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Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: SwayStones ()
Date: September 29, 2011 20:53

Beep beep !smoking smiley

It's getting very hot in the kitchen !

May be some of us aren't on the same "wavelenght "

Some persons talk about "healthy" food and some others talk about " tasty " food.

I am an "American lover " since my early 20's ,which means I like & admire the US for some reasons but it means as well that I am also capable to know the country enought to be allowed to say what I dislike there .( I would be very pleased if someone could write this last sentence in good English smiling smiley

It's not a mystery that the French cuisine -but as well the Italian one - is said to be the best in the world .
Why ?
Because of its variety .and its taste .

OK, the "old fashioned" French cuisine put too much fats -butter & cream " in the receipes and it led to cholesterol disorders & heart attacks.

Spot on Mathjis he is right imo on what he wrote :<<Vegetables where hard to find, portions where double or triple to what I am used to<<

"Everything is bigger in America " : that's what came to my mind when I was there -for me ,an European -after I saw an overweight young teen eating a HUGE ball of pop corns at Disney World ..I would never be able to eat that much ......the buildings,the streets ,the quantity of food itself.

"We people " in France have over here the same concerns now.
We eat "junk food" -myself included once upon a while -
I really enjoy eating from time to time a Mac Donalds' hamburger tastes,But everytime I go to Mc Do with my daughter, you know what ?
We are the ONLY ones to share one portion of fries and she would always takes tomatos besides fries.

BTW ,What did I say bad ?smiling smiley

Only one ingredient was missing from the recipe: a pinch of humility, perhaps. When one journalist dared suggest the whole idea tasted rather strongly of national chauvinism, "we're French and proud of it"!

In case some of you don't get it,chauvinsm is what YOU call patriotism

In case some people don't get it,I made a tongue-in-cheek post

I am a Frenchie ,as Mick affectionately called them in the Old Grey Whistle Test in 1977 .

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: SwayStones ()
Date: September 29, 2011 20:58

Edith Grove
Ya'll haven't eaten until you've had Cajun/Creole food.

I am feeling hungry, can't see the reason .

I am a Frenchie ,as Mick affectionately called them in the Old Grey Whistle Test in 1977 .

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: SwayStones ()
Date: September 29, 2011 21:54

I will probably be francophile only until I visit France. I have heard from several people that France is really something (a pain in the ass, that is). Myself, I love France and everything french! Especially Gitanes.

I can't believe you "smoke Gitanes" unless you are found of of Serge G.smoking smiley

I am a Frenchie ,as Mick affectionately called them in the Old Grey Whistle Test in 1977 .

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: Edith Grove ()
Date: September 29, 2011 22:13

On my first trip to France, I toured Normandy.

We stopped in one of the towns for lunch, and the tour guide told us that the sandwich shops have only three kinds of sandwiches: ham & cheese, ham without cheese and cheese without ham.
The tour guide wasn't kidding! grinning smiley

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: September 29, 2011 22:17

Edith Grove
On my first trip to France, I toured Normandy.

We stopped in one of the towns for lunch, and the tour guide told us that the sandwich shops have only three kinds of sandwiches: ham & cheese, ham without cheese and cheese without ham.
The tour guide wasn't kidding! grinning smiley
Nothing beats Ham & Cheese anyway. Stop right there.smiling bouncing smiley

"It's just some friends of mine and they're busting down the door"

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: SwayStones ()
Date: September 29, 2011 22:22

I am reading that book I borrowed from my library :

Yummy !!

Waldorf salad/Delicatessen in New York ...../ gumbos /soul food /in NOLA ..
Could make a great Stones song smiling smiley

Cheers !
Sway from France

I am a Frenchie ,as Mick affectionately called them in the Old Grey Whistle Test in 1977 .

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: Bingo ()
Date: September 29, 2011 22:39


there is plenty of great American food... Chicago Pizza,

You lost your argument right there.

Signed, A slice of NY pizza.smoking smiley

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: SwayStones ()
Date: September 29, 2011 22:39

Edith Grove
On my first trip to France, I toured Normandy.

We stopped in one of the towns for lunch, and the tour guide told us that the sandwich shops have only three kinds of sandwiches: ham & cheese, ham without cheese and cheese without ham.
The tour guide wasn't kidding! grinning smiley

May be your tour guide was very good about WWII but could it be you didn't understand what he said ?
Over here ,we don't make sandwiches like you wrote above .
It's Ham with butter /Cheese sandwitches /plus salad inside.

I am not fan of ham sandWitches though ...

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: September 29, 2011 22:44

..Best thing down here is ....Roll over Honey and let us on top


Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: SwayStones ()
Date: September 29, 2011 22:44


fast food in Europe is never fast because the restaurants are so crowded and the lines so long.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

I am a Frenchie ,as Mick affectionately called them in the Old Grey Whistle Test in 1977 .

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: Vocalion ()
Date: September 29, 2011 22:47

And.... another "bait thread" on IORR works exactly as planned.

American cheese... gimme a fkn break...

And again you took the bait....

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: SwayStones ()
Date: September 29, 2011 22:49


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2011-09-29 22:52 by SwayStones.

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: September 29, 2011 22:49


there is plenty of great American food... Chicago Pizza,

You lost your argument right there.

Signed, A slice of NY pizza.smoking smiley

Nope, the etc etc etc covered it...

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: SwayStones ()
Date: September 29, 2011 22:51

..Best thing down here is ....Roll over Honey and let us on top

Yummy as well .

Is there something else you would like to add , Rockee ? :-)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2011-09-29 23:16 by SwayStones.

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: Edith Grove ()
Date: September 29, 2011 22:54


fast food in Europe is never fast because the restaurants are so crowded and the lines so long.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

Fast food stopped being fast when the menu went over five items.

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: September 29, 2011 22:55

Because everything you mention -except maybe Cajun- is not typically American in any way. Strip steak, lobster, crab: there's nothing American about that. What makes it American, or French, or German or whatever, is how you prepare and cook it, what spices you use and how you present the dish.

It's quite funny though how American's always feel threatened when there is some criticism from abroad. Within a minute you're called a xenophobe -even though I have lived outside of Europe for two years, work for an American company and travel to 25 countries yearly professionaly.

85% of the Americans do not have a passport and never travel outside their own state. Isn't that a bit xenophobic?


You made it clear that you are a hater. Many Many times you bash on America, and make vast stupid generalizations.... and now you act surprised when I call you on it. Maybe you should try not being so constantly rude, it would make for a more mellow board.

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: Bingo ()
Date: September 29, 2011 23:11

I'm speaking from my experience. When I went to Europe in '83 and '06, I found the food in Europe to be fantastic. The vegetables were VERY fresh. Something as simple as chicken, tasted like chicken my grandmother use to make.

In this country (america), the food has lost it's taste. I don't think people realize how much modification goes on w/american food. Some reports say that as much as 60% of food in U.S. supermarkets are genetically altered.

If you put a European carrot on one plate and an American carrot on another plate, you will IMMEDIATELY taste the difference.

Next time you go to the store, buy organic milk where the cows only graze on grass...not organic feed. You'll be able to taste the grass in the milk.

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: September 29, 2011 23:17

There is no typical American anything. We take the best that all our immigrants bring with them and make it better. We are not a melting pot, we are a tossed salad, maybe a stew or a gumbo, different flavors my rub off but we all have our own unique attributes.


BTW: The greatest American food combination is without a doubt an RC Cola & a Moon Pie. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: September 29, 2011 23:19

Things in the world are NOT black and white.
It is NOT a world where one country sucks and another is great...
Things/food/people vary from region to region and country to country...

Things are different all over, you can find healthy choices, tasty choices and everything in between. To say a carrot tastes better in one country over another is absurd. It all depends on many factors.

I have traveled around the world too, and things are different everywhere, and you wont find me making stupid vast generalizations based on one little sample, that is stupid.

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: September 29, 2011 23:20

canadian carrots rock!

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: September 29, 2011 23:25

canadian carrots rock!

Canadian Bacon thumbs up winking smiley

both the food and the movie [] We have watched that movie (must see for a good laugh at ourselves) a couple of times recently and it is too freekin funny. It was made back when Michael Moore still had a sense of humor

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2011-09-29 23:29 by Max'sKansasCity.

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: tomk ()
Date: September 30, 2011 00:06

With that said, there is plenty of great American food... Kansas City strip steak, Maine lobser, Alaskan king crab, Kansas City barbeque, Chicago Pizza, New England Clam Chowder, Southern fried chicken, New Orlean Cajun...

This remind me of a promotional video I saw on a plane to the US some years ago. It was about the fabulous & famous top three American food inventions: Pizza, Hamburger and Budweiser beer.


What you posted makes no sense, but that is not unusual for you.

Er...I have seen that documentary on a Delta Airlines plane from Amsterdam to Phladelphia. We where four of us, two if which are on this board as well.

So, what doesn't make sense, me or the documentary?


85% of the Americans do not have a passport and never travel outside their own state. Isn't that a bit xenophobic?


It's not that high. Passport-wise it's about 65% that don't. But you're not taking into account a few factors. I assume you live in Europe, so you can travel to London, Rome, Paris, wherever with relative ease that won't take up too much time and probably won't put a big dent in your wallet--and if it's for business, that's another money factor. An American from Phoenix who wants to visit Paris (usually with family or spouse) can't get there in two hours or just pop over for the weekend. Even on the cheap end, it's gonna take time and money. And the 85% statistic regarding state travel is garbage.

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: Bingo ()
Date: September 30, 2011 00:35


I have traveled around the world too,

Google Earth doesn't count.

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: September 30, 2011 00:43


I have traveled around the world too,

Google Earth doesn't count.
grinning smileycool smileyhot smiley

"It's just some friends of mine and they're busting down the door"

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: September 30, 2011 01:21


I have traveled around the world too,

Google Earth doesn't count.
grinning smileycool smileyhot smiley

Sorry max, but that was a good burn! hot smiley

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: Sipuncula ()
Date: September 30, 2011 04:06

Central Texas barbecue is pretty world-class stuff, IMHO. Immigrant Germans started it all in the 1800s. No need for barbecue sauce if you've got quality stuff. I never had a New York pizza until I went there, but I found it to be pretty fantastic. Totally different culture. There is good food everywhere.

I would urge Europeans to avoid stereotyping food or any other aspect of American life or culture, because it would take years of hands-on information gathering to grasp the big picture. America's vastness of space and diversity of thought is what makes it exceptional. In a way, the forces that divide us Americans forces an honest debate about our differences and drives innovation as a society. It's about how to sort everything out and assimilate it to create something better than what you had (make it from scratch, to use a food term). It has been a successful recipe.

If the Stones wanted baloney and Kraft singles (and white bread, I assume), more power to them. I was eating the same thing in 1981 (I was four years old at the time, so I buy the theory that it was for the kids).

The Rolling Stones hit it big because they studied an aspect of American culture (blues music) that many here were not aware of and sold it back to us. It's all here, you just have to look for it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2011-09-30 04:10 by Sipuncula.

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: tomk ()
Date: September 30, 2011 05:04


I would urge Europeans to avoid stereotyping food or any other aspect of American life or culture, because it would take years of hands-on information gathering to grasp the big picture.

Indeed. Perhaps they need a good Texas or Memphis BBQ.

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: Title5Take1 ()
Date: September 30, 2011 05:10

What's with all this food snobbery? American food can be great. And I know some four-star French chefs who'd agree with me (and one who has praised In N Out Burger to me because of its fresh ingredients). Julia Child loved McDonald's French fries.

four star chef's? Wow! So in a three-star system they've earned a fourth star! They sure must be good chefs!

I like to sleep in 6 star hotels.


If it's an informal ranking, it's an oft-used one. Check out the book title below:

Google "four star chef" and see how many times it comes up in "legitimate" publications.

Anyway, ESQUIRE asked top chefs to rank their favorite fast food, and their favorite item was the CHEESEburger. And the favorite place chosen was In N Out Burger.

Charlie Palmer (Aureole, where I just ate this month) chose In N Out Burger; Thomas Keller (French Laundry) chose In N Out Burger. Read more here >>> []

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2011-09-30 05:20 by Title5Take1.

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: rocker1 ()
Date: September 30, 2011 05:52

From CS Blues, Mick speaking from the front seat of a station wagon heading down a highway in Louisiana or Texas (not sure where, exactly):

"It's one of the few parts of America where you can really eat quite reasonably well. They have interesting food. Even in coffee shops in the South they have good food."

Or something like that, iirc.

Re: 1981 Tour: The Stones request American Cheese & Bologna
Posted by: Mathijs ()
Date: September 30, 2011 15:15

What's with all this food snobbery? American food can be great. And I know some four-star French chefs who'd agree with me (and one who has praised In N Out Burger to me because of its fresh ingredients). Julia Child loved McDonald's French fries.

four star chef's? Wow! So in a three-star system they've earned a fourth star! They sure must be good chefs!

I like to sleep in 6 star hotels.


If it's an informal ranking, it's an oft-used one. Check out the book title below:

Google "four star chef" and see how many times it comes up in "legitimate" publications.

Aha. He got a four star review in The New York Times, that's what it refers too according to Wikipedia. That's quite meaningless, other than you got a great review by a (important) newspaper.


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