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Hey squan - why do you find it so difficult to believe that Mick very well could have written it? If Nicky wrote it, then he'd get a songwriting credit. Afterall, Mick did come up with Brown Sugar - but surely he can't play it, as some people love to say. That's the point - he can play it - because if he wrote it, he played it, because he had to be able to play to have written it.
. "I have never seen any demands Hopkins's side for credits." Too true but anyone thinking Nicky would have received a songwriting credit for "Rainbow" had he contributed as a songwriter during that time period is living in lala land.
But the middle piano solo is a different chord structure that appears to have been as a result of Nicky wandering off with his solo.
Its a very neat song, wish they would do it live.
"i've seen and heard it live on the BTB tour in switzerland. it was the "internet-song" of the night. but keith could hardly remember anything and just played that one "vibrato-note" ;-)"
Yeah that just has me utterly miffed. Why bother incorporating the song into a possible set if you dunno what you are doing? Keith could have simply played acoustic rhythm guitar - it's not like there's alot to remember - and given the song something instead of leaving most to realise he had little or no idea of what he was doing. There is no way these internet pics would have ever been dumped on the band that moment on stage. Even more reason for Keith to have done a little homework prior to the gig instead of shooting pool.