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Re: Ronnie said it so well a couple of days ago!
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: October 10, 2011 17:08

BTW, if you read Ronnie's book, he follows a pattern of going broke, it has happened to him at least 3 or 4 times now. Dude can't handle money.

ok - i've changed my opinion on the thread about which stone we're most like...i'm like ronnie....

Re: Ronnie said it so well a couple of days ago!
Posted by: Stikkyfinger ()
Date: October 10, 2011 18:01

Fan Since 1964
"We owe it to them (fans) and to ourselves (the band)
Ronnie's a passionate person with lots of empathy for the fans I guess!

What's your opinion?

He's right of course, but it takes four to tango?

Rolling Stones Tribute

Play Rolling Stones

Re: Ronnie said it so well a couple of days ago!
Posted by: LeonidP ()
Date: October 11, 2011 06:36

BTW, if you read Ronnie's book, he follows a pattern of going broke, it has happened to him at least 3 or 4 times now. Dude can't handle money.

ok - i've changed my opinion on the thread about which stone we're most like...i'm like ronnie....

And I'm like Chuck Leavell, no one has ever heard of me, and those that have don't give a shit.

Re: Ronnie said it so well a couple of days ago!
Posted by: Grison ()
Date: October 11, 2011 12:16

Quite interesting how a thread may tend to totally other headlines without changing the name of the thread.
Anyway just to all those people who think Ms Breanda is to blame for the situation. If there would be, but I just think it is nobody, would be anybody to blame it would at least Keith. Without Mick who just had the abilitiy to tear the Stones into Stardom and to become famous and remain famous,the Stones would have never made it from Richmond to the 02 (as Mick said in one of the 02 concerts).

By the way, Ronnie sometimes had money and had no money. He's been helped and he knows how to cope with it. You might see him one day back in a caravan.

Re: Ronnie said it so well a couple of days ago!
Posted by: SweetThing ()
Date: October 11, 2011 21:34

If I had to guess one way or another, I would imagine Ronnie is broke by now. (again). Or close to it. Hopefully not, but....

According to what I read yesterday he was also the last guy to leave Paul McCartney's wedding reception party the other night..

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