistake second was that the as--hols parked their bikes in front of the stages, they should what they did in The Hague in '76 set some on H-Angel bikes on fire.

Creepy pictures indeed.....although most of the crowd remember this as a regular concert and didn't know what was happening in front


Re: Cool Altamont photo(s)
Posted by: onestep ()
Date: January 17, 2012 20:20


That was the first mistake second was that the as--hols parked their bikes in front of the stages, they should what they did in The Hague in '76 set some on H-Angel bikes on fire.

Creepy pictures indeed.....although most of the crowd remember this as a regular concert and didn't know what was happening in front

The American Hells Angels in California were/are alot tougher than any other branch of the group...the only laws with those dudes, are the ones they wrote. Setting anything on fire would have definately been the wrong thing to do. There would have been more than one murder that night. Just seeing the pictures are really scarey....there were a ton of people that dodged a bullet that night, and are lucky it turned out as it did....those of you that have actually been around this kind of situation first hand know what I mean.

Re: Cool Altamont photo(s)
Posted by: bestfour ()
Date: January 17, 2012 20:51

Not of the Stones, but of the Airplane - but it gives one a sense of just how flimsy and ramshackle the entire set up was - look at that lighting "rig" !

Yes, "ramshackle the entire set up was" sadly that was the reason the whole concert turned out the way it did, the stage was rushed and thrown up over night.
It should have been much higher and had an encloser for the angels 'so special bloody bikes"

Re: Cool Altamont photo(s)
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: January 17, 2012 21:04

To hire the Hells Angels as security and pay them in alcohol was a huge blunder. Whomever ultimately signed off on that has to take the blame. Yes, it's water under the bridge now, but it was someone's fault.

I recall reading that the HA demanded to be the security or else... So the organizers decided that hiring them was the least worst.

Re: Cool Altamont photo(s)
Posted by: DaveG ()
Date: January 17, 2012 21:15

Seems like the entire operation, from the venue to the staging to security was guided by a "least worst" philosophy. I would like to read where the HA's are purported to have held the organizers hostage with a "hire us or else" demand.

Re: Cool Altamont photo(s)
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: January 18, 2012 00:09

To hire the Hells Angels as security and pay them in alcohol was a huge blunder. Whomever ultimately signed off on that has to take the blame. Yes, it's water under the bridge now, but it was someone's fault.

I recall reading that the HA demanded to be the security or else... So the organizers decided that hiring them was the least worst.

Wow didn't know the part about the alcohol. That was negligent,idiotic even wtf?. I also don't like the image it gives of West Coast vs. East Coast when contrasting it to Woodstock. I like to believe that the alternative and forward thinking we are all brothers walk is done on our (West) coast as much as when I saw the cool assed East coasters interacting at Woodstock. Maybe it was done by then and Monterrey Pop was as close as we got? I am rather facinated with that whole paradigm shift.

A great Guardian video clip interviewing Michael Lang who organized Woodstock and talks about it now years later, with keen insight or hindsight as it may be.
NEW picts from that event here and the interview below that. peace



Re: Cool Alatmont photo(s)
Posted by: bmuseed ()
Date: January 18, 2012 20:38

Hi Joker

It's not me (ron schneider)... it's the guy (forgot his name:-( ) from Belli's office that really did the work as opposed to just talking as Belli did.....all us dark swarthy guys look the same..:-). I never knew CSNY played that day...
And another point...the Stones never hired the Hell's Angels!! When the Maysles went on the Tonight show with Johnny Carson, I told them to end that rumor that was starting...but instead they forgot and it kept going on..
I once viewed in the early footage from the Maysles, during the day when a band was playing, someone charged the stage and flew into the brum kit..the singer said, "could someone please come up and help us" and the Angels came onstage and as I was told, "no one would dare ask them to leave!"...and as I see some of the early footage that is now posted--the Angels aren't on the stage which might help validate what I have been saying..

Re: Cool Altamont photo(s)
Posted by: nanker phelge ()
Date: January 18, 2012 23:11

Can't seem to post that classic photo of the naked fat dude with the small todger!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-01-18 23:16 by nanker phelge.

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