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Guitar Help: Angie
Posted by: Cafaro ()
Date: June 3, 2010 23:24

Hello all,
I am trying to figure this song out by ear..yes ChrisM..I am taking your advice smiling smiley
For the first line of the first verse I have:

Am E or E7 G **F?** E or E7 and Am

Is this correct? I am stuck on the "F". I am truly hoping it is any other of the 7 basic open chords because I hate F more than my first wife.

Please let me know. If it is an F, are there any other chords that sound like an F that I can subsitute for it? I don't want to play a power chord F either.


Re: Guitar Help: Angie
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: June 3, 2010 23:42

I play that song too..I learned it as you have it, but with a quick B flat chord before that F ... then F to C, back to A minor
F is tough! that f--n' F!

hope that helps a bit

Re: Guitar Help: Angie
Posted by: nomis ()
Date: June 4, 2010 00:03

I play it like this: Am, E7, G, F, C. There are some transition notes in there too, like from the C back to the Am, at least that's the way I think of it. In the F and C there's also a suspended 4th. The F is not hard to play if you finger it using just the top 4 strings. Use the pinky to catch the 4th. Same with the C.

Re: Guitar Help: Angie
Posted by: 6853 ()
Date: June 4, 2010 00:20

"but with a quick B flat chord before that F ... then F to C,"
yea that is the trick, a quick Bb before the F
if you ar not sure of Bb, Dminor is close to it

Re: Guitar Help: Angie
Posted by: Cafaro ()
Date: June 4, 2010 00:35

thanks all..............nomis....that is a big help

Re: Guitar Help: Angie
Posted by: skipstone ()
Date: June 4, 2010 00:38

OK - on this one, errrrr, you know what? Don't bother. Ha ha - SKIP it!

There's an E7th in there that is played like a D7th only with the F# on the bottom string (or top string, as some people call it, the E below the A). Isn't there an A# to F in it? I can't remember, don't have my guitar with me.

Re: Guitar Help: Angie
Posted by: Voja ()
Date: June 4, 2010 00:55

Re: Guitar Help: Angie
Posted by: texas fan ()
Date: June 4, 2010 01:18

I never know if the way I play a song is right, but regarding Duke's point, I think I learned it as an Fsus4/F rather than Bb/F...

Mark, if you don't know the Fsus4 chord, try this: put your left hand in the position of an F chord and form the the sus4 by using your little finger to play the Bb (G string, third fret), so the chord you're playing is F (D string, third fret)-Bb (G string, 3rd fret) -C (B string, 1st fret) -F (E string, 1st fret). Then, when you lift your little finger off the G string, it resolves resolves to the F chord.

By the way, on the G, I hear the sus4 sometimes, too. So the chord is (instead of GBD) is GCD, then it resolves to GBD.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-06-04 01:18 by texas fan.

Re: Guitar Help: Angie
Posted by: Cafaro ()
Date: June 4, 2010 01:27

cool Texas...........Im working on that now.

I hope you and your family are well!

Re: Guitar Help: Angie
Posted by: skipstone ()
Date: June 4, 2010 02:46

Just ignore it. There are better songs to learn Cafaro!!!

Re: Guitar Help: Angie
Posted by: Cafaro ()
Date: June 4, 2010 03:08

so true. Brown Sugar next week!

Re: Guitar Help: Angie
Posted by: mstmst ()
Date: June 4, 2010 04:08

Also, the G in the intro is a G suspended 4 (going into the Bflat/F change)

Re: Guitar Help: Angie
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: June 4, 2010 05:46

open G all the way on Brown Sugar! what a fun song to play.

Re: Guitar Help: Angie
Posted by: Marhsall ()
Date: June 4, 2010 06:35

Hey Cafaro you really been jamming out lately when do we get to see/hear?

"Well my heavy throbbers itchin' just to lay a solid rhythm down"

Re: Guitar Help: Angie
Posted by: Cafaro ()
Date: June 4, 2010 17:58

Hey Cafaro you really been jamming out lately when do we get to see/hear?

Thanks man. I have a lot of time on my hands so I am using it wisely!

Re: Guitar Help: Angie
Posted by: mattty973 ()
Date: June 4, 2010 19:55

Does anyone know the acoustic tab for the stripped version? I love the little fills in that version!

Re: Guitar Help: Angie
Posted by: Cafaro ()
Date: June 5, 2010 00:45

sorry. Cant help

Re: Guitar Help: Angie
Posted by: stones77 ()
Date: June 5, 2010 07:05

Angie - There are chords in it I dont even know the name of . I can play it note for note, though.

ring a harmonic on 12th fret A string to start, then strum Am
and do the pinky finger hammer-on

then hit open low E string, and then make a chord (dont know name of it) with ring finger on D string 5th fret, middle finger on G string 4th fret, index finger on B string 3rd fret (leave high E string open)

with that chord pluck in order G string 4th fret, B string 3rd fret, open high E string, D string 5th fret, then all four of them together, and lastly the High E string alone

still with index finger at 3rd fret position, then barre High E and B strings, middle finger stays on G string 4th fret, and ring finger stays on D string 5th fret (same as you had before but now barring B and E strings)

pluck them from D to high E and up again and then slide whole chord shape back to 1st fret, [play chord, and hammer off pinky finger on G string 3rd fret

pluck chord notes from 1st fret high E string to D and back

move to a C chord position but with index finger off (middle and ring fingers in usual C position) but you want to add your pinky on the F note 3rd fret D string

pluck the notes in order of C,(A string 3rd fret) F, ((D string 3rd fret covered by pinky), then open G string.. and then play all three of those notes together but lift off your pinky from the F note 3rds fret and play 2/3rd's of a C chord (minus index finger)

Play Am

Voila! Yer done with the opening

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