So we're all Stones junkies right. During your day to day life,do you tend to qoute Stones songs as a reference. I know I do. Espicially at work they know I'm a Stones fanatic. I tend to qoute various Stones songs. YCAGWYW might be the easiest. Espicilly since it's turned into kind of a cliche. Brown Suagr is always good for a line or two, as is JJF. On a more obscure level,I sometimes use lines from Memory Motel. "It's just some friends of mine busting down the door" always comes in handy,among other lines. Same with No Expectations,that's always good to steal a line or two from. Their is even a very nice lady I work with who is also a Stones fan. I call her Crazy Mama,but she takes it the fun spirit it's intended.
"It's just some friends of mine and they're busting down the door"
I had an office job in the 80s and I used to sit at my desk and sing Luxury in Mick's phony Mexican accent; "I workin' so hard, I workin' for de COMPANEEE! I workin' so hard, to keep you in de LUXUREEE!" I used to get these funny looks from a woman, of Hispanic descent, who had an office near my cubicle. She eventually got arrested for embezzelment, not that I had any idea what she was up to.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2009-12-07 16:29 by tatters.