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Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: January 10, 2020 15:31


He pretty much sums up something!

I do know that bona-fide bands put out records and tend to feel disappointed. Because the whole window of exposure and opportunity has gone, no matter whether it’s Neil Young, Elton John or whoever it may be that people are ready to switch on to.

But who cares? If it’s @#$%& hip-hop or a cover of a Melanie song, it doesn’t matter. Just do what you do and feel it and mean it.

Some of us around here have been going on about why the Stones haven't recorded a new record and it's boiled down to they just don't want to ie mean to. They can't feel it.

Which is funny I suppose - they've only done a gazillion albums.

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: January 10, 2020 15:49

Robert Plant is remarkably grounded. I think it took people many years to actually catch up to his maturity level, but he's been pretty much right in all his decisions the last 20 years. Ending Led Zeppelin reunion talk included, much to my disappointment. But he's so right.

He's a really nice guy, too. Don't know if I've told this story here before, so apologies if its redundant. I went to a meet & greet around the time of Now & Zen I think. Black Crowes opened & they were touring on Shake Your Moneymaker. Anyway, I get ushered into a room with some other retail people & radio people. The label guy is yelling at us "no pictures! no autographs!". Plant walks in & the first thing he does is start posing for pictures & signing autographs, haha. He also talked to everyone & was very personable. I still have a signed cd around somewhere. Another observation is he's a pretty big guy unlike a lot of the English guys from that era. He was a country boy, so the post war food shortages in England weren't a factor like for the city boys.

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: January 10, 2020 15:52

I'd never heard Please Read The Letter. What a sad song.

Great song on that album. Few others that were also excellent.

And yeah, what he says is easier said than done. Stevie Nicks says the same thing about not recording with Fleetwood Mac. She's like "why take the time to do something we'll really put our hearts into that no one else is gonna care about?" And she's not wrong, I totally get where she's coming from. But then again its also, if thats how you feel, and you're tired of playing you're hits, or implying its not JUST what you want to do, then you don't have to tour as Fleetwood Mac. Can't really have it both ways. Robert's method of "just do it and you'll be fine" is probably the best one to take.

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: bitusa2012 ()
Date: January 10, 2020 16:08


Stevie Nicks says the same thing about not recording with Fleetwood Mac. She's like "why take the time to do something we'll really put our hearts into that no one else is gonna care about?" And she's not wrong, I totally get where she's coming from.

I SORT of understand this, but don’t buy it. If it were true, why would ANYONE record? If a record is any good, or at the very least, interesting, it will find a market. Blue & Lonesome, anyone?

The Stones are either scared to scar their legacy (which they won’t-they have an indelible mark on musical history), too lazy or just plain uninterested in being creative and anything more more than an expensive land-based cruise ship band. Reports that they’ve got 30 or so tracks down and just can’t get the mix of songs right for an album, I reckon, are silly. If they had them, and they were any good, they’d be out, or at least, ANNOUNCED.


Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: January 10, 2020 16:19

I think it took people many years to actually catch up to his maturity level

I think he reached that level the day his infant son died (1977). After that everything can seem so feeble and laughable. confused smiley

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: January 10, 2020 16:40


Stevie Nicks says the same thing about not recording with Fleetwood Mac. She's like "why take the time to do something we'll really put our hearts into that no one else is gonna care about?" And she's not wrong, I totally get where she's coming from.

I SORT of understand this, but don’t buy it. If it were true, why would ANYONE record? If a record is any good, or at the very least, interesting, it will find a market. Blue & Lonesome, anyone?

The Stones are either scared to scar their legacy (which they won’t-they have an indelible mark on musical history), too lazy or just plain uninterested in being creative and anything more more than an expensive land-based cruise ship band. Reports that they’ve got 30 or so tracks down and just can’t get the mix of songs right for an album, I reckon, are silly. If they had them, and they were any good, they’d be out, or at least, ANNOUNCED.
I hate to say it, but I don't think they care a bit about their musical legacy. It's apparent in the relative disinterest they've taken in curating their back catalogue with the same amount of care that their contemporaries have.

I think the only things they think about are (a) are we still popular enough to fill stadiums? (b) how much money is rolling in? (c) can we keep going one more year to keep this incredible run alive?

It seems like longevity and the ability to prove they can still hack it onstage at their ages are what fuels them, which is fine if that's what keeps them going, but artistically, they're pretty much spent.

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: January 10, 2020 17:59

I think Robert Plant and Stevie Nicks are different than Mick and Keith. We can go back and forth, probably won't change either person's mind, but Mick and Keith DON'T care about what they put out. They just want to play into the system: that sometimes you need something out in order to tour. They, unfortunately, don't believe in it, and I give Robert Plant a bit of credit that at least I buy that he's into what he's putting out. I know that he still plays a lot of Zeppelin out on the road, but I truly think he loves and believes the new music he's making in the studio. The same CANNOT be said about the Stones. They don't give a shit about Doom and Gloom, One More Shot, most of Voodoo Lounge and Bridges to Babylon. They just don't. Its product.

And listen, I get it from both angles: put out anything you want for us, and maybe some of it will be good which is great, and the other stuff thats trash we'll just forget about. It doesn't ruin your legacy. But I also like the guys that are only putting out stuff they truly believe in. I don't love Stevie Nicks, but I believe she's that kind of person that actually DOES care about what she's releasing. And if no one's gonna buy it, she thinks "@#$%& it." I find it hard anyone can disagree with her. I don't personally like that she'll just tour on her and the band's hits the rest of her life, but its what people want! Why record at all? It wasn't always like this, even 15 years ago. At least not for newer bands. You get a couple great albums under your belt and people stop really caring about your new shit, no matter who you are. A band like Green Day I don't think could record an album people will actually find "memorable" to save their life. In 2004, 10 years after their prime to many, the world was still at a place where they could stomach that, and people did with American Idiot. They don't anymore. So I totally get why people like Stevie Nicks don't want to take the time to write songs and put out an album, because its really the audience's fault. They just don't want new things from these people anymore.

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: January 10, 2020 18:00

Robert Plant is remarkably grounded. I think it took people many years to actually catch up to his maturity level, but he's been pretty much right in all his decisions the last 20 years. Ending Led Zeppelin reunion talk included, much to my disappointment. But he's so right.

He's a really nice guy, too. Don't know if I've told this story here before, so apologies if its redundant. I went to a meet & greet around the time of Now & Zen I think. Black Crowes opened & they were touring on Shake Your Moneymaker. Anyway, I get ushered into a room with some other retail people & radio people. The label guy is yelling at us "no pictures! no autographs!". Plant walks in & the first thing he does is start posing for pictures & signing autographs, haha. He also talked to everyone & was very personable. I still have a signed cd around somewhere. Another observation is he's a pretty big guy unlike a lot of the English guys from that era. He was a country boy, so the post war food shortages in England weren't a factor like for the city boys.

Amazing story, and I've heard really good things about him, which is so nice to hear. I think, all said and done, just as a person he's one of the most valuable rock stars from that era. He @#$%& gets it when so many others don't. And I don't hold it against them, but I give him credit for it.

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: Nikkei ()
Date: January 10, 2020 18:13

I think Robert Plant and Stevie Nicks are different than Mick and Keith. We can go back and forth, probably won't change either person's mind, but Mick and Keith DON'T care about what they put out. They just want to play into the system: that sometimes you need something out in order to tour. They, unfortunately, don't believe in it, and I give Robert Plant a bit of credit that at least I buy that he's into what he's putting out. I know that he still plays a lot of Zeppelin out on the road, but I truly think he loves and believes the new music he's making in the studio. The same CANNOT be said about the Stones. They don't give a shit about Doom and Gloom, One More Shot, most of Voodoo Lounge and Bridges to Babylon. They just don't. Its product.

And listen, I get it from both angles: put out anything you want for us, and maybe some of it will be good which is great, and the other stuff thats trash we'll just forget about. It doesn't ruin your legacy. But I also like the guys that are only putting out stuff they truly believe in. I don't love Stevie Nicks, but I believe she's that kind of person that actually DOES care about what she's releasing. And if no one's gonna buy it, she thinks "@#$%& it." I find it hard anyone can disagree with her. I don't personally like that she'll just tour on her and the band's hits the rest of her life, but its what people want! Why record at all? It wasn't always like this, even 15 years ago. At least not for newer bands. You get a couple great albums under your belt and people stop really caring about your new shit, no matter who you are. A band like Green Day I don't think could record an album people will actually find "memorable" to save their life. In 2004, 10 years after their prime to many, the world was still at a place where they could stomach that, and people did with American Idiot. They don't anymore. So I totally get why people like Stevie Nicks don't want to take the time to write songs and put out an album, because its really the audience's fault. They just don't want new things from these people anymore.

You're spot on with your assessment. I'm not sure how I feel about American Idiot though. It made a real dent with the females of my generation thanks to the power ballad. As a guy you had to get on board with that.

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: rattler2004 ()
Date: January 10, 2020 18:14

Robert Plant is remarkably grounded. I think it took people many years to actually catch up to his maturity level, but he's been pretty much right in all his decisions the last 20 years. Ending Led Zeppelin reunion talk included, much to my disappointment. But he's so right.

He's a really nice guy, too. Don't know if I've told this story here before, so apologies if its redundant. I went to a meet & greet around the time of Now & Zen I think. Black Crowes opened & they were touring on Shake Your Moneymaker. Anyway, I get ushered into a room with some other retail people & radio people. The label guy is yelling at us "no pictures! no autographs!". Plant walks in & the first thing he does is start posing for pictures & signing autographs, haha. He also talked to everyone & was very personable. I still have a signed cd around somewhere. Another observation is he's a pretty big guy unlike a lot of the English guys from that era. He was a country boy, so the post war food shortages in England weren't a factor like for the city boys.

Amazing story, and I've heard really good things about him, which is so nice to hear. I think, all said and done, just as a person he's one of the most valuable rock stars from that era. He @#$%& gets it when so many others don't. And I don't hold it against them, but I give him credit for it.

He really is one of the nice guys, I ran into him twice when he was living in Austin, in of all places a coffee shop. He is strikingly tall.

the shoot 'em dead, brainbell jangler!

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: January 10, 2020 18:36

I'd never heard Please Read The Letter. What a sad song.

Originally recorded by Page and Plant on the Walking to Clarksdale album in 1998.
I thought it was the highlight of that album, but then when Plant rerecorded it with Alison Krauss thought their version was even better.

Would be nice to hear Plant record an album of Medieval/Renaissance music - similar to what Ritchie Blackmore has done with Blackmore's Night.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: Nikkei ()
Date: January 10, 2020 19:36

edit wrong thread

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-01-10 19:37 by Nikkei.

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: January 10, 2020 19:46

What's the issue? These four songs belong in the top 50 in R n R history

We have -

Misty Mountain Hop
Immigrant Song
Black Dog

In my opinion Stairway to Heaven was run into the ground by Classic R-n-R stations just like Freebird by Lynerd Skynard and the entire live album by Franmpton

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: odean73 ()
Date: January 11, 2020 00:26

Robert Plant is remarkably grounded. I think it took people many years to actually catch up to his maturity level, but he's been pretty much right in all his decisions the last 20 years. Ending Led Zeppelin reunion talk included, much to my disappointment. But he's so right.

He's a really nice guy, too. Don't know if I've told this story here before, so apologies if its redundant. I went to a meet & greet around the time of Now & Zen I think. Black Crowes opened & they were touring on Shake Your Moneymaker. Anyway, I get ushered into a room with some other retail people & radio people. The label guy is yelling at us "no pictures! no autographs!". Plant walks in & the first thing he does is start posing for pictures & signing autographs, haha. He also talked to everyone & was very personable. I still have a signed cd around somewhere. Another observation is he's a pretty big guy unlike a lot of the English guys from that era. He was a country boy, so the post war food shortages in England weren't a factor like for the city boys.

Not sure about the country boy, he was born in West Bromich, the out skirts of industrial Birmingham.

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: January 11, 2020 00:36

Robert Plant is remarkably grounded. I think it took people many years to actually catch up to his maturity level, but he's been pretty much right in all his decisions the last 20 years. Ending Led Zeppelin reunion talk included, much to my disappointment. But he's so right.

He's a really nice guy, too. Don't know if I've told this story here before, so apologies if its redundant. I went to a meet & greet around the time of Now & Zen I think. Black Crowes opened & they were touring on Shake Your Moneymaker. Anyway, I get ushered into a room with some other retail people & radio people. The label guy is yelling at us "no pictures! no autographs!". Plant walks in & the first thing he does is start posing for pictures & signing autographs, haha. He also talked to everyone & was very personable. I still have a signed cd around somewhere. Another observation is he's a pretty big guy unlike a lot of the English guys from that era. He was a country boy, so the post war food shortages in England weren't a factor like for the city boys.

Amazing story, and I've heard really good things about him, which is so nice to hear. I think, all said and done, just as a person he's one of the most valuable rock stars from that era. He @#$%& gets it when so many others don't. And I don't hold it against them, but I give him credit for it.

I ran into him at the airport the day after he played a show in Sicily that I'd attended, and because he had a while till his flight, he happily stood around shooting the breeze for about twenty minutes, talking about everything from the British blues boom to the weird security guys at the show to his son's band. We had to leave to catch our flight, but I think he's have been prepared to hang around indefinitely. Didn't ask for a pic or autograph so it's just a very pleasant memory of a great guy.

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: January 11, 2020 00:42


He pretty much sums up something!

I do know that bona-fide bands put out records and tend to feel disappointed. Because the whole window of exposure and opportunity has gone, no matter whether it’s Neil Young, Elton John or whoever it may be that people are ready to switch on to.

But who cares? If it’s @#$%& hip-hop or a cover of a Melanie song, it doesn’t matter. Just do what you do and feel it and mean it.

Some of us around here have been going on about why the Stones haven't recorded a new record and it's boiled down to they just don't want to ie mean to. They can't feel it.

Which is funny I suppose - they've only done a gazillion albums.

I think the problem with the stones and new material is that they feel like they need to live up to their incredible reputation, and to try and create a 'stones sounding record'. They are shackled by their past success, which is why it's easier to do a blues cover album as you can't really mess that up.

They care too much about what other people think. I get why, but if they just churned out the releases, whatever suited them without overthinking it we'd get used to all the different material. An album a year, 10 songs.

It may not sell as well, but should they really care at this stage, it isn't as though records sell anyway?

OH...and love Robert Plant. Dude is grounded.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-01-11 00:42 by treaclefingers.

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: January 11, 2020 00:52

Robert Plant is remarkably grounded. I think it took people many years to actually catch up to his maturity level, but he's been pretty much right in all his decisions the last 20 years. Ending Led Zeppelin reunion talk included, much to my disappointment. But he's so right.

He's a really nice guy, too. Don't know if I've told this story here before, so apologies if its redundant. I went to a meet & greet around the time of Now & Zen I think. Black Crowes opened & they were touring on Shake Your Moneymaker. Anyway, I get ushered into a room with some other retail people & radio people. The label guy is yelling at us "no pictures! no autographs!". Plant walks in & the first thing he does is start posing for pictures & signing autographs, haha. He also talked to everyone & was very personable. I still have a signed cd around somewhere. Another observation is he's a pretty big guy unlike a lot of the English guys from that era. He was a country boy, so the post war food shortages in England weren't a factor like for the city boys.

Not sure about the country boy, he was born in West Bromich, the out skirts of industrial Birmingham.

maybe he was born there & lived in the country? i heard that he & bonham lived in the same area. bonham wasn't a small person either. most of the guys i've met from that era (bowie, keith, etc) were pretty short etc.

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: TornAndFried ()
Date: January 11, 2020 06:46

Great interview. I wish Mick Jagger could be this honest and open just once.

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: Phil Good ()
Date: January 11, 2020 12:28

Great interview. I wish Mick Jagger could be this honest and open just once.

+ 1 but I think this will never happen.

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: January 11, 2020 17:06

Phil Good
Great interview. I wish Mick Jagger could be this honest and open just once.

+ 1 but I think this will never happen.
Yep, you can guarantee it. If he hasn't by now, it'll never happen.

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: Nikkei ()
Date: January 11, 2020 17:12

So disrespectful to Robert Plants career to tack this onto the LZ Plagiarism thread

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: Ket ()
Date: January 11, 2020 17:35

Phil Good
Great interview. I wish Mick Jagger could be this honest and open just once.

+ 1 but I think this will never happen.
Yep, you can guarantee it. If he hasn't by now, it'll never happen.
I agree but I don't blame Mick, it just is not in his personality.

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: January 11, 2020 21:27

Chris Fountain
What's the issue? These four songs belong in the top 50 in R n R history

We have -

Misty Mountain Hop
Immigrant Song
Black Dog

In my opinion Stairway to Heaven was run into the ground by Classic R-n-R stations just like Freebird by Lynerd Skynard and the entire live album by Franmpton

I felt similar about STH - until CELEBRATION DAY came out. Now I have a new affinity for STH and don't turn the station when it comes on (which is hardly - I'm barely in my truck long enough to get 2 songs).

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: January 12, 2020 19:39

Mick and Keith DON'T care about what they put out. They just want to play into the system

Errr... this is Jimmy Page you're talking about, right?

The guy who released "definitive" remasters of studio albums every 4 years. The guy who, when he finally realized he needed to put out sth new not to lose little cred he had left, came up with "expanded" 2-cd versions of studio albums that are so pitiful even the most hardcore Lz fan was embarrassed by them.

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: SomeGuy ()
Date: January 12, 2020 20:04

Mick and Keith DON'T care about what they put out. They just want to play into the system

Errr... this is Jimmy Page you're talking about, right?

The guy who released "definitive" remasters of studio albums every 4 years. The guy who, when he finally realized he needed to put out sth new not to lose little cred he had left, came up with "expanded" 2-cd versions of studio albums that are so pitiful even the most hardcore Lz fan was embarrassed by them.

More like every 21 years, which makes the Stones more guilty of releasing newer remasters of studio albums again than Zeppelin. But yes, the 'expanded' aspect of the latest remasters was a disappointment, and I stuck with the '93 complete studio box set, just as I stuck with the '94 Stones remasters by Virgin. Also, the 2nd editions of the three live Zeppelin sets at hand were obviously completely superfluous if you ask me. Remastering a remastered edition from 2007 is just as useless as remastering the aforementioned Virgin remasters, or Flashpoint -let alone Live Licks, fcol!- or Voodoo Lounge, Bridges To Babylon and A Bigger Bang, or remastering Love You Live for the second time.

Edited 7 time(s). Last edit at 2020-01-12 20:29 by SomeGuy.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: coffeepotman ()
Date: January 12, 2020 20:54

What is with all the hate.....I don't post must, I check in almost every day and I get so much hate. Hate for Jimmy, hate for Mick, hate for Paul, hate for everybody you do not agree's ugly people.

I've got nothing but love for these guys, the amount of joy they have brought to my life is immeasurable. Their music has saved my life so many times, I could never repay them in a thousand lifetimes.

Right now I'm listening to In The Light off of Physical Graffiti, this song alone has saved me from so much, just knowing there is a light....

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: SomeGuy ()
Date: January 12, 2020 22:15

You're right.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-01-12 22:32 by SomeGuy.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: Nikkei ()
Date: January 12, 2020 22:57

put my nuts on ice too

Re: OT: Great interview with Robert Plant
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: January 12, 2020 23:58

Mick and Keith DON'T care about what they put out. They just want to play into the system

Errr... this is Jimmy Page you're talking about, right?

The guy who released "definitive" remasters of studio albums every 4 years. The guy who, when he finally realized he needed to put out sth new not to lose little cred he had left, came up with "expanded" 2-cd versions of studio albums that are so pitiful even the most hardcore Lz fan was embarrassed by them.

More like every 21 years, which makes the Stones more guilty of releasing newer remasters of studio albums again than Zeppelin. But yes, the 'expanded' aspect of the latest remasters was a disappointment, and I stuck with the '93 complete studio box set, just as I stuck with the '94 Stones remasters by Virgin. Also, the 2nd editions of the three live Zeppelin sets at hand were obviously completely superfluous if you ask me. Remastering a remastered edition from 2007 is just as useless as remastering the aforementioned Virgin remasters, or Flashpoint -let alone Live Licks, fcol!- or Voodoo Lounge, Bridges To Babylon and A Bigger Bang, or remastering Love You Live for the second time.

Except Mickand Keith don't brag about them.
Every time we get a re-re-re-re-mastered release of Led catalogue Page gives about 245 interviews to say they finally got it right and the sonic definition is amazing (yawn!).

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: SomeGuy ()
Date: January 13, 2020 00:16


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-01-13 00:33 by SomeGuy.

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