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Re: Recommend me three Stones albums
Posted by: hot stuff ()
Date: May 24, 2012 18:12

Only 3? Hard..

1. HOT ROCKS----Cover Brian Jones years.

2. Get your ya ya's out-----Hear the Stones at their best live.

3. SOME GIRLS--------Best of the Ronnie Wood years.

Re: Recommend me three Stones albums
Date: May 24, 2012 18:16

Ah, right. 3.

Let It Bleed
Sticky Fingers
Tattoo You

Re: Recommend me three Stones albums
Posted by: nomis ()
Date: May 24, 2012 18:49

Out of Our Heads
Get Yer Ya Yas Out
Some Girls

(covers all three eras)

Re: Recommend me three Stones albums
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: May 24, 2012 19:31

Thanks all. It seems 68-71 was a purple patch so I'll go for Let It Bleed, Beggars Banquet and Sticky Fingers and expand outwards from there.

It seems Tattoo You is a popular choice so maybe that too smiling smiley

You're right TaT it is difficult to pick just three!
Just get Exile. That's all you need.

Re: Recommend me three Stones albums
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: May 24, 2012 19:33

Thanks all. It seems 68-71 was a purple patch so I'll go for Let It Bleed, Beggars Banquet and Sticky Fingers and expand outwards from there.

It seems Tattoo You is a popular choice so maybe that too smiling smiley

You're right TaT it is difficult to pick just three!
Just get Exile. That's all you need.

thumbs up

Re: Recommend me three Stones albums
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: May 24, 2012 23:13

Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Date: May 24, 2012 23:49

********So guys & girls please recommend me three Rolling Stones albums that you think I shoudl start with*******


wow, that's a tough one. everybody would probably recommend different ones, since so many are 'recommendable.' you could really recommend three albums from each era lol. considering you liked Ladies & Gentlemen I would recomend Exile, though, since that was the Exile tour and you also get 2 albums fer 1. and Sticky Fingers. thirdly, probably Let It Bleed (or Beggars Banquet) take your pick. nobody ever made a 4 album run like that. nobody. ever.

Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Posted by: jamesfdouglas ()
Date: May 24, 2012 23:57

Some Girls is painfully over-rated.

1. Sticky Fingers
2. Let It Bleed
3. Tattoo You.

When you're done with those, THEN get Exile on Main Street, not before.
Then get Goats Head Soup. Everything else is hit-or miss.


Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: May 25, 2012 00:05

Decembers Children

Exile on Main Street

Tattoo You

Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Posted by: winter ()
Date: May 25, 2012 00:33

Hot Rocks

Brussels (live)

No Security (live)

Buy them all used cds from amazon. None of them are 'proper' studio releases, but you get to hear from their early 1960's stuff through the live versions of 4 tunes from their 2nd-to-last album Bridges. Heck, with YouTube nowadays, this is a pointless question: you can cue up any number of popular or rare RS songs, make your own playlists and listen for hours to whatever you want!! Then after listening to their stuff for a long time, if you need to have a physical copy of stuff, just aim for the 1968-1978 period when they were fun in the studio.

Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Posted by: flairville ()
Date: May 25, 2012 00:55

Stripped is a rarely mentioned gem.

Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: May 25, 2012 05:31

1. Hot Rocks

2. Exile On Main Street

3. Ya Yas

Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: May 25, 2012 06:09

non-greatest hits, studio albums. I could go for any of the big four, but I'll try and pick the best from different eras.

1. Aftermath UK
2. Exile
3. Tattoo You

Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Posted by: whitem8 ()
Date: May 25, 2012 06:40

Only three:
Exile on Main Sreet (you get double the fun for one)
Let it Bleed
Sticky Fingers

Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Posted by: Come On ()
Date: May 25, 2012 08:43

..Undercover-Dirty Work-Majesties and you will go to another fave-band...

2 1 2 0

Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Posted by: stonesdan60 ()
Date: May 25, 2012 11:52

1. Hot Rocks

2. Exile On Main Street

3. Ya Yas

Yes! This is the exact 3 albums I was about to list! smileys with beer

Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Date: May 25, 2012 11:58

Exile On Main Street
Some Girls

A taste of the best from each "era".

Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Date: May 25, 2012 14:51

Dear southak,

As you will have realised by now, althoug visiting IORR is a MUST, after 5 pages filled by genuine band lovers, you will need to buy the Opus Completum.

This is what happens when regarding his children you ask a parent whom love the most.

smiling smiley

Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Posted by: OneHit ()
Date: May 25, 2012 16:20

Based on my own experience, the best three albums to get a newbie into the Stones would be:

Tattoo You
Sticky Fingers
Some Girls

Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Posted by: memphiscats ()
Date: May 25, 2012 17:21

Hot Rocks
Beggar's Banquet
smoking smiley

Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: May 25, 2012 17:33

If the rule is to offer so called studio albums, and not collections, live albums, etc. I think the following three albums would be good ones for a 'newbie' to learn the nature of the game:

(1) OUT OF OUR HEADS (US version, and definitively not the UK version): a great representation of early Stones; some big hits, including the signature hit "Satisfacion"; some great blues and soul covers, live cuts, etc.
(2) STICKY FINGERS: maybe the easiest to grasp of the 'big four' - the most professional album of the band ever; perfect readings of any given musical style; including the smash song "Brown Sugar" and a classic treasure like "Wild Horses".
(3) TATTOO YOU: the last great Rolling Stones album, which also nicely covers the feel of the mid/late 70's era; plus it offers maturity and depthness in many sense no other album does; includes "Start Me Up" and a gem like "Waiting On A Friend".

The next round would include AFTERMATH, BEGGARS BANQUET, and SOME GIRLS... and the person will conclude that 'wow, it is getting just better'... Then maybe s/he will ready for the next attack that is THE ROLLING STONES, LET IT BLEED, and at last but not at least, EXILE ON MAIN STREET...

- Doxa

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-05-25 17:34 by Doxa.

Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Posted by: liddas ()
Date: May 25, 2012 18:49

Since I have quite a reputation for being a stones fanatic, the "recommend me a stones album" is a request I've heard many many times. My suggestions change depending on the minute I am asked (and the % of vodka in my blood).

Based on the feedback I've received, albums that ALWAYS impress newbies are

Tattoo, Exile, Some Girls, Made in the Shade, Black and Blue (incredible, but this is always a winner!), Beggars, Bleed and Hot Rocks.

Albums that surprisingly not always are well received are

Fingers, Soup, Aftermath, Ya Ya's

Albums that surprisingly receive more praises than I would expect are

Undercover, Bigger Bang and Buttons.

Albums that surpringly hardly ever impress the non believers are the early 60's (no. 1, Now and Heads above all) - I don't get it!

Albums that I love but I never dared suggesting are Satanic anc Dirty Works.


Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Posted by: Jan Richards ()
Date: May 26, 2012 02:22

Well, my recomendation would be :

The first one (not the US Hitmakers, but the real one, UK First Rolling Stones)
The last one (A Bigger Bang)
And something there in between, like the Best one of them all: Sticky Fingers

Jan Richards


Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Posted by: Pietro ()
Date: May 26, 2012 03:45

What kind of dumb question is that?

Let It Bleed
Sticky Fingers
Exile on Main Street

The Golden Age of the Rolling Stones.

Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Date: May 26, 2012 05:25

Afternoon everyone.

On the way over to Dubai last week I saw a brilliant concert by The Rolling Stones called "Ladies & Gentlemen..." and it's brilliance reminded me a a gaping hole in my rock'n'roll CD collection - The Rolling Stones.

So guys & girls please recommend me three Rolling Stones albums that you think I shoudl start with to give me a stepping stone into the world of Mick & the boys.



Exile On Main Street
Their Satanic Majesties Request
Bridges To Babylon

Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Date: May 26, 2012 05:27

Afternoon everyone.

On the way over to Dubai last week I saw a brilliant concert by The Rolling Stones called "Ladies & Gentlemen..." and it's brilliance reminded me a a gaping hole in my rock'n'roll CD collection - The Rolling Stones.

So guys & girls please recommend me three Rolling Stones albums that you think I shoudl start with to give me a stepping stone into the world of Mick & the boys.



Exile On Main Street
Their Satanic Majesties Request
Bridges To Babylon

#4. Some Girls Bonus Tracks

Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Posted by: James Kirk ()
Date: May 26, 2012 08:49

Sticky Fingers
Exile on Mainstreet
Let it Bleed

Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Posted by: Nasty Habits ()
Date: May 26, 2012 10:25

I agree. I started off with this old 2LP Story of The Stones at 16 and within a year I had the entire back catalogue right up to Voodoo Lounge.

hm, this is a mission impossible for every Stones fan !spinning smiley sticking its tongue out
and i must quote Rockman :

....... get 'em all..... it's a cool trip

"I've got nasty habits I take tea at three"

Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Posted by: phd ()
Date: May 26, 2012 18:44

a) Aftermath,
b) Get yer Ya Ya's out,
c) ABB.

Re: Recommend me Three Stones albums
Posted by: slew ()
Date: May 26, 2012 19:49

Okay, Rather than do the obvious I will say:
The Rolling Stones - This is a roots album great stuff wild album. Try and put yourself back in 1963-64 when listening and the listen to some other music from those years this is radically different.

More Hot Rocks - Has some great hits and some really good early tracks. I Can't Be Satisfied will show you just how adept the STones are on the blues

Exile On Main Street - For me the best album by the Stones. It is not very "commercial" and it showw the Stones exploring everything from rock, gospel, blues and country.

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